The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 490

Lin Feng didn't expect that the general didn't play according to the routine, but took up the weapon.

Such a powerful opponent, with a weapon in his hand, has increased the difficulty by another level!

The reason why the general used the knife was that he had told Zhu Tiancheng that the battle would end in less than 10 minutes. After fighting for such a long time, he felt very agitated and wanted to end the battle quickly!

At this time, there was always Zhu Tiancheng's urging voice in the Bluetooth headset inside his ear. He pulled off the earphone in his ear and threw it aside. He waved his sword and rushed to Lin Feng.

He chopped left and right, and Lin Feng dodged and dodged right and left. He happened to hide beside the wooden tea table. Lin Feng raised the tea table and threw it at the general.

The general, however, was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain. He cut the table in two with one knife.

Lin Feng quickly dodged away and said jokingly, "Wow, how hard are you? Angry, right? Ha ha ha


Seeing that Lin Feng didn't pay attention to himself, the general was angry again. Did a Japanese just dare to make fun of himself?


The general raised his sword and chopped at Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng opened the Dodge mode again.

The general was as mad as a madman. He cut his knife at the key points of Lin Feng, but he was dodged by Lin Feng one by one. The knife was slashed on the wall and on the stone pillars. The earth and stone flew in all directions, and the sparks splashed everywhere. It was very domineering.

After Lin Feng dodged his attack, he said with a smile: "Lord general, how can your Sabre skill be as bad as your fist skill? Tut Tut, no fun, no fun! "

The general was furious: "just a Chinese, how dare you laugh at me? If I don't kill you today, I will not be a man! "

The general is like a wild animal. His skin is a little red, and his sword is more and more fierce.

What Lin Feng wants is this kind of state. He laughs and hides by the stone pillar. The general pursues him relentlessly. With the sound of wind and thunder rolling, Lin Feng will be killed with a knife.

At this time, Lin Feng hesitated, but revealed a flaw.

After the general saw this, he was overjoyed and stabbed Lin Feng.

Seeing that the ferocious knife was going to stab Lin Feng's waist, Lin Feng's lip corner aroused a bad smile. Suddenly, his waist twisted. The knife just crossed his clothes and directly stabbed on the marble column, and the blade of the knife did not enter into the marble master.

At the same time, Lin Feng punched the general in the chest.

The general wanted to pull out the knife, but it took time to pull it out. Lin Feng hit him in the throat with a fist!

All at once, the general felt that his throat was stuffy and astringent. Then he felt that his throat was about to be interrupted by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's fist was actually premeditated.

Just now, one of his flaws was revealed on purpose, which was to lead the general to stab him.

Just now, he deliberately provoked the general. The general almost lost his sense. Moreover, Lin Feng blindly avoided, creating the illusion that he could only parry but not fight back. Therefore, the general was even more unscrupulous.

So when he stabbed his knife into the stone pillar, he didn't want to give up the knife for the first time. Instead, he thought that Lin Feng would continue to hide. However, Lin Feng gave him an unexpected backhand.

Lin Feng had planned a good punch speed, so he had no time to react, so he hit.

However, Lin Feng's fist is still very particular. If one punch is directly hit on him, it will not cause much damage.

Although the primary practitioners are not invulnerable, their bodies are as firm as rock, so Lin Feng chose his most vulnerable place, throat.

This place has no muscle tissue and no protective measures. Even if it is invulnerable, this place is also a weak spot.

In addition, the general looked down on Lin Feng completely. Lin Feng's strength was not worse than that of Lin Feng. Therefore, it can be imagined that how much damage this fist has done to him!

At this time, the general was in great pain. His throat seemed to be out of breath. He felt that his strength was exhausted.

At this time, Lin Feng took advantage of the victory and pursued the general with a fist.

The general blocked with his hand, but he was shocked back several steps by Lin Feng.

"What a force!" The general was astonished.

He was surprised that Lin Feng could beat him back three or four steps with one punch. Compared with his own strength, Lin Feng's strength was so strong?

How can a warrior have the power to cultivate? It's incredible!

"Cough... Lin Feng, cough... Are you a practitioner?" The general asked with a puzzled look.

He wants to use this way to ease his injury.

However, Lin Feng took a look at his watch and said, "I'm sorry, I still have five minutes. I don't have so much time to chat with you. Take it!"

Lin Feng rushed to the general and hit him with a fist.At this time, the general's throat is tight, and there is no way to escape.

Lin Feng, like the general who attacked him before, swung his fist at the general and beat him fiercely. The general dodged him one by one. His fist hit the stone pillar, which also smashed the stone pillar. It was very powerful to open it.

"Wow, Lin Feng is so powerful here!" The fire spirit stares at the beautiful big eyes and looks at Lin Feng in shock.

Originally, he thought that only the general's fist was so hard and so fierce. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng's strength was so strong. He seemed to have dug up a treasure, so excited that he almost jumped up.

Jin Lengyu is frowning at this time, this Lin Feng, how strength is so strong? According to Jin's intelligence, Lin Feng is just a king of special forces?

Is Lin Feng hiding his real strength?

No wonder his sister will love him, love death and death, the original man, the surface of disrespectful, cynical, but only a superficial appearance, in fact, he is a peerless master ah!

At this time, Lin Feng chased the general, and his attack became more and more fierce. He was still saying: "three minutes"

"two minutes"

"you and him? Don't run, there is one minute left!"

The general staggered to avoid a few punches, but when Lin Feng said there was still one minute left, he couldn't hold on. He felt dizzy and couldn't use any more strength.

It seems that his throat was still interrupted by Lin Feng.

Only by virtue of the strong body of the cultivator, did it last so long.

His brain has been out of oxygen for a long time, so at this time, he has completely lost his strength.

Lin Feng was about to hit the general's head with a fist. At this time, however, the door was opened with a bang.

The five leaders under the general's seat rushed in one after another, knelt down in front of Lin Feng and said with one voice: "please let the general go of Lin Feng, please!"

Said, several people repeatedly kowtow to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said in Japanese: "if you promise me that you will no longer help Zhu Tiancheng or set foot in China in the future, I will promise you."

"We are the oldest of them. On their behalf, I promise you what you want!" Said the undertaker.

"OK, take your general and get out of China!" Lin Feng said.

"Thank you, thank you Lin Feng!"

All of them nodded and bowed, and looked at Lin Feng with gratitude. It seemed that Lin Feng's words were a gift from heaven, and his arrogance and arrogance had disappeared!

Lin Feng took a look at his watch: "no, NIMA, twenty minutes have passed." , the fastest update of the webnovel!