The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 544

Lin Feng said, fiercely raised a foot, directly kick in the belly of acne.

On my knees, I saw the acne.

"Ah, hi, hi, hi..."

whelk is like diarrhea. Hands cover the stomach, and the sweat drops on the forehead exude. The intonation of painful groaning in the mouth is cadence, which is very funny.

The other three people saw the acne was beaten, obviously did not expect that Lin Feng had no sign of hand, have been angry, one of them toward Lin Feng rushed.

Lin Feng pulled a chair with one hand and stopped him directly in front of him. The man tripped at his feet and fell a dog to grab excrement.

Lin Feng grabs the stool, the stool leg directly rolled on the man's hand, and then, he sat down on the stool.

"Ah --"

the man cried out in pain and tried to pull his hand back. However, he felt that the stool was heavy and could not be pulled back.

The other two men rushed to Lin Feng one after another. The first one came to Lin Feng's face and punched him in the face. But before his fist came to Lin Feng's face, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He was kicked in the heart by Lin Feng first and lost his fighting power in an instant.

And the other came to Lin Feng, a fist toward Lin Feng round.

Lin Feng let the stool two legs on the ground, the body with the stool back a tilt, body strange to maintain balance, avoid the punch.

The man under the leg of the stool screamed more loudly in pain.

Before four legs on the ground stool, all the weight is borne by four legs, now two legs on the ground, equal to double the weight of his hands, suddenly five fingers twitch, unbearable pain.

After Lin Feng's head was raised to hide, the man above rushed to the front of the table and was about to hit it.

At this time, but saw an arm to block his abdomen, let his body instantly stop the momentum of forward rush.

He looked sideways and saw that the owner of that arm was Lin Feng.

The man wiped a cold sweat, if he threw himself on the table, this certainly hit not clear, subconsciously said to Lin Feng: "Oh, thank you!"

"You're welcome. The things in the box are expensive. You can't afford to pay if you overturn it." Say, Lin Feng tiny smile, brandish a fist, hit directly on that person chin, fainted on the spot.

In a flash, all four bodyguards lost their combat effectiveness.

Acne kneeling on the ground, trembling to other people said: "go, we withdraw!"

"Big brother, i... I can't leave!" The bodyguard who was run over by Lin Feng cried out in pain.

Looking down, Lin Feng quickly picked up the bench and said, "ouch, why didn't you say it earlier? I'm sorry, I didn't notice that I ran over you. Take it out quickly, tut tut. I'm afraid your hand will be useless! "

The bodyguard took out his hand in despair and looked at Lin Feng like a devil in hell. He ran away crying.

Acne supported the body, and another bodyguard, picked up the bodyguard who was knocked unconscious, and walked out the door in a gray way.

"Go slow, don't say goodbye!" Lin Feng waved his hand and shut the door with a bang.

"No wonder my sister will like you. You are so humorous even in fighting. You must be very popular with little girls." Said Jin Lengyu.

"Why, I'm fascinated by my heroism? Don't worry. It's a long night tonight. You have plenty of time to get to know me. In fact, I'm not only fighting, but also fighting Lin Feng looks at Jin Lengyu.

"Hooligan!" Jin Lengyu resentfully scolded and then said, "but I have to thank you for helping me beat them away."

Lin Feng laughed, threw the menu to Jin Lengyu and said, "order first!"

"I reserved this hotel in advance, and all the dishes have been ordered. Just let the waiter serve the dishes." Jin Lengyu looks at Lin Feng as if he were a native.

"Oh, the high-end places are not the same. They have to have five stars." Lin Feng said.

"What do you want me to do today? Can you tell me? I don't like roundabout people! " Jin Lengyu said to the point.

"Fast enough!" Lin Feng raised his thumb and then said with a smile, "but I guess you don't like me so cheerful when you are in bed. You want me to grin and haw...

" if you don't talk about business, I'll leave! " Jin Lengyu stood up and posed to go.

"I'm very curious. You're such a lady of the Jin family that you don't even listen to your bodyguards? Have you done anything shady? " Lin Feng said.

Hearing this, Jin Lengyu's face turned cold and said, "you don't have to worry about it."

"Miss Kim, if I guess correctly, the old man of your family does not trust you very much?" Lin Feng said, "because there are many secrets of the Jin family, they have not told you!"

"What's the secret of the Jin family?" Jin Lengyu is stunned.

Lin Feng said, "let me ask you first, do you think the exploration project of Jinjia Dongsheng Group in Jincheng is a simple business cooperation?""Otherwise? Is there any mystery in it? " Asked Jin Lengyu.

"Of course Lin Feng sneered: "the Jin family wants to find the treasure hidden in the ground, blood jade, through this exploration."

"Blood jade?" Jin Lengyu was more surprised, and her face was very unnatural.

Lin Feng is not faking Jin Lengyu's expression. She really doesn't know about the blood jade. So Lin Feng further said: "the gold family wants to get blood jade, so through this cooperation project, we can find the clues of blood jade. But as the leader of this project, you don't know about this matter. What's your position in the Jin family?"


Lin Feng squinted and said with a smile: "don't hold on, I've seen that you are estranged from the Jin family, and you are no longer trusted by the Jin family!"

As soon as he said this, Jin Lengyu took a deep breath. Then, she sat down slowly and laughed for the first time. But the smile was self mocking:

"Lin Feng, you are very smart. I'm really not the kernel member of the Jin family! So, I won't be told a lot of confidential things about the Jin family! "

"Do you know about the blood jade? You Jin family now has a piece of broken jade, which was bought from others. It is a clue of blood jade! " Lin Feng said.

The reason why Lin Feng talked to Jin Lengyu was that he knew that Jin Lengyu and Jin's family were not in collusion with each other. Just now he confirmed this point, so he dared to say about the bleeding jade.

But Jin Lengyu's performance made Lin Feng very headache. Jin Lengyu said, "I haven't heard of blood jade. How can I know?"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "it seems that you have been marginalized by the Jin family. Even the bodyguard you brought last time knows more than you do!"

"You say black impermanence?" Asked Jin Lengyu.

"Yes "The real purpose of that exploration project is much clearer than you," Lin said! He knows what the gold family wants! "

Lin Feng remembers black Impermanence in the order of the Phoenix crescent lake, saw that piece of broken jade, that kind of extremely greedy eyes, so one eye concluded that black impermanence knew this matter.

Jin Lengyu sighed and said, "well, I'm used to it. My sister and I are not members of the Jin family. We are just puppets of the Jin family. We work for the Jin family."

Lin Feng was waiting for Jin Lengyu to say these things. He followed Jin Lengyu and said, "so now, can you tell me, what is the matter with you, the eldest daughter of the Jin family? And your sister Wan'er, has she been hidden by the Jin family? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!