The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 458

"Xiao Fei, shut up. Do you know what you're talking about?" Nanxiao's eyes are red!

Lin Feng hurriedly dissuades a way: "Hey, ah, South general manager, don't be angry, the child is still young, not sensible!"

Nanxiaozhu, supported by Lin Feng, sat on the sofa, covered his mouth and tried not to let himself cry. He said to Lin Feng, "look what he is like now. Is this a student's idea?"

Lin Feng is also very sympathetic to nanxiaozhu. A woman of her own has worked hard to bring up the child, but the child's words are really heartbreaking.

Lin Feng said: "Xiaofei, your mother is not the kind of person you think, this 10000 yuan, is my gift to meet you!"

"Meet me? I'm not rare! " Nanfei said, "don't think I don't know what you adults think. Look at my mother's beautiful looks, just think of the way to approach my mother. With me, none of you want to move my mother!"

After hearing this, Lin Feng gave a thumbs up and said, "well, you are a manly man. I like it. It should be like this!"

Then, he asked with a smile, "how many men come after your mother?"

"Too many, i... I can't count me!" Nanfei is still young, a few words let Lin Feng take the ditch.

"Ha ha, you are quite lovely!" Lin Feng laughed and reached out his hand to Nanfei and said, "my name is Lin Feng. I'm glad to meet you."

"Hum!" Nan Fei turned his head to one side with a cold face and ignored Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't feel embarrassed. It was entirely in his psychological expectation. He said to Nan Xiaozhu:

"your son is very filial. She is afraid that you will be cheated! By the way, why are you so popular? It seems that I have many enemies in love! "

When Nan Fei heard this, he immediately became alert and said, "Lin Feng, right? This is my home. I'll ask you out! "

"Xiaofei, how do you talk to Lin Feng Nanxiaozhu is very angry, and the child is too ill bred.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "this is also my home."

"Your family? What do you mean Nanfei asked.

"Because I may be your mother's future husband!" Lin Feng said.


Nanfei's face was unbelievable. But in a moment, his face sank down and he scolded:

"do you want to be my father? What kind of scallion are you? Shit, get out of here! Or I'll break your leg

Nanfei thinks that he knows many big brothers in the society. Before that, he helped Jiangbei black brother smash feisan's car. Otherwise, how could he be chased by feisan's group today?

So he is also a social person. If Lin Feng doesn't get out of his home today, he plans to use force and call on others to beat him up.

Thinking of this, Nan Fei's momentum became more and more vigorous and said, "if you don't go out today, I'll kill you. Do you hear me?"

"I can't go, I'm going to fill your vacancy!" Lin Feng said.

"What vacancy do I have?" Nanfei is surprised.

"You don't have a father. I'll be your father and give you father's love." Lin Feng said.

Nan Fei was furious. Isn't that like calling him tsonima?

He thought that his beautiful mother would breathe heavily with this guy in bed. He suddenly twisted his small face and swore: "Lin Feng, I'll kill you in the hell!"

He picked up the bench and was about to hit Lin Feng.

But nanxiaozhu took the first step, hugged him and yelled, "Xiaofei, don't do it. He's my colleague. He's laughing with you!"

However, Lin Feng is a smile: "I did not joke with you, it is true!"

"Do you lie in the manger?"

The south flies the gas all to explode, directly threw the bench toward Lin Feng to pass.

Lin Feng easily caught the bench and sat directly under his body. He grabbed the apples on the tea table and said, "son, thank you!"

Xiaofei is very angry at this time, but he has his own bottom line. No matter what, he can't fight his mother. So she is dragged to death by Nanxiao bamboo. Leng is unable to rush to Lin Feng.

"Xiao Fei, he is just joking with you. Please sit down for me!" Nanxiao bamboo cheered.

Nanfei gives up the struggle. He knows that it is not easy for his mother to support himself through hard work, so this time it is a face for nanxiaozhu.

Then, Nan Xiaozhu said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, don't make such a joke. I'm already haggard!"

Lin Feng made a OK gesture and said to Nanfei, "Nanfei, let other things go first. Today, I really want to talk to you about your education."

"What is the problem of education?"

"That is, you should go to school and not mix with the society. If you really want to mix up, you can mix with me. I can take you with me!" Lin Feng said.

"With you? Where do you work? " Nan Feixin said, is this guy also a social person? Is it hunjiangbei or mixhuaxi? Or the flying snake gang in the nightclub?Lin Feng said, "I'm from Dongsheng Group."

"It's our company!" Nanxiaozhu explained.

"Yes, I'm just mixing with their company!" Lin Feng said with pride: "I manage thousands of people under my command."

"Ah!" Nanfei can't help but be surprised. He manages thousands of people. It's a cruel role. Even his boss Lu Chao has only a dozen people under him!

He asked, "what's your position? The boss

Nanfei's tone obviously eased a lot.

"You are so naive. There is no boss in the company!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "I am a security guard! Just the one at your door! "

"What the hell? Are you the gatekeeper? " Nanfei was stunned and said, "what do you call Niu B managing thousands of people?"

"There are thousands of people in and out of Dongsheng Group. I am in charge of all of them. Is there something wrong with me in managing thousands of people?" Lin Feng said.

"Are you kidding me?" Nan Fei's immature face had a fierce look: "a security guard, I'll mix wool with you!"

Lin Feng said: "you don't look down on me, I'm more powerful than the boss you imagined!"

"Well, Lin Feng is really good!" Nanxiao bamboo thought of Lin Feng to the big bald tube's clothes, then quickly agreed with the way.

At this time, Nanfei's phone rang. He picked up the phone, listened for a while, and said, "OK, I'll be right there."

"Xiao Fei, stop for me, don't go!" Nanxiao bamboo cheered.

"My brother comes to me to discuss things, and of course I have to go!" Nanfei put the phone in his pocket and slammed the door.

"You..." nanxiaozhu wants to chase.

But Lin Feng stopped him and said, "let him go."

Nan Xiaozhu's eyes were red. After a while, she turned back and said, "is this your way?"

"Well, my method works well!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Take the money and go." Nanxiaozhu is obviously disappointed with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "don't rush me to leave. I haven't started using my method yet."

"You go!" Nan Xiaozhu said, "thank you for your kindness, and say sorry to Tang Dong for me."

With that, nanxiaozhu got up and opened the door, so he had to drive Lin Feng away.

Lin Feng picked up ten thousand yuan and said with a smile, "well, since this is the case, I'll go first. We are destined to see you again."

After Lin Feng left, nanxiaozhu buried his head in his knee and cried for a long time. He suddenly remembered that Xiaofei had just said to discuss things with his brother? Is it hard to fight with each other again?

"No, Xiao Fei can't have an accident!"

Nanxiao bamboo shoes are too late to change, run out, all the way to call Nanfei, all the way to find.

Coincidentally, in a tavern opposite the community, I saw Xiaofei and another boy sitting inside and discussing something.

Nanxiaozhu knocked on the glass and yelled: "Xiao Fei, go back with me!"

But Nanfei didn't pay attention to her. She turned her head and continued to talk with the hooligan.

Nanxiaozhu see Xiaofei ignore her, she will bypass the bar door, into the bar.

The bar is not very big. There are only a dozen tables. It's just decorated with style. It's a good place for friends and dating.

At this time, there are no people in the bar at all, only the table of Nanfei is occupied.

So nanxiaozhu saw them at a glance, went directly to Nanfei's desk and said, "Xiaofei, go back with me!"

The hooligan took a look at Nanxiao bamboo. He was surprised and asked Nanfei, "Wow, it's so beautiful. Nanfei, who is this? Your girlfriend? "

Nanfei said, "brother Lu Chao, don't talk nonsense? Is this my mother

Finish saying, oneself still feel very humiliating, hold head to chop to the window.

"Oh, you are so beautiful! If you don't say it, I think it's the flower of some university! " The little rascal pursed his mouth, moved his throat, and said to nanxiaozhu: "beauty, I'm discussing revenge with Xiaofei. Please don't disturb us. One day I'll be a guest in your house, we'll talk slowly!"

Nanxiaozhu was angry in her heart, but she could not break out. Instead, she said with a kind of praying tone: "you don't involve my son any more. My son is only thirteen this year. He is still young. I beg you!"

"Beauty, you have to make sure that I don't want him to do anything, but he begged me to mix with me!" The rascal chuckled and said casually.

"Xiao Fei, go with mom!" Nanxiaozhu pulls Nanfei's arm.

"Oh, you're bored!" Nan Fei shook his arm and said, "Chao Ge, drive my mother away!"

"OK!" The hooligan, who was called super brother, said to Nan Xiaozhu, "do you hear me? Xiao Fei doesn't want to see you! Let's go

"Xiaofei, listen to your mother. They are not good things. They are lying to children like you to work for them. Xiaofei, go back with mom quickly!" Nanxiaozhu was so anxious that she almost cried out!"I said you are such a big man, can't understand others?" The hooligan who called Chao Ge stood up and said to nanxiaozhu, "do you want me to do it?"

However, at this time, listening to the bang of the bar door, Lin Feng came in, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said, "let's have Irish white beer, add ice! Thank you , the fastest update of the webnovel!