The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 480

At this time, the beautiful doctor but again raised the medical laser cutting machine, swept toward Lin Feng.

The powerful point of this laser cutting machine is that you can't determine the specific range of his attack, so if you blindly hide behind, you must suffer. Only in the same plane can you avoid the laser line.

And the light of this laser cutting instrument is not obvious. Every time it is swept over, Lin Feng can only judge the direction by the laser mouth. If it is an ordinary person, he will not make three strokes, and he will be absolutely hit.

But Lin Feng is different. He has received a lot of professional training. He knows this kind of laser cutting equipment very well, because he has received the most comprehensive practical training of special forces.

Once he was in the ace of the special operations forces, he had been familiar with all kinds of vehicles, airplanes, guns, instruments and so on. Their slogan was "one enemy against one hundred". They were all-round soldiers. Everything around him could be used as weapons, including those unimportant instruments.

So gas laser cutting instruments, of course, is part of their learning.

Lin Feng was only a teenager when he came into contact with these things. Because of Lao Hu's relationship, he joined the devil's training camp of ACE special forces. However, he showed that in addition to his superior talent, his flexibility, speed, strength and intelligence quotient were far behind those of the adults. Therefore, after three years of training career for ACE special forces, Lin Feng joined the devil training camp, Lin Feng deserves to be the king of special forces and the first one of trump special forces.

His achievements have not been broken.

As for his files, they are only here. Where did Lin Feng go in the next few years? What did you do again? Except for Lao Hu, no one knows.

Moreover, it is precisely in the following years that Lin Feng's growth rate is even more amazing.

So, a few years ago, he was able to use all kinds of equipment easily and skillfully. After several years of training, his skill is more exquisite now.

Therefore, in the face of generals of all kinds, if ordinary people, even ordinary king of special forces, can't resist, but Lin Feng seems to be able to handle it, because his learning is too comprehensive and exquisite. In all fields, he is an elite existence. Otherwise, a group of apprentices who can not be taught have become big people who make people scared.

When Lin Feng dodged the laser cutting machine, he took a close look at the machine. It was made in the United States and belongs to the fiber tube laser cutting instrument. It is characterized by high laser focus, no scattering, and long range. After all the laser is opened, the range can reach 3-3.5 meters.

This is equivalent to the beauty of the doctor's hand with a three meter long knife in fighting with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng can not see the blade, can only rely on the direction of the handle to avoid each other.

At this time, the beautiful doctor saw that he attacked several times, but Lin Feng escaped. He was very surprised, and then the attack became more violent.

Lin Feng retreated while hiding. However, he saw that the beauty was sweeping around. The wax statues on the side were all swept in two by the beauty doctor, which was shocking.

However, the attacks of the beautiful doctor were all hidden by Lin Feng one by one.

At this time, but listen to "Keng" a, beauty doctor is no way in the forward half step.

Obviously, the wire of the instrument is not long enough. The sound just now is the sound of the wire pulling the machine.

This kind of instrument is all operated by super large backstage machines. The little thing in the hands of the beauty doctor is just the laser jet port at the front end. The running machine at the front end and the running machine at the back are connected with wires in the middle. Therefore, Lin Feng is playing and retreating while the beauty is fighting and chasing. The wire is not long enough.

Lin Feng see this, bad smile, and then back out of three meters far, stretching his tongue very angry said: "slightly slightly slightly, now can't hit me?"

"Hum!" The beauty doctor stomped angrily.

Lin Feng obviously knows this instrument very well. Otherwise, how could he know the range of the laser?

At this time, he was standing where the laser couldn't reach.

As soon as the beauty doctor was angry, she threw the laser instrument on the ground and went back to look for other tools.

But Lin Feng went up to pick up the laser instrument and jokingly said, "beauty, you have lost something! I can use it

With that, he turned on the instrument, and the blue flame came out again.


The beautiful doctor didn't expect that Lin Feng understood the instrument, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Damn it, that's careless!

With a bad smile on his face, Lin Feng said, "beauty, why don't you put away such dangerous things? Here you are

The beauty doctor's eyes were wide open, very surprised.

Is this guy stupid? To bring the weapon back?

But when she reached out to pick up the laser, Lin Feng was a bad smile, and suddenly his wrist shook.

"Yi La" a, beauty's mask is falling down.

Because Lin Feng manually adjusted the range of the laser instrument, he directly scratched the line of the mask with the laser, causing the beauty's mask to fall down."Tut tut! It turned out to be a little beauty Lin Feng smiles.

In front of the beautiful woman, face round toot, a little baby fat, looks very Kawaii, like a doll, very good-looking.

But the figure is a mature woman's body, fully confirmed that a sentence: childish face, big breasts.

The beauty was startled and went back quickly. Her big eyes were full of amazement.

I didn't expect that this guy used this instrument more skillfully than his own. He could just grasp the range of the laser and cut off his mask, but he didn't hurt himself at all. This technique is so exquisite.

But the little beauty didn't give up. Her ability was more than that.

He stepped back and pulled out the power supply of the machine, and the laser in Lin Feng's hand went out.

Lin Feng chuckled and threw the laser instrument aside. He said, "little beauty, I'll give you another chance. Can we fight to decide whether to win or not?"

The little beauty frowned, and suddenly she uttered a word in her mouth, as if she were reciting some kind of incantation.

At this time, two wax statues of nurses behind Lin Feng, holding two scalpels, stabbed at the back of Lin Feng's head.

In this scene, the people in the box were frightened.

They didn't expect the little girl to look cute and cute. She even had a mechanism hidden in the wax figure.

And Lin Feng back to the two wax figures, can not see the wax attack.

"It's over

This is Jin Lengyu's first thought.

But the next second, but see Lin Feng mouth spread a smile, a bow forward, easily avoid the attack behind.

"Lying trough? He has eyes behind his back? " White hair exclaimed: "this Lin Feng he's a bit strange!"

"Don't be paranoid!" Liu Hengyuan said: "it may be the angle problem. We don't think he can see it. Maybe he can see it clearly from his angle."

In fact, they all guessed wrong. The principle is very simple. Lin Feng doesn't need to look at it. He can solve this problem through his own listening.

However, there is a simpler way, because the mouse can clearly see the scene in the camera. When Lin Feng heard the mouse's warning, he directly lowered his head and hid in the past.

See Lin Feng again hide in the past, the little girl a burst of anger, pout up the mouth, suddenly is a burst of whoa Wah of strange cry.

At this time, it is a strange scene, but see those patients lying in bed, have activity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!