The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 468

The general came to China in person for two things.

First, look for blood jade. Second, kill Lin Feng.

Looking for blood jade is a big project. The father of the former general came to China for blood jade.

At that time, many experts came to Jincheng and Songjiang, and the major forces were intertwined and interwoven. For the mysterious treasure blood jade, they declared war on each other, making a storm all over the city for a time.

Until the end of the day, the general's father did not witness the blood jade, which was a great regret in his life. Even when he was dying, he said that he had not seen the most precious blood jade in his life. It was really sad!

For the sake of his father's last wish, the general has been searching for clues to blood jade. He heard his father say that the whereabouts of blood jade stone must be known by one person, who is an aborigine in the Northern District of Jincheng, whose surname is Chu, and his name is Chu Guoyun.

Chu Guoyun is Chu Yuqi's father. In those years, he stole the blood jade and sold it to the black market. Then, in order to avoid the pursuit, he fled to other places and disappeared.

However, the general did not give up this clue. He sent actors to keep an eye on the Chu family in China. On the Mid Autumn Festival, Chu Guoyun appeared, and the actor appeared in the Yun family of Chu state, trying to force him to tell him the whereabouts of the bleeding jade.

But unexpectedly, that day, Lin Feng was also at Chu Yuqi's house, but killed the actor directly.

This time, Lin Feng and the general began to tie the knot.

The general sent a driver to China to assassinate Lin Feng, but he was abused by Lin Feng, which has become half a disability.

The contradiction between Lin Feng and the general escalated again, almost to the point of irreconcilable.

Then, some time ago, Lin Feng killed all the ten warriors under the general's seat without mercy.

At this point, the general and Lin Feng hatred, has reached the peak, the general this time, vowed to take Lin Feng's life.

By this time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and the banquet should officially begin.

Zhu Tiancheng whispered with the general, as if he had plotted something, and then he went downstairs with the general.

At the bottom of Tiancheng club, the distinguished guests who should come were also present. There were many business owners, dandies and rich girls, one by one holding wine glasses and smiling, trying to show their hypocritical upbringing.

And Tiancheng club itself has hired a lot of male and female models for us to play with and set off the atmosphere of the banquet.

So the scene is very happy, people are in groups, chatting, the models are also crazy interaction with the big guys, all want to catch a man made of gold at such a party.

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng stood on the stairs at the door of the club, holding a microphone to address the banquet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to invite you to the banquet today for two reasons. First, my partner, general Japanese, is coming to China. In order to welcome him, I specially invite you people from Songjiang city to attend this welcome meeting. Thank you for your recognition. Please give my good partner general Japan some enthusiasm."

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a burst of applause.

Usually only listen to the general's name, but not the general. Today, I finally see a living one, and they are excited like seeing a star.

The general also politely saluted everyone and responded with a smile.

Zhu Tiancheng continued: "the second point I want to hold this banquet is to provide a platform for mutual communication. I hope you can use this banquet to communicate with each other and cooperate with each other in business in the future."

When they heard this, they could not help but give a thumbs up.

"The big guy is really kind-hearted and generous. It's really good to pay out of his own pocket to provide us with convenience."

"Yes, the boss is so good to his partner that he should pay such a high price to meet him. He is really a conscientious partner!"

All around was a burst of praise for Zhu Tiancheng.

Su Jing also said to Lin Feng, "look, Lin Feng, I'll tell you, Zhu Tiancheng is just offering us some communication opportunities. Don't think too bad about others!"

Lin Feng's eyes were fixed on the general on the steps, but he did not speak.

Because he can feel the general's murderous spirit. A man with such a strong murderous spirit must be an expert!

"Lin Feng, what are you thinking? I'm talking to you Su Jing said.

"Oh, nothing?" Lin Feng said: "that what, you also don't think Zhu Tiancheng is so kind-hearted, everything should leave a mind!"

"Well, I will, but don't always say that he has problems. Look at Zhu Tiancheng now. He looks like a decent businessman." Su Jing said.

"Ha ha, you are too simple!" Lin Feng said, "well, don't talk about this topic, and see what other programs he has?"

On the other hand, Zhu Tiancheng saw that all the people were praising him. He was quite satisfied and said aloud:

"I won't delay everyone's time. Later, I will call others to preside over the banquet. I have some small matters to deal with, but this will not delay the enthusiasm of the banquet. So I announce that the banquet is officially started"Bang"


the fireworks are in full bloom, and the colorful lines are drawn in the dark night sky.

With the sound of the gun salute, the banquet was just beginning.

The hall door on the first floor of Tiancheng club was opened, and the lights were on. People came in with the music. Under the guidance of those male and female models, many people danced with the music, looking like they were singing and dancing.

At this time, Zhu Tiancheng walked up to Lin Feng and Su Jing.

"Brother Lin Feng, I'm really glad that you and Miss Su can come here." Zhu Tiancheng said with a smile.

"Well, we gave you a face, and now we can go!" Lin Feng smiles, then takes Su Jing's hand and says, "general manager Su, I'm gone."

"Lin Feng! What are you doing? " Su Jing grabs Lin Feng, stares at Lin Feng, and then says to Zhu Tiancheng with a little gratitude:

"we still have to thank Mr. Zhu. After all, you have provided such a platform for us. Our Dongsheng branch has just entered Songjiang City, so it is urgent to have this kind of exchange opportunity. This is your timely help!"

"Oh, Miss Su's words are heavy." Zhu Tiancheng said with a smile, "it's just a little help!"

At the same time, his eyes swept up and down Su Jing's body, and his eyes became more and more greedy, and he said:

"by the way, I invited some important people to play a game on the top floor today. There are people from three major families and two major associations. This is a rare opportunity for communication in a thousand years. Would you like to have a seat with Miss Su

Su Jing said: "if I have such a good opportunity, I am willing to participate. It will play a decisive role in the future development of Dongsheng Group in Songjiang city."

"Miss Su is right! He is worthy of being an excellent leader of Dongsheng Group. His vision and wisdom are indeed superior to others! "

Zhu Tiancheng flatters and grins at the same time. Looking at Su Jing at this time, he is as happy as seeing the prey.

However, Lin Feng said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, I don't think it's fun to go there."

Su Jing knew that Lin Feng was worried about her. She pursed her lips and whispered to Lin Feng: "this opportunity is very important. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Dongsheng Group. I really don't want to give up! What's more, there are three families and two associations upstairs. Zhu Tiancheng can't do anything harmful to others at all! "

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng sneered and made no noise.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't refute, Su Jing told Lin Feng with a smile: "OK, OK, wait for me below. I'll try my best to get down!"

With that, he followed Tiancheng to the elevator.

However, as soon as the elevator door was closed, Zhu Tiancheng turned back, and suddenly gave Lin Feng a sneer, then turned to talk to Su Jing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!