The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 516

The breeze is blowing, the wind is light and the clouds are light.

Jincheng, a new city, shows its flashy and extravagant appearance all day long. The smoke and clouds are still the same, and the neon is still the same.

But in this flashy face, the pattern of Jincheng is undergoing earth shaking changes.

Since Lin Feng killed Bai Li's grandmother on that day, the remaining evils of the mountain Gang no longer dare to do the right thing with Lin Feng. They have raised their hands and devoted themselves to Lin Feng.

As a result, Lin Feng helped Jin Fenghuang swallow up the backers, realizing the unification of the north and the south in the community circle of Jincheng. The order of Phoenix became the largest association in Jincheng, more powerful than the Longkou group.

Jincheng's clubs are now divided into three parts. The order of Phoenix has become the largest one. Jin Fenghuang has hundreds of younger brothers, followed by the Longkou group and finally the drag racing party.

However, the order of Phoenix only seems to be more powerful than the Longkou group on the surface. The Longkou group has a deep foundation, and its status can not be shaken for a time.

However, due to Lin Feng's role, the order of Phoenix and the drag racing party reached a cooperative relationship. The drag racing party started to do car maintenance and used car business. The United Phoenix Club specially held a large-scale car model exhibition, attracting countless customers from all over the world to watch.

For a time, the order of Phoenix and the drag racing party developed rapidly and flourished. Other small associations in Jincheng also paid homage to them, and their momentum had already surpassed the old club Longkou group.

What's more, I heard that the Longkou group suffered heavy damage a few days ago. Long Xiaoqian, the eldest of the Longkou group, was seriously ill and hospitalized. His internal organs were damaged. Now he has not been discharged. Longyang, the son of longxiaoqian, has also been admitted to the hospital, and his leg has been crippled.

For a time, the dragon mouth group was like a sick dragon, unable to lift up the spirit, it seemed that they were almost forgotten.

At the same time, there is another thing, spread all over Jincheng and even Songjiang city.

That is, the legendary cultivator appeared in reality!

In the past, people only often heard about practitioners, but there was no real practitioner around their lives.

However, it has been said that the father and son of long Xiaoqian were seriously injured by practitioners. As for who was beaten, we don't know.

At first, everyone didn't believe it. Then, after careful analysis, the Longkou group walked sideways in Jincheng. Even the leader of the Longkou group dared to fight, and he also made the Dragon Shao disabled. This man must be very powerful. Everyone began to believe that this was the work of practitioners.

Coincidentally, in Songjiang City, the news of practitioners was also spread.

Some people said that at a banquet in Songjiang City, two practitioners were fighting, and the video was also exploded. Both of them could smash the stone with one punch, which was very powerful.

But the video was blurred, and the practitioner's appearance was not clear.

But the people of Jincheng and Songjiang have a new understanding of the cultivator. It turns out that the cultivator is not a legend, but a real one.

As a result, we all began to search for information about practitioners on the Internet. Many people know more and more about the practitioners, especially those young men and girls who are out of their infatuation period. Their worship of the practitioners has surpassed that of Superman Batman countless times.

The little boys play the role of cultivators one after another. They often see this scene in the streets:

boy a says to boy B: you can't beat me, I'm a cultivator, and I'm a later stage of the blood state, ha ha!

Boy B said: I've reached the bone melting state, ha ha ha, die!

Boy a said: when do you practice so fast, I don't do it, I also want to practice.

Boy a sat down and recited the mantra, then stood up and said: ha ha, I'm the first stage of Huaqi state. I can kill you!

Boy B said: I have also practiced. I am the later stage of Huaqi state. I am better than you!

A: you cheat!

B: I didn't!


while the girls gathered together to discuss the beauty and taste of practitioners.

"Do you think the cultivator will be handsome?"

"Of course, I will marry practitioners in the future. They are fierce and handsome, they are superheroes!"

"Do you think our school grass is a cultivator?"

"It's also possible that we'll go back and watch him secretly to see if he can practice in his spare time!"



for a while, the cultivator became a well-known hero. Even Nanfei, the son of nanxiaozhu, called Lin Feng and asked, "boss, did you hear that there were practitioners in Songjiang city. Ah, wow, it's so handsome. One punch broke all the marble!"

"Well, I heard that!" Lin Feng Road.

"Boss, you are so powerful. Are you a cultivator?" Nan Fei asked expectantly.

At this time, Nan Xiaozhu's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Fei, don't talk nonsense. How can uncle Lin Feng be a cultivator? Don't put your mind to this. Learn hard!"

"Alas Nanfei sighed deeply and looked disappointed.

Lin Feng said, "although I'm not a practitioner, I can introduce you to them in the future. I know many practitioners.""Wow, boss, are you so good? Then you should introduce it to me quickly! " Southbound.

"Don't worry, it's not right now. Do you think practitioners are so easy to appear? You are good at learning. If you win the first place in the whole school, I will bring a cultivator to meet you! " Lin Feng smiles.

"Well, I will try my best to get the first place in the whole school. When the time comes, don't cheat me!" Southbound.

"Of course not!" Lin Feng Road.

Then the phone was taken by nanxiaozhu. Nanxiaozhu said with a smile, "Lin Feng, you really can communicate with Xiaofei. How can I not use your methods?"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I can teach you all these methods! Make sure you learn it soon

"Well, then you will teach me!" Nanxiao Bamboo Road.

Lin Feng had a bad smile: "but ah, teaching these needs the environment. We need a soft big bed in the dead of the night. Then we can undress and take off slowly on the top. Hey, hey, I'll do a good job. Oh, no, it's to teach you, hey, hey, hey!"

"Oh! Lin Feng Nanxiao bamboo jiaochen: "you have no business, necrotizing you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"




in the following time, Lin Feng has been concentrating on the study of cultivation.

But after a few days of silence, he got a call from Lao Hu.

Lao Hu called to say that Lin Feng had given him some news.

Lin Feng remembered that he had asked Lao Hu to help him track down the broken jade that had been left in Songjiang city. He didn't expect that Lao Hu was still very quick.

"Where is that broken jade found?" Asked Lin Feng.

"According to reliable information, the broken jade was taken by the Jin family of Songjiang city!" Lao Hu said.

"Songjiang gold family? Isn't it Jin Lengyu's family? " Lin Feng said, "what do they want to break jade for? Do they want to collect clues about blood jade?"

"I don't know that yet!" Lao Hu said.

"The Jin family sent Chu Yuqi's father to steal the blood jade, but Chu Yuqi's father stole the blood jade, but the Jin family regretted not, forcing Chu Guoyun, the father of Chu, to sell the blood jade to the black market. Now more than a decade later, the Jin family has begun to collect clues about blood jade. Are they making fun of it Lin Feng indignant way.

Lao Hu said: "no matter what his intention is, but the strength of the gold family can not be underestimated. If you want to get the quick blood jade, don't rashly conflict with the Jin family."

"Where is the gold family strong?" Lin Feng asked.

Laohu said: "the Jin family has not only practitioners with advanced accomplishments, but also a big family in Kyoto, China. That big family is one of the three big families in China. I'm still investigating which one is. But what can be called the three big families in China. The strength is not playing, so the Jin family is so fearless!"

"I'm not going to take the broken jade if you want me to?" Lin Feng asked.

"Not really. I just suggest that you don't have to be tough. You can use some clever methods to outwit them." Lao Hu said.

"Well, I see." Lin Feng nodded and had some ideas in mind.

Even if it's not blood jade, Lin Feng will have a good meeting with the Jin family. After all, Jin Wan'er's affairs have not been solved yet!

And the third clue of the blood jade must be obtained, and it must not fall into the hands of others.

After that, Lin Feng and Lao Hu chatted a few words, then hung up the phone.

Then, Lin Feng called Jin Lengyu and jokingly said, "JINDA beauty, last time I killed Taotie and avenged your Bai Wuchang, didn't you promise me to stay with me for one night? Now the opportunity is here. When will you have time? "

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