The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 442

Zhu Tiancheng was surprised and looked at the door. He saw a man on crutches who injured his younger brothers and rushed in directly.

That man is Ren Changfeng.

After chatting with Lin Feng last night, Ren Changfeng felt that Lin Feng was a person who attached great importance to friendship. Moreover, Nan Xiaozhu also mentioned that Zhu Tiancheng had sent people to make trouble in their company. Ren Changfeng was angry.

Ren Changfeng regretted that he had taken on the task so badly that he acted as Zhu Tiancheng's weapon to deal with Lin Feng.

Ren Changfeng thought, Zhu Tiancheng, this heinous villain, bought to kill brother Lin Feng? Does he deserve to be the opponent of big brother Lin Feng?

Ren Changfeng also felt that he had been used by Zhu Tiancheng. The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he was.

so he came here tonight to make atonement for himself and to take a breath for brother Lin Feng.

It has to be said that Ren Changfeng is a very righteous man. At the same time, his thought is relatively simple. Because he has been wandering outside for many years, practicing martial arts wholeheartedly, and has no experience in dealing with social people, he thinks about things more simply.

Today, I want to vent my anger for elder brother Lin Feng, so I came directly without any hesitation.

At this time, seeing this scene, the atmosphere of Ren Chang was even worse.

When he was fighting with Zhu Tiancheng's men outside, he already heard the voice inside. You don't have to guess that Zhu Tiancheng and others are insulting good women.

Ren Changfeng was so angry that he almost killed Zhu Tiancheng's younger brothers and killed them all the way to the hall.

However, the sound in the room was too loud, and everyone didn't hear the fighting voice of Ren Changfeng outside, so that Ren Changfeng instantly killed the hall.

"You brutes

Ren Changfeng's teeth were almost broken. He saw a group of people in kimonos bullying a group of young girls. His eyes were red.

"Dare to insult the pillars of China? Look for death

Ren Changfeng had a big drink. In his opinion, these young girls are the pillars of the future motherland. How can they be trampled on at will?

Zhu Tiancheng is very surprised to see Ren Changfeng.

Why did this guy suddenly kill him? What's more, they shout slogans in their villas? how absurd!

"Ren Changfeng, the transaction between you and me is over. Why do you want to damage my business?" Zhu Tiancheng asked.

"Zhu Tiancheng, you villain. Elder brother Lin Feng is my eldest brother. If you do something right with elder brother Lin Feng, you will do it with me. Today I will replace elder brother Lin Feng with you, a scum!"

As soon as Ren Changfeng's voice fell, his body, like a gust of wind, rushed directly toward Zhu Tiancheng, and his hand was also toward Zhu Tiancheng's heart nest.

"Swordsmen, protect me Zhu Tiancheng yelled in a hurry.

One of the samurai was closest to Zhu Tiancheng. He grabbed his crutch in one hand and hit Ren Changfeng with a backhand.

Ren Changfeng also hit the Ninja with a fist.

However, their fists were staggered and hit each other's bodies.

The warrior staggered back and fell to the ground. Ren Changfeng is backward a few steps, suddenly feel a burst of chest pain.

"Not good!" Ren Changfeng suddenly looks dignified.

He knew he had a relapse.

I hurt my internal organs and muscles from fighting with Lin Feng before. Now I feel a burst of pain in my internal organs when I use a little force. Just now, the strength of that warrior's fist is not light. I hit Ren Changfeng firmly, which makes him feel pain again.

However, looking at this scene, it is astonishing that Ren Changfeng has the upper hand, because he only stepped back a few steps, but the other side was directly beaten back and fell to.

Suddenly that group of girls feel hope, did not expect that someone really came to save them!

The leading warrior yelled at him and motioned to the other warriors, who stood up one after another and rushed directly to Ren Changfeng.

They will Ren Changfeng surrounded, and then all hands, up and down three together attack, very sharp.

Ren Changfeng just lost his crutch. At this time, one of his legs was not very convenient. In addition, he had a sharp pain in his body. After a while, he gradually fell into the downwind.

Looking at Ren Changfeng's embarrassed appearance, the leading warrior gave a cold smile: "hum, Huaxia pig, I don't need to do it at all!"

At this time, Ren Changfeng was not prepared in time, but was hit by the other side's fist in the back of the heart, directly forward a stumbling.

The warrior in front of him kicked him in the front of the chest, directly kicked him backward and flew out, directly bumping into the wall behind him.

Ren Changfeng is still struggling to get up, but he only feels his chest is very stuffy. Suddenly, a smell of fishy sweet in his mouth suddenly bursts out a mouthful of blood.

"Ah --"

the group of girls watching the scene exclaimed, and their hearts suddenly worried about Ren Changfeng.

Zhu Tiancheng clapped his hands and laughed: "Ren Changfeng, aren't you a cow? You have today, too? Ha ha ha ha, you're going to compare with me again

Ren Changfeng was very angry. If he was not seriously injured, he would not be defeated so easily. At this time, he felt that his strength could not be exerted at all.At the same time, he was also shocked. These warriors were not weak, but very strong. None of his previous opponents was stronger than these warriors, except Lin Feng.

So he felt like he might be here today.

However, it doesn't matter if you break it. It's really a pity that elder brother Lin Feng didn't do it for him. Moreover, so many Chinese girls have to be bullied and humiliated, but I can't do anything about it. As a Chinese, I really feel extremely sad and indignant.

In this case, it's a gamble. Anyway, it's better to fight for your life!

Ren Changfeng took a deep breath, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and roared, which means that the hero never returns his head. He rushed to the Ninjas!

The Ninjas gave each other a cold smile and winked at each other. When Ren Changfeng was in front of him, they suddenly changed their formation. The two men intercepted Ren Changfeng's fist on both sides and directly controlled Ren Changfeng's arm.

But that middle one person, suddenly pulls out the war knife behind, directly toward Ren Changfeng's body to stab in!

"Puff!" The blade doesn't fit into Ren Changfeng's body.

Then, the Ninja pulled out his sword, covered with blood.

Ren Changfeng covered his abdomen with both hands and fell to the ground in pain.

"Ah - killing --"

the group of girls cried with fear at this time. Where did they see such a scene? A white knife went in and a red knife came out, and a fresh person fell down like this. It was terrible.

But this bloody scene is to make that group of warriors more crazy, they abnormal general laugh, and then have to rush to the group of girls again.

That group of girls at this time really despair, because in the face of such forces, they have no resistance at all, only waiting to be insulted arbitrarily by the other side.

Zhu Tiancheng also laughed, clapped and said, "the swordsmen are good at their skills. They are really powerful."

Then he stepped forward, kicked Ren Changfeng, and scolded: "Ren Changfeng, I want you to pretend with me again, but you are pretending again? Ha ha ha

Then, facing the group of Japanese warriors, he said, "swordsmen, let's have a good time today. Tomorrow, I'll give you another batch of chicks!"

"Ah --"

the group of girls cried bitterly and struggled desperately, but they watched their clothes torn off one by one.

They suffer, they despair, they are helpless!

It's hard to be humiliated by a group of Japanese men in China.

However, at this time, they heard a sound of "pa", but the lights were off. The whole hall was in a dark, and people felt that a figure had gone directly into the hall!

"Who?" Zhu Tiancheng and the leading Samurai made their voices together.

In the dark, a voice coldly said: "ten thousand people cut, hell hell hell!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!