The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 488

All the people in the mysterious box witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Because the scene on the seventh floor can be seen clearly and heard clearly. What Zhu Tiancheng said and did just now appeared on the big screen.

"Why is Zhu so mean Fire spirit angry way.

Liu Hengyuan was very fond of Zhu Tiancheng's practice and said, "Oh, businessmen, who has no means? Are all members of your community the teachers of justice? "

Baimao also said: "yes, you don't pretend to be a good person. Who doesn't know about your flying snake Gang selling goods in major bars?"


"OK, you've been fighting all the way. Let me be fair!" The Wangs stroked their beards and said, "since ancient times, people have different levels. Those who can stand on top of others are either gifted or have a strong family foundation. It's hard for ordinary people to get over their feet."

The old man of the Wang family stopped and looked at the people and said, "so, ordinary people want to change their fate, want to be superior, they can only rely on means. In this world, there is no justice or injustice. A person who has done all the bad things can also put on a kind coat to do good deeds. A kind-hearted person may become a bad man in a moment! The reason is to survive and live! "

Zhu said: "Zhu's idea is that I can't stand up in the gambling field, even though he didn't agree with me, he was able to stand up before the game Is he mean, or are we

Wang's old man said that the crowd was speechless. Liu Hengyuan was the first to clap his hands and say, "good, good! Don't forget, Lao Zhu is also a great philanthropist in Songjiang city. He has invested in building several schools, and he has aided many poor children. Today, even if he killed Su Jing and Lin Feng, what would happen? It's not too much to help so many people and kill one or two? "

"Not too much, not at all!" White hair said.

"But what if Lin Feng and Su Jing are your friends?" Jin Leng Yu clenched her teeth and said angrily, "if Zhu Tiancheng killed your relatives and friends, would you still speak up here?"

"Hahaha, this is back to the original problem!" Liu Hengyuan said: "he can't kill my relatives and friends, because he doesn't dare to move us. Therefore, this is the role of status. If you want status, you have to go to the top by means. Then, Lao Zhu is using means now. Therefore, we should not criticize him. Everyone has the heart of being superior, and everyone has the right to fight for interests in his own way, I can only say that your friend is pitiful, that's all

"Ridiculous!" Jin Lengyu stomped his feet.

This group of people, is simply eat people do not spit out the bones of the bastards, and then the mouth also said that what the weak eat, is completely for their own dirty behavior to cover up.

However, it is sad that these ideological villains are sitting in the upper class of Songjiang city. Is this the current social situation?

"I want to call the police. Zhu Tiancheng takes hostages and does illegal things." Jin Lengyu said and went out.

At this time, two big men suddenly rushed in outside the box and said, "sorry, the game is not over, you can't leave without permission!"

"Dare you stop me?" Gold cold jade beautiful eyes want to spray fire.

"Stop Liu Heng Yuan drank: "you call the police, even we are involved, you are not allowed to go out!"

The old man of the Wang family said, "Miss Jin, don't be impulsive. Boss Zhu has something to do with the police. Are you useful when you call the police? What's more, once you call the police, everyone in the box will be implicated. Will your family support you to do so? "

The old man of the Wang family is indeed a veteran. His words are well measured and the implication is very obvious.

He is telling Jin Lengyu that if you call the police today, you will offend all the others. Your Jin family will certainly not approve of your practice. The Jin family is not strong enough to compete with everyone else.

Fire spirit also quickly came up to persuade: "sister Jin, I understand your mood, I am very angry in my heart, but we have been wrong from the beginning, and now we can't go back. Even if you go out from here, I believe you can't successfully report to the police. This matter still can't be solved, so please calm down!"

Huo Ling's words are also very reasonable. Even if Jin Lengyu is out of the box, Zhu Tiancheng's people will supervise him. Moreover, they have signed a contract, which stipulates that the gambler can't leave the game in the middle of the game.

Jin Lengyu bit her teeth fiercely. She felt a deep sense of powerlessness. This kind of powerlessness only appeared twice in her life. The first time was the disappearance of her sister Jin Wan'er, and the second time is today.

Jin Lengyu has red eyes and a beautiful face. Because of her anger and disappointment, she appears to be out of her wits.

Liu Hengyuan is a light smile, took a cigar, in his mouth, continue to puff.Other people see Jin Lengyu silent, they also concentrate on looking at the big screen, this fight, can be regarded as an incomparable wonderful duel, they do not want to miss this match.

At this time, in the seventh floor, Lin Feng showed extremely stable psychological quality and excellent tact in the face of a powerful practitioner. When he understood the general's strength, he resolutely took Taiji's soft to overcome the strong to fight the other side.

However, the Taiji that Lin Feng learned is not fighting Taiji in ancient times, but health preserving Taiji. Therefore, its lethality is limited. If we simply want to defend and evade, it will have some effect, but if it is used to attack, it will be a little difficult. So after playing for nearly 20 minutes, Lin Feng did not carry out any effective attack, but the general was always in the attack state State.

However, just after Zhu Tiancheng played Su Jing's picture, Lin Feng changed his face like an angry lion.

He yelled at the general, "do you hear me? I'm very busy, so please get out of the way, or I'll be rude to you! "

The general sneered: "then you put your horse here!"

Lin Feng shook his head, it seems, today to show some real skills!

Lin Feng roared and ran towards the general.

Seeing this scene, the fire spirit in the box cried out happily: "Wow, you see, Lin Feng He, finally began to attack!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!