The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 503

"Salad?" The mouse was stunned and said, "boss, don't be kidding. This is not a joke. I searched a lot of news about the cultivator. I found that the cultivator is really powerful. Boss, you are probably not his opponent!"

In fact, when the mouse said this, he deliberately saved face for Lin Feng. Through his search and analysis, it was found that practitioners and ordinary people are not the same thing.

"Oh, you don't think I can beat the cultivator, do you?" Lin Feng asked.

"Boss, no matter how powerful you are, I'm afraid you won't be the opponent of the cultivator. I collected the information about the cultivator and found that the weakest cultivator has two or three times the strength of ordinary people. Although you are powerful, how can you fight against such a monster?" Said the mouse, worried.

The mouse has always been a very strict person, which is related to his occupation. Therefore, he analyzed it for a night and came to this conclusion.

Although the boss is the strongest warrior in the world, no matter how strong he is, he can not be the opponent of the cultivator.

It's like a wolf can't beat a tiger.

So after analyzing the situation clearly, he called Lin Feng at the first time to tell him the danger of the matter.

Lin Feng knows that Baili's grandmother will find him sooner or later, so it's not uncommon to hear the mouse say this, but what he can't stand is that Baili's grandmother took the Golden Phoenix as a hostage to threaten him.

"Why did he threaten me with the Golden Phoenix?" Lin Feng asked, "did he think it was yu'er's death that caused Jin Fenghuang to hire me to come and find Zishu for revenge?"

"No!" The mouse said with certainty.

"Why is that?" Lin Feng felt that the mouse seemed to know what was going on.

The mouse said, "boss, it's just a coincidence that elder sister Jin was caught by Bai Li Tong Mu."


"Well!" The mouse said, "boss, listen to me slowly."


through the explanation of the mouse, Lin Feng understood the general process of the event.

During his stay in Songjiang, great changes have taken place in Jincheng.

Since Zishu's death, the mountain gang has disintegrated. When Lin Feng went to Songjiang City, the remaining evils of the gang were due to disputes over rights, and the leaders and leaders turned their faces one after another. For a time, the scene of separatist regimes appeared.

This kind of trouble has greatly affected the order of Jincheng and even seriously affected the life of normal people. Tragedies happen from time to time. A leader mistakenly killed a 10-year-old child during a fight.

There were several such examples, so for a time, the northern part of the city was in chaos.

The government came forward to suppress it. The surface was calm, but in fact, it was more chaotic behind the scenes.

In places invisible to the government, there are people fighting with each other all day long. Without organizational panic and greed for power, they become very irritable. They kill and chop people easily, which makes people panic in the north of the city.

Jin Fenghuang couldn't see it anymore, so she led his order of the Phoenix to suppress it.

First, for the sake of the society, she wants to use violence against violence, take over the remaining evils of the mountain gangs, and give the society a stable and stable environment.

In addition, she wants to wash the black industries such as the underground casinos of the mountain gangs, and do some legitimate things that are beneficial to the people and the people. Taking the right path is the king's way.

Secondly, she is also for her own sake. She wants to annex the mountain gang and expand the influence of the order of Phoenix to achieve the unification of the north and the south of Jincheng, so that the strength can be against the deep-seated Longkou group in the west of the city.

Therefore, it is quite wise for Golden Phoenix to make this decision.

She led her subordinates to suppress those small leaders in a short period of time. Then she went to the headquarters of the support group and raised the flag to let the gang join the order of the Phoenix.

The backers are tired of helping others. They don't want to go on like this. It's a good opportunity for someone to lead them to make a lot of money!

In particular, Golden Phoenix is such a big beauty, they seldom can cut scissors. This time, they become their boss, so that these men who look up to the goddess are totally addicted to star hunting.

But the Golden Phoenix does not have its own appearance, of course, her appearance is outstanding, but her more powerful is the brain.

She banned underground casinos everywhere, gathered all the people who supported the mountain gangs to the headquarters, then signed a tourism agreement with the government, contracted the tourism projects in the Northern District of the city, trained these people and put them all into the tourism projects. She wanted to thoroughly rectify the bad environment of Jincheng tourism.

After years of mining, Jincheng has become a city with moderate environmental pollution, so she wants to create a fresh fertile soil in such a dirty air.

It has to be said that Jin Fenghuang is really powerful. She has a long-term vision and is very courageous. In only half a month, she has convinced the people of the mountain group.

What's more, she integrated her entertainment industry into the tourism industry. She used her artists and models to speak for Jincheng's tourism, attracting tourists from all over the country. She also signed a strategic cooperation contract with the drag racing party. The Lingyun mountain track of the racing party can be used for tourists to enjoy the rapid and fancy racing performances.It not only makes his tourism industry more bright, but also makes those tourists who are looking for stimulation really have an eye addiction. At the same time, it also brings a lot of income to the drag racing party, so that the people of the drag racing party can show their driving skills and enhance their self-identity and pride!

It's really a win-win cooperation!

In addition, she ordered people to build an inn in the mountains for those who want to visit for several days. The price is reasonable, and the old and young are not cheated.

The name of the inn is yu'er inn.

In memory of her dead sister.

In this way, the Golden Phoenix has helped Jincheng's tourism industry to complete a qualitative transformation, and it also gives a community on the verge of collapse a chance of perfect rebirth.

But when the Golden Phoenix was very busy, bad luck came.

On that day, she came to the headquarters of the support group, intending to call on the people of the group to hold a stage summary meeting. However, she found an old man with white hair and dying life occupying the hall.

Jin Fenghuang didn't understand what was going on. How could he have a sick old man? She also wanted to call the doctor to help the old man see a doctor. As a result, the old man suddenly became violent and killed all the bodyguards of Golden Phoenix in an instant and imprisoned him.

At this time, the Golden Phoenix knew that this old man was the owner of Zishu, Baili Tongmu.

After returning to the mysterious organization for a period of time, Bai Li's grandmother did not expect to return to Jincheng again, but earth shaking changes have taken place.

And Zishu's death, he also returned to Jincheng to know, he learned that Zishu was killed by Lin Feng, indignant, angry, vowed to break Lin Feng into pieces.

At that time, Lin Feng was in Songjiang City, but Bai Li Tong Mu heard that Jin Fenghuang was Lin Feng's woman, so he first imprisoned Jin Fenghuang and spread the news to let Lin Feng fall into the trap.

So the mouse told Lin Feng after getting the news.

Lin Feng listened, but also understand how this so-called coincidence is going on.

It's just that Jin Fenghuang meets an angry Baili granny. Bai Li Tong Mu thinks that Jin Fenghuang is his woman, so she imprisons Jin Fenghuang and tempts her to come to her door.

At this time, the mouse said: "boss, I'll show you a video about Baili Tongmu and Golden Phoenix. You must keep your temper!"

"Don't worry, don't you know what kind of person I am? Send it Lin Feng said.


Lin Feng sent a video on his mobile phone. Although Lin Feng stopped his temper, he still felt angry when he saw the video. , the fastest update of the webnovel!