The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 463

Lin Feng returned to the single apartment of Dongsheng Group branch. He just wanted to have a rest, but he received a call from Su Jing.

"Lin Feng, I'm in the branch office. Where are you? I'll discuss something with you! " Su Jing said.

"I'm in the apartment. I'm going to lie in bed for a while, or you can come and talk to me in bed if you have any words!" Lin Feng said.

"Be serious!" Su Jing said angrily, "I'm in the general manager's office of the branch. I'd like to talk to you about something. Come here for a while."

"Oh, what do you have to go to the office?" Lin Feng Road.

"It's very urgent. You can talk about it when you come." Su Jing said.

Lin Feng mumbled a few words, then began to change clothes.

However, he thought about it for a second and talked to Su Jing, because he found that nanxiaozhu's resignation had something to do with a person in Dongsheng branch. That person was Liu Hui, the vice president of the branch, whom he had humiliated several times before.

After he found out that Liu Hui's whereabouts were strange, he intercepted Liu Hui's phone several times and found that he had a big problem, so he happened to expose the treacherous villain with Su Jing.

When he got to the branch office, he went straight to the general manager's office.

Su Jing is now in the general manager's office, which used to be nanxiaozhu's office. Now nanxiaozhu has left and is vacant for a few days.

When Lin Feng arrived at the general manager's office, he saw not only Su Jing, but also Liu Hui, deputy general manager.

Liu Hui was founded here at the beginning of his branch office, and was transferred from the Dongsheng Group headquarters in Jincheng, so he had an eye liner at headquarters. When he came to Su Jing, he immediately knew it, so he just came to flatter.

As soon as Lin Feng opened the door, he happened to hear Liu Hui saying bad things about nanxiaozhu. He said that nanxiaozhu didn't take the company seriously. He said that he was not polite at all.

He also showed his loyalty everywhere, saying that he would never leave Dongsheng Group in his life.

See Lin Feng come in, he immediately silent.

Lin Feng didn't hear anything, and then asked Su Jing, "what's the matter with coming to the branch in a hurry?"

"It's about the selection of the general manager of the branch company!" Su Jing said: "branches can't be leaderless, so we have to find a talent line to replace nanxiaozhu as soon as possible. I think Liu Hui has been working in Dongsheng Group for a long time. It's time to give him a chance."

"You want Liu Hui to be the general manager, don't you?" Lin Feng looks at Liu Hui.

At this time, Liu Hui looked at Lin Feng with a trace of pride on his face. He thought to himself, general manager Su is very optimistic about me now. What can you do with me? Now that nanxiaozhu is gone, there is no more suitable candidate. Only I can shoulder the heavy responsibility, so this position belongs to me.

Su Jing said, "otherwise, what else can you do?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I have two questions to ask. First, I don't know Liu Hui's general business ability. But don't blame me for my bad speaking. I doubt his ability. Can Dongsheng branch be bigger and stronger?"

"Second, what if general manager Nan Xiaozhu suddenly changes his mind and comes back? Are we going to expel the general manager of Nan for Liu Hui's sake? South always is a rare talent

Su Jing frowned and thought about these two questions.

Su Jing was also worried about the first point mentioned by Lin Feng.

Dongsheng Group branch is the first step and the most important step for Dongsheng Group to stride into Songjiang city. If you find a person with weak business ability, this step may not be a good one! The reason why Liu Hui has not been the general manager for so many years is that he really lacks some abilities, which is what Su Jing is most worried about.

He's not even half of nanxiaozhu.

It's just that I can't do it now, so I'll replace him.

Su Jing has an answer to Lin Feng's second point, that is, she doesn't think nanxiaozhu can come back, so she doesn't have to think about it at all.

"Lin Feng, let me answer you first. First, we can cultivate Liu Hui's ability slowly. After all, the top priority now is to have a leader. Secondly, nanxiaozhu will not come back. I have invited her more than once. Her attitude is very firm, so there is no need to consider the second point! " Su Jing said.

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Liu Hui was not satisfied for a long time. After listening to Su Jing's explanation, he quickly said:

"yes, I have a strong learning ability. I love Dongsheng Group, and I can do my best for Dongsheng Group!"

After that, he turned his eyes and said, "what's more, nanxiaozhu thinks that her work is a child's play. If she can't say it, she won't come. She doesn't dare to bear the burden of Dongsheng Group. She's afraid that she can't do well, so she's afraid to abscond. What's wrong with her family? It's an excuse

Then, he went to Su Jing and swore: "Mr. Su, you are the most brilliant. If I Liu Hui can be the head of this branch, I will go all out to go through fire and water."

"What? Is the crotch on fire Lin Feng laughed.

"Lin Feng, seriously, don't make fun of it!" Su Jing said solemnly.Liu Hui always wants to speak up with his own strength

"Lin Feng, I'm telling the truth!" Liu Hui hate Lin Feng hate teeth itching, this Lin Feng is too cumbersome, really hate the dead.

At first, he thought that he was certain to do the boss, but Lin Feng was really a bit dangerous.

He had long thought that if he could be the boss of Dongsheng Group, he would cooperate with his brother-in-law's company to squeeze Dongsheng Group's money.

How can I say that I have been working in Dongsheng Group for several years without any credit or hard work. It's OK to squeeze a little money from you, and I can make a quick fortune. As for the development of your Dongsheng branch, I don't care about you!

The development is good, is own merit, continues to be the boss, the scenery is infinite.

If you don't have a good development, you can take the blame and resign. But you have earned a lot in private. Do you still care about your poor job?

So it's a good idea to have the best of both worlds, but the premise is that you must be the boss first, so that you can have the right to sign some secret agreements with your brother-in-law's company!

So Liu Hui must strive for this position today.

He said to Su Jing, "general manager Su, nanxiaozhu will certainly not come back, and now it will take some time to recruit new people and get familiar with the business of Dongsheng Group. So I recommend myself. I think I am the most suitable person to be the general manager of this branch company."

"Oh, you are so anxious? Have you recommended yourself? I think you have ulterior motives? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, don't be so bloody. Don't forget that you are just a security guard. In terms of level, I am much older than you. Do you know?"

Liu Hui was so angry in his heart that Lin Feng was so disgusting that he had to get rid of him today, otherwise he would not be at ease in this position.

Su Jing frowned at Liu Hui's words and felt very unhappy.

Even if Lin Feng is a security guard, it's impossible for you to say so. Moreover, Lin Feng volunteered to be a security guard, but his real identity is that even the chairman of the board has to consult him sometimes. If you say so, you are a fool who doesn't know the true face of Lushan!

Su Jing shook her head and said, "don't make any noise. Nanxiaozhu won't come to work any more. Let Liu Hui take the post for the time being! If there is a suitable candidate in the future, we will adjust it again! "

"Thank you, Mr. Su!" Liu Hui gave a sinister smile.

Then, he looked at Lin Feng, with an extremely arrogant look on his face. It was like swearing to Lin Feng: boy, how about losing? Fight with me, you are still very young!

However, Lin Feng said with a smile: "you all said that nanxiaozhu would not come back to work, but what if someone else came back?"

"No way!" Liu Hui said.

Su Jing also shook her head: "Lin Feng, you are too stubborn in this matter!"

Lin Feng said, "really? I think my stubbornness is very reasonable! "

Finish saying, Lin Feng looks at a person's shadow at the door to shake all the time, then say to the door: "South total Manager, what words come in to say!"

At this time, the door opened, and nanxiaozhu dressed up in ol office style, with her hair curled up and a black frame glasses, she was very able to say:

"Mr. Su, I'm sorry, I'm thick skinned. Please let me continue to work here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!