The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 508

The crowd followed and saw a thin young man in jeans with fluffy hair, a pair of diving goggles on his forehead, a large Canvas Backpack behind his back and a delicate wireless keyboard in his hand.

The young man looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with slender eyes and a small nose. At first glance, he looked like a mouse.


Golden Phoenix himself opened his red cap, surprised to see the young man.

It was Lin Feng's younger brother, mouse.

"Mouse?" People, you look at me, I look at you, are a face muddled, this is not a child? What are you doing here?

Is it a ceremony to stop Bai Li Tong Mu? Isn't that a joke?

"Mouse, did you come with the boss?" the Golden Phoenix asked excitedly

"No, I did it myself!" Said the mouse with a firm face.

But his perseverance, always with a pair of never experienced the vicissitudes of the world's naive, let people see the feeling is very cute cute.

Hearing the mouse say that Lin Feng didn't come, Jin Fenghuang lost his heart, but he was also gratified. If Lin Feng didn't come, he wouldn't have any conflict with Baili's grandma and nothing would happen.

Looking at the mouse, Bai Li's granny frowned and shook her head and said, "you boy, how did you break in?"

Today, he was on guard. No one was allowed to let him in except Lin Feng. But how did he get in?

The mouse grinned and said, "I have high technology! Your defenses are just too bad

The diving mirror on his forehead is not actually a diving mirror, but an infrared thermal sensor.

With the glasses on, he could see the area monitored by infrared light and the outline of people beyond several walls through thermal sensing.

In addition, he had been mixing with Lin Feng for so many years, and his skill was relatively agile. He dodged many defenses in advance, and sneaked all the way to the assembly hall.

Is it a little bit of high tech? Why are you here today

"Sister Jin is my sister, and only my eldest brother Lin Feng can be worthy of her. I'm here today to take her for my eldest brother!" Said the mouse.

When the mouse said this, the whole person exuded a strong aura, completely different from the previous dull sprouting, with blazing light in his eyes.

That's right. He's ready to die today.

He couldn't get in touch with Lin Feng for several days. He knew that Lin Feng was very upset about it. He knew that the video completely angered Lin Feng. Let alone the elder Lin Feng, even he was angry. The hundred mile old granny was just an unforgettable evil. If sister Jin married him, the mouse would not go to this barrier!

Therefore, he had an idea. He came to save sister Jin for Lin Feng. After all, he had been hanging out with the boss for such a long time, and he should do something for him.

Since Baili Tongmu is a practitioner with strong fighting power, elder Lin Feng is not his opponent, but he may be defeated by science.

In a few days, the mouse made a kind of remote-controlled miniature bomb robot. He thought that the fighting power of this thing was very strong, and there would be amazing performance on the scene.

After all, no matter how good you are, you are afraid of kitchen knives! The power of weapons, but very powerful!

So today the mice came here, very confident.

As soon as Bai Li's grandmother heard that the mouse was Lin Feng's, she saw a murderous opportunity in her eyes and said with a sneer: "very good. The eldest brother didn't come, but I asked my younger brother to be the dead ghost first!"

The mouse said, "don't talk nonsense. My boss doesn't know I'm coming. Besides, I'm going to take sister Jin for my eldest brother today. None of you can stop me!"

"What a big voice!" Bai Li's grandmother chuckled and said to her bald head, "it's just a hairy boy. Cut off his head for me!"

Bareheaded motioned several people around him to go up with him and make a gesture to rush towards the mouse.

At this time, the mouse picked up the keyboard with one hand and knocked on the keyboard several times. Two flying objects the size of flies flew towards the bald head and others.


Bareheaded see those two small black spots fly to the front, subconsciously hide behind.

At this moment, the two little things suddenly exploded.



two explosions caused smoke and dust, which scared people around to fall under the table.

While the two boys in front of the bald head, who were blown up, fainted on the spot. The younger brother behind him coughed loudly and the smoke and dust was dispersed. However, his face was black and his hair was like being shelled. His eyes blinked and blinked. The white eyes and the dark face formed a sharp contrast, which was very funny.

Just now, the mouse pointed at the pistol and said, "it's very frightening for you to take out a pistol and push it out of your face?"

"Yes, I am very good!" The mouse smiles.At this time, his bald head noticed that there was a buzzing sound in his ears. He was shocked. He looked at the mouse with fear on his face, and his lips trembled and said, "you... You...

" that's right! You have a bomb in your ear. You can shoot me with one shot, but before I die, you will die worse than me

After that, the mouse made an explosive gesture, and its mouth described: "Bang --"

the bald head did not dare to move lightly at this time, and the hands holding the gun began to tremble. After all, the bomb in the ear was still buzzing, which made the brain blossom at any time. It was terrible.

The rest of the people are going to pick up the guy and glare at the mouse.

But the mouse was not afraid and said with a smile, "what are you doing? You think I'm just the three bombs? I have a lot of bombs

With that, the mouse struck the keyboard.

"Buzz, buzz!"

A burst of insects flapping their wings, people around found that it was a group of dense black dots flying out of the backpack behind the mouse, flying all over the room.

"All squat on the ground and hold your head in both hands, or I will detonate all of them, and everyone will die without a corpse!" The mouse gave a big drink.

At this time, no one thought that he was a child any more. At first, people were still holding the attitude of watching the opera, but now they are afraid to run for their lives.

This little guy, it turns out, is a technological genius!

Seeing this scene, Golden Phoenix is also very shocked.

At first glance, there are dozens and hundreds of miniature flying bombs. Although the power of each one is not very impressive, all of these explosions will surely make the whole Parliament hall a ruin.

Jin Fenghuang's heart is filled with hope. She didn't expect Lin Feng's younger brother to be so talented and so powerful that mice might take themselves out.

At this time, the mouse grabbed the keyboard with one hand and inserted the other hand into her waist, and said to the Baili grandma with great pride:

"how about, old pervert, don't let my sister Jin go soon!"

"If you detonate the bomb, you will die. Are you not afraid to die?"

The mouse said, "when I came, I didn't want to be afraid of death. For my eldest brother, Lin Feng, it's worth my death. However, if I die, I must pull you to do the backing! Who let you rob my boss's woman

The mouse said the cloud light breeze light, but one words actually lets the Golden Phoenix admire very much, the Golden Phoenix is proud of Lin Feng to have such a good brother.

Bai Li's grandmother laughed: "good for your boss, but I'm sorry to tell you that these things do not work in front of a practitioner!"

"Don't scare me!" The mouse said, "let go sister Kim soon."

"Ha ha!" With a cold smile, Bai Li's grandmother rushed to the mouse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!