The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 549

After a while, Su Jing took a pile of documents from upstairs.

"Why, do you really want to move?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

He thought that Su Jing was joking, but seeing that Su Jing had almost all her usual work materials down, it didn't look like a joke!

Su Jing said, "yes, really move!"

"Don't you love me?" Lin Feng asked, pretending to be pitiful.

"Be serious!" Su Jing said: "the chairman of the board made a major decision yesterday. He changed the acquired Tiancheng Group to Dongqing group and became independent. I will be the director, mayor and President of the company. Therefore, during this period of time, I may be in Songjiang city a little more!"

"To Songjiang?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "well, Songjiang is only about 100 kilometers away from Jincheng. It's only a few hours' drive back and forth. It's also convenient! Besides, I also have an apartment in Songjiang. Although it's small, it's very warm. Welcome to stay here! "

"Your apartment is only ten square meters. Apart from the sofa, which is the bedroom, where do I live? Do I live in your bed?" Su Jing was not angry.

"Oh, little villain, how do you know what I think?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Shameless!" Su Jing said angrily: "I'm sorry to tell you that in order to thank you for your contribution to Dongsheng Group this time, the chairman bought you a big mansion in Jiangbei District of Songjiang city. There are plenty of rooms. If you like, I can continue to live in the same house with you, but live in the same bed. Don't think about it. I'm allergic to men!"

"Oh, do I have a mansion again? This Tang Dong, worthy of being a real estate founder, gives me a house every time. Alas, how can he not understand my mind? " Lin Feng said tactfully.

"What do you think?" Su Jing asked as she put the papers into the box.

"My mind is very simple, the request is not high, a small room is good, send you to my bed by the way!" Lin Feng's cheap smile.

"What a pervert! No shame Su Jing said.

"Oh, you are inhuman. You will fall in love with me sooner or later." Lin Feng said.

"You said that since you met me. Do you think you can succeed?" Su Jing said.

Su Jing said so, but in her heart, she was a bit guilty of murmuring. Indeed, she had a strong sense of dependence on this guy. Her impression of him was also from the beginning of disgust, and now she is such a nondescript emotion.

And the reason why she said that she was unworthy was because she couldn't understand what emotion it was.

She felt that for a long time without seeing Lin Feng, she felt empty and irritable in her heart, but when she saw Lin Feng smiling every day, she would have the impulse to smoke him.

It's a wonderful feeling!

Su Jing shook her head and said, "Lin Feng, maybe Tang Dong will come to you tonight and tell you about the villa, because tomorrow we are going to move to Songjiang to prepare. The day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony of Dongqing group. We invited all the celebrities in Songjiang City, including those from three major families and two associations."

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "do you think they will give you face?"

"Why not? Our invitation has been sent out, and they all said they would come! " Su Jing said.

"I'm not saying that I can't come. You really look down on the scum in Songjiang city. You're an enterprise from other places who go to the local area to grab resources. Besides, you don't have any backers. Do you think they will give you face? So you have to be careful about the opening ceremony Lin Feng said.

"If they look down on us any more, they won't embarrass me that day, will they?" Su Jing said.

"I can't say that!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing thought for a while and thought that Lin Feng was worried too much. She and the people in Songjiang city had no deep hatred. How could they make Dongqing group down!

So Su Jing didn't pay attention to it, but she saw Lin Feng with a solemn face and asked, "are you still worried about the ceremony?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "no, you think too much. The ceremony is your business. It has nothing to do with me. I'm thinking about how many rooms are there in the mansion that Tang Dong gave me this time?"

"I don't know exactly. I heard it was very big. There were at least a dozen of them." Su Jing said, looking at Lin Feng in surprise, "what are you doing with this? I'm afraid I can't live enough? "

"That's not true!" "I can't live in such a big house on my own. If there are enough rooms, I decide to rent out the remaining rooms and give them to some people who need help. I can charge a very low fee, or even no charge!"

Su Jing raised her thumb and said, "yes, you can think of helping others, which shows that you are very loving."

Lin Feng light smile: "Oh, I have love, it is not a day or two days, you don't have to praise me, after all, I choose tenants are conditional!"

"What conditions?" Su Jing asked.

"My tenant must be a young, beautiful, hot single woman. Of course, it's the best to be able to fall in love with me and fight for my room every day! I will arrange the order for them every week. You can rest assured that you will be able to take turns on SundaySu Jing's face was covered with a thick shade, which indicated that a storm was coming.

But Lin Feng didn't seem to see it. He continued: "of course, my personal happiness is a small matter. The reason why I provide rooms for beautiful women is that this society lacks humanistic care, and this society needs more love..."

"Lin Feng, you hooligan, get out of here --" a roaring voice suddenly rings through the whole villa.

"Why are you so angry? Is menopause advanced? Younger than before, sister Shen man has a big temper Lin Feng put on his coat and walked out the door.

Because he didn't find food in the refrigerator just now, he planned to go out and get something to eat.

Su Jing looks at Lin Feng with her hair in her hair, but in this state, she has a kind of seductive beauty!

Lin Feng didn't look back. After he walked a hundred meters away, his expression suddenly became extremely serious. He murmured, "it's hard for Dongqing group to have a foothold in Songjiang city."

Because Lin Feng thought it over, Su Jing and the three families in Songjiang city had no friendship with each other, nor did the officials of Songjiang city have any relationship. Any family seems to be able to bring down Dongqing group.

If we don't say far away, we can say that we are near. We will certainly encounter some troubles just for the opening ceremony of Dongqing group.

Of course, this trouble is not like the small trouble of Shenmao when Dongsheng Group branch opened.

Lin Feng faintly felt that the first day of Dongqing group's opening was likely to close directly.

However, this is only a premonition for him. As for the specific situation, it depends on luck.

Lin Feng thought, or took out the phone, sent a message out, and then, humming a song to eat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!