The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 466

Liu Hui's calculation is far from enough.

He didn't expect that his carefully planned bureau had long been seen through by others, and he was still performing like a clown.

What a shame!

He lost his confidence in a moment. He was a schemer who planned to squeeze money from the company. He secretly forced his colleagues to leave their jobs. They had no right to sue others to court. On the contrary, they would sue him!

Nan Xiaozhu was very angry. He threw the penholder on the desk to Liu Hui and said, "Liu Hui, you mean person, what can't you do for me? My son is only 13 years old. What are you doing with him?"

It's not surprising that nanxiaozhu is angry. The rules of the river and lake are not as bad as those of his family. However, a colleague of a company doesn't even talk about these rules. It's just a man with a beast's heart, and he's extremely shameless.

If Lin Feng didn't help in time, Xiaofei would suffer, or they would be forced to leave Songjiang City, where they were born and raised.

That result is very sad! Liu Hui is really harmful to people!

Su Jing was even more angry. Her big eyes almost burst into flames.

Liu Hui, for his own personal gain, not only framed his colleagues, but also intended to collude with other companies to defraud Dongsheng Group's property. This kind of person is too hateful. Why didn't he find out earlier?

If it wasn't for Lin Feng today, she would not have found this guy, and Dongsheng branch would have been plagued by this guy.

What a shameless scum.

"Liu Hui, you kind of person, I should have seen through you earlier!" Su Jing said angrily.

Lin Feng said: "Liu Hui, next, you will wait for the court summons. If you collude with external partners to defraud the company's money, you will be sent to prison. Moreover, feisan has no grievance against you. You send someone to smash his car. I believe that he will come to you soon. Prepare to meet zifeisan's anger, ha ha ha ha!"

I'm afraid there will be no good days after the court's summons and feisan's pursuit.

Liu Hui's face was as earthy as before. He had already lost his arrogance. He suddenly ran over and knelt down in front of Lin Feng. He hugged Lin Feng's thigh and cried, "Lin Feng, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't do it right with you. Please forgive me, I dare not!"

"Go away, scum!" Lin Feng kicks Liu Hui away with a kick and turns his head against the leg of the stool, and the blood goes out like no money.

Liu Hui's brain was dizzy and his skull was aching. But he knew that he had asked for it. Everything was fine. Why should he have a bad mind? It's all up to you!

He endured a sharp pain. Seeing that Su Jing was right beside him, he knelt down and rubbed over. He grabbed Su Jing's ankle, lay down on the ground with a snivel and tears and said, "Mr. Su, Mr. Su, you are a good man. There are old people and children in my family. If I go in, no one will take care of them. Mr. Su, please! Please don't sue me

Then he kept kowtowing.

If he is a defendant, he will not only face punishment, but also come out of prison. With this black history on his resume, he will not be able to find a job. He will give an account in his life.

So he must not go to prison, this is not just a matter of a few years, this is a lifetime!

When Su Jing saw that Liu Hui, a man in his thirties, was crying with tears and tears, and the blood on his head was still pouring out. She was very embarrassed. She could not help but feel compassion, pursed her mouth and looked at Lin Feng!

After all, it was Lin Feng who got it done, so she wanted to ask for Lin Feng's advice.

Seeing Su Jing looking over, Lin Feng naturally knew that she was asking for advice. He frowned and said to Liu Hui:

"my husband dares to do what he wants. Do you want to see your advice? What does it look like! I'll give you a chance! If you really want us to forgive you, first of all, you have to pass the level of general manager Nan, he is the biggest victim! "

"Good, good!" Without saying a word, Liu Hui turned his head and went to hold Nanxiao bamboo's thigh.

Nanxiaozhu had been on guard for a long time. He retreated directly and said, "colleagues, as long as you don't do this again, I can forgive you for this matter!"

Although the mouth said so, but nanxiaozhu's heart is not the strength, by this guy pit so badly, so let him?

However, it seems that he is too stingy, especially in front of the general manager su. He must have the wind of a great general and can't haggle over every detail. Therefore, nanxiaozhu made this decision with difficulty.

Seeing that nanxiaozhu had forgiven her, Su Jing did not want to lose her demeanor. She said, "well, I also forgive you."

Su Jing also chose to forgive Liu Hui this time because she had worked for so many years in Dongsheng Group.

However, her psychology is also the same as nanxiaozhu, a little unable to swallow this tone, very unwilling.

But another thought of the situation in Liu Hui's family is that there are old people on the top and small ones on the bottom, which is not easy. So he tangled repeatedly and finally chose to forgive.

"Thank you, thank you two managers!" Liu Hui said that he was going to go outside."Are you going now?" Lin Feng said, "it seems that you are still stubborn?"

"What's the matter?" Liu Hui asked in surprise.

"You've patronized two bosses, haven't you? I'm a security guard? Don't you plan to? The evidence is in my hands Lin Feng Road.

At this time, Liu Hui reacted and ran back and said, "I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Please let me go."

Lin Feng looked at Liu Hui with a smile: "want me to let you go, right?"

"Mm-hmm!" Liu Hui nodded repeatedly.

Lin Feng suddenly swung his arm and slapped Liu Hui in the face.


Liu Hui yelled, two teeth with a blood line flew out of his mouth.

Right face is more swollen than before, swollen like half a grapefruit, very exaggerated.

Liu Huitong's eyes straight out of Venus, covering the most ah shouting.

Lin Feng said, "this slap is for Su Zong to beat you. She has worked so hard to cultivate you, but you will repay the kindness with the vengeance, and you are ambitious! It's time to fight! "

Finish saying, it is a foot suddenly, toward Liu Hui's stomach to kick past.

With the sound of "Putong", Liu Hui was kicked and flew back. He fell heavily on the ground and couldn't get up.

"I gave this to you for Mr. Nan. Mr. Nan thought you were a right-hand man, but you built a plank road to persecute him. Can you trust him? It's time to fight! "

Liu Hui was lying on the ground, crying bitterly. He was born today. He has not been so badly hurt. This time, he will be remembered for a lifetime!

However, Lin Feng is not finished, directly forward, a foot fierce kick in his inner thigh muscle.

"Ah --"

Liu Hui's thigh was kicked and trembled. This kind of pain is really unbearable. His leg pain instantly lost his intuition and was numb.

Lin Feng kicked his muscle tissue, more than ten days, certainly can not get out of bed.

"I gave you this kick for Xiao Fei, the son of general manager Nan. He acted as your chess piece for no reason. He was chased and killed by social people. You are the chief culprit. You should be beaten!"

"As for me, if you can get out of this office in five seconds, I will forgive you!"

After that, Lin Feng began to count down: "Five"




at this time, Liu Hui had no strength to stand up, his face swollen quickly blocked his eyes, but his strong desire for survival forced him to use his strength to eat milk and bite his teeth straight out.

He crawled quickly, hands and feet, one leg drooping, like a lame dog.

Su Jing and Nan Xiaozhu are very happy in this scene. They have already swept away their reluctance!

"You deserve it, that's what you should do to him!" Nanxiao bamboo is also a vicious curse.

Su Jing sighed: "he asked for it on his own, no wonder others!"

After that, Su Jing looked at Lin Feng and immediately felt grateful: "Lin Feng, you really have made great achievements! Not only helped him to find the president of Nan, but also helped Dongsheng Group except for an internal ghost. He made great contributions

"Oh, I'm a low-key person. What's wrong with me? Everything is just floating clouds." Lin Feng said with an indifferent face.

But suddenly, he remembered Su Jing's promise. Su Jing said that if he could bring Nan Xiaozhu back to work, she would promise him any request.

"By the way, Mr. Su, you promised me. Now it's time to honor it?"

Hearing this, Su Jing also remembered the incident. Then she coughed awkwardly. With a wave of her white jade hand, she pretended to be nothing and said:

"what commitment? Anyway, in your eyes, everything is just floating clouds, don't mention it! "

"No, no, no, this is not Fuyun. You promised me anything!" Lin Feng said seriously.

Su Jing's lips lit up and she said, "have I promised you? No, you must have mistaken your memory

With that, he turned his head, and he couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker. Then he turned his head and looked at Lin Feng seriously.

"I wipe! You are very skinny Lin Feng said, "when did you practice this woman? You can be more shameless than me. I have seen it today!"

"If I am shameless one day, I must have learned from you." Su Jing said, "I've lived upstairs and downstairs for such a long time. If I don't learn the skills you can rely on, how can I deal with you?"

"Oh, yes, we have made progress. It seems that our life together will be more interesting in the future." Lin Feng squinted and laughed.

He didn't expect that Su Jing had such a side that she could play tricks and make jokes.

Before that, Su Jing gave him the impression that he was very cold and did not eat people's fireworks. She was always serious.

However, Su Jing spent a lot of time with Lin Feng. Looking back on the long time since Lin Feng went to Dongsheng Group, she has paid so much for them. Suddenly, she was very moved. So when she came to Songjiang City, she also wanted to thank Lin Feng.Therefore, she would not put on airs with Lin Feng.

What's more, the most important thing that prompted her to change her attitude towards Lin Feng was that she found that Lin Feng was not around her. She was always flustered and fidgety, and even had a dream one night. She even fell in love with Lin Feng and was shy to death.

After seeing Lin Feng today, she was very happy and at ease. With Lin Feng beside her, she had a good sleep.

She didn't know what was wrong. He checked it on the Internet, and all the netizens said the same thing: "Congratulations, friend, you are in love!"

"I should have fallen in love with a man!" Su Jing was extremely shocked and extremely resistant, because her mother said that men are demons and will destroy women.

However, she can't wait to see Lin Feng.

So, with a tangled mood came.

Su Jing's attitude towards Lin Feng is not as cold as before. However, she is deliberately telling herself not to love him but to look at him from a distance.

At this time, Lin Feng's mobile phone rang.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, the voice of that old Hu said with some anxiety: "Stinky boy, trouble is coming!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng asked.

"The Japanese general, the master I mentioned before, arrived in Songjiang city in China today." Lao Hu said in a rather serious tone: "he took the remaining four leaders under him. His first goal is to kill you!"

"Old man, why are you in such a hurry? Is he above me? " Lin Feng asked.

"According to the rumor, it should be above you!" Old Hu said: "so this time, you must not be careless!"

"Good!" Lin Feng gave a faint smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!