The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 475

When the tailor floated again, Lin Feng gave a big drink: "southeast, 45 degrees, 16.48 meters away!"

With that, he pulled down a clothes pole and took off a piece of iron on the clothes pole.

At this time, the tailor was floating in the sky, and three poisonous needles were shot at them respectively.

Lin Feng waved his clothes pole.

"Very well!"

The three poisonous needles were stuck on the clothes pole.

And Lin Feng will be in the hands of the iron catapult out, the iron sheet speed is very fast, through a piece of cloth, momentum.

When approaching the roof of the shed, "bang" sound, a burst of sparks suddenly appeared on the iron sheet.

However, Lin Feng judged the specific position of the pressure, and directly ejected the iron sheet and cut off the pressure.

"Ah --"

the tailor was floating in the air when he suddenly felt unbalanced and fell down.

She is four or five meters high from the ground. One leg is still numb and unconscious at this time. If she falls on the ground, she is bound to get hurt.

However, at the moment of her landing, she was firmly caught by a pair of big hands.

"Beauty, be careful, this aerial work is dangerous!" Lin Feng a face base Xi smile way.

When the tailor saw that he was held by Lin Feng, he was suddenly embarrassed. Unexpectedly, he fell into the arms of the enemy. What a shame!

But this kind of feeling is very wonderful, this man's arm is very strong, has a kind of very stable feeling, moreover, he regardless of himself is the enemy, unexpectedly catches himself below, is really very magnanimous!

But she quickly shook her head, how could she think so? He is the enemy. We must kill him!

Thinking of this, her eyes burst out a killing opportunity.

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "beauty, you are so beautiful!"

The tailor understood some Chinese language. Lin Feng's words immediately shook her mind. She was suddenly shy again, and the murderous opportunity in her eyes suddenly faded.

But Lin Feng felt out three poisonous needles with a smile. He pulled them from the clothes pole, and quickly pricked one into the tailor's two arms and one leg: "you are too lively. You can't move this time!"

"You -" the tailor thought that Lin Feng was a generous and warm man, but he didn't expect that this guy was a black man.

Lin Feng put the tailor in the colorful silk cloth roll and said with a cheap smile: "beauty, lie quietly for a while. By the way, remember to go to the hospital within two hours, otherwise it will be easily disabled. Come on! Mamda

Then he turned and left.

The tailor's face was full of resentment and anger.

"Ha ha! This Lin Feng is really interesting

In the box, fire spirit pointed to Lin Feng and laughed: "I feel I like him a little bit!"

"Shit, he lost again!" However, Baimao yelled angrily. He turned his head to Zhu Tiancheng and said, "old Zhu, what's the matter? Didn't you ask you to arrange some cruel people? What does it mean to be a lady? "

"What's wrong with women? Have you been beaten two times by women? " Fire spirit teases way.

Her fiery red hair like one side of a swing, full of irony, that beautiful face because of the expression of banter and more sexy.

"Shit, you're just lucky!" White hair yelled.

Then he clenched his fist and said, "dead Lin Feng, can you still insist on it? I'm going to throw him all the way today. Shit, I want him to lose!"

Liu Hengyuan is a ha ha smile, he bet Lin Feng win, so he is silent.

In this game, Baimao lost, so Baimao was very angry. He threw all his Qi on Lin Feng. Staring at Lin Feng on the screen, he felt that his teeth were almost broken!

In other words, they only win the other side's money. After each game, the dealer will give the odds, and then the dealer will take the draw. If it is really impossible to win the other party's money, he will bet on the top or choose the current game. In short, Zhu Tiancheng will never lose, only earn the share of the draw.

Zhu Tiancheng said to Baimao with a smile: "Oh, don't worry at first. I said that the masters are all in the back. Those masters behind are more powerful than the others. Lin Feng has broken through two passes now, and has spent a lot of energy. He will be more dangerous behind. I personally hope that the faster he fails, the better. But I will not mislead you. Please make your own bet !”

Huo Ling has won two rounds, and she is more and more confident in Lin Feng. She feels that Lin Feng is a man who is not simple. From his smile, she can feel that he has a rich experience and is very cynical. She doesn't care about anything.

This kind of person is either a second rate goods, remember to eat not remember to fight, or is a master, strategists, the kind of decisive thousands of miles.

Obviously, Lin Feng should be the second. He even went down to two cities. He was so relaxed. Huo Ling decided that Lin Feng would not lose in recent years.

Of course, unless Zhu Tiancheng gets some big guy in the back seat, maybe Lin Feng will be in danger.

But these times, still bet Lin Feng to win, this man, very interesting, fire spirit is very like."This game, I bet Lin Feng to win Fire Ling said, bet on the tablet.

Wang's old man also felt Lin Feng's fierce place, he said: "this game, I also bet Lin Feng to win!"

Liu Hengyuan is eyebrow a pick, looked at Zhu Tiancheng: "old Zhu, you in the end he is no master?"

Zhu Tiancheng said, "of course, there are all of them."

Liu Heng said: "then I believe you, I bet Lin Feng lose!"

Now it's Baimao and Liu Hengyuan who have defeated Lin Feng, and Wang's old man and Huo Ling have won.

Zhu Tiancheng looked at Jin Lengyu and asked, "Miss Kim, what do you say? Win or lose? "

"Hum!" Jin Lengyu snorted coldly, and refused to comment.

Liu Hengyuan teasingly said: "of course, Miss Kim wants his wild man to win, otherwise?"

"Liu HengYuan, you fart!" Jin Lengyu can't care about his image and scolds Liu Hengyuan.

"Oh, well, well, Miss Kim, this game will be regarded as a waiver."

Zhu Tiancheng scratched his head, but he felt helpless. The two people pinched each other. It was really a headache.

At this time, Lin Feng came to the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, when you enter the door, you can see the whole body in a big mirror.

Lin Feng didn't want to think about it. He went straight in front of the mirror, wiped his face and looked at the mirror with a smile: "mm-hmm, not bad. This man is so handsome!"

He walked around the mirror and walked into the hall.

Because it's only through the hall that you can find the stairs.

However, after crossing the mirror, Lin Feng found that the hall was full of mirrors.

Side by side, both sides of the mirror are mirrors, placed at different angles. You can see more than n of yourself when you are in it. At one glance, you can't count how many shadows there are.

Moreover, the mirror, not a glass mirror, seems to be made of some kind of flexible material. Once you connect it with your hand, it will sink in, then release it and bounce back again. It will be as smooth as before.

"It's interesting." Lin Feng faint smile, the heart is already understood, this mirror, is some kind of props.

But there are mirrors everywhere. What is the owner of this floor?

Lin Feng was thinking about it, but he heard a deep sigh coming from close at hand! , the fastest update of the webnovel!