The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 438

"The guy on crutches is called brother Lin Feng? Did I hear you right? "

"You heard me correctly. He really called brother Lin Feng, and he was respectful to him."

"That guy seems to be afraid of Lin Feng! Who is Lin Feng

The people next to you and I talked about each other with an expression of great surprise, especially seeing that Ren Changfeng was so fierce that he even called Lin Feng elder brother. All of a sudden, he was stunned and looked at Lin Feng strangely.

But at this time, he saw Lin Feng's face was not happy, and he actually denounced Ren Changfeng: "Ren Changfeng, this is my own business originally, and I will solve it myself. What are you so diligent about? Did I let you out? Do you think you're free? "

"Hiss --"

when people heard Lin Feng say this, they all took a breath of cold air.

Ren Changfeng was so fierce that he was mercilessly scolded by Lin Feng. All the people around him were scared and silent, as if the time was still.

"Brother Lin Feng!" Ren Changfeng pursed his lips and bowed his head and said, "I'm wrong. I'm sorry. I made my own decision."

He knew that Lin Feng naturally had the ability to deal with this matter, but he couldn't see that guy's arrogance, so he made a move. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was not happy!

Since his last fight with Lin Feng, he has admired the strength of Lin Feng. Seeing these mole like people pretending to compare in front of Lin Feng, he really can't see it!

In front of the scene, but the people who saw a burst of surprise, this Ren Changfeng, was scolded by Lin Feng, and then humbly admitted to Lin Feng?

Nanxiaozhu a pair of beautiful big eyes filled with incredible, motionless looking at Lin Feng.

And dog brother and restaurant owner, at this time have been muddled.

Brother dog only knows that Ren Changfeng is a big devil who kills people without blinking an eye. But the big devil is still low in front of Lin Feng. How fierce is Lin Feng?

Suddenly, he had a cold sweat on his back. He felt a cool air running from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. His whole body was shaking with fear!

And the restaurant owner, in the heart is already extremely frightened.

If the dog brother such a person he can not afford, then Ren Changfeng is even cough can scare him a jump of existence, then what about Lin Feng?

Lin Feng is still on the top of Ren Changfeng. Is that because Lin Feng stamped his foot, his shop had to shake three times?

Such a character, he just asked for compensation from others?

The shop owner regrets to commit suicide at this time! Three thousand dollars? In order to offend such a top-ranking person for 3000 yuan, it's really a loss of a car!

The shop owner said to Lin Feng cautiously: "brother Lin Feng, what, that 3000 yuan, I don't want it! You are free to eat here today. I'll treat you! "

Lin Feng waved his hand and sneered: "ha ha! Didn't you just tell me to get out of here? So I'm not in the mood to eat with you now

Ren Changfeng was quick to say: "shop owner, you and he made Lin Feng elder brother angry, quickly kneel down and apologize to me!"

Without saying a word, the shop owner knelt on the ground and apologized to Lin Feng:

"brother Lin Feng, I have no eyes. Please don't be angry. Would you like to have dinner with me? I'll serve all the signature dishes, all free. Please, can I have them? Please

Finish saying, still don't live kowtow, Bang Bang Bang's head almost knock swollen.

Nanxiaozhu suddenly felt speechless. For the first time in her life, she saw this kind of scene. She asked for a free meal and knelt down. People didn't want to eat it!

This kind of thing is so funny!

But at this time, Lin Feng did not pay attention to the shop owner, but turned to the dog brother and said: "dog, you come here!"

"Oh, here it is The dog elder brother completely did not have any arrogance, also does not attend to the mouth ache, the face ache, the butt bumps the butt to run in front of Lin Feng, with a flattering smile said: "Lin Feng elder brother, what do you have to order?"

"I ask you, who touched my girlfriend just now?" Lin Feng asked.

All of a sudden, the dog's cold sweat was blown out, and he ran down his cheeks directly, "I... brother Lin Feng, I have no eyes, I'm blind, I'm damned!"

The dog elder brother all of a sudden to Lin Feng kneel down, and then hold Lin Feng's thigh in both hands, snivel a tear of cry beg.

"Dog, get out of my way!" Lin Feng kicked dog brother a few somersaults and fell to the ground.

Brother dog got up, continued to kneel on the ground to kowtow to Lin Feng: "brother Lin Feng, please spare my life, please forgive me!"

Brother dog knows how fierce it is. People in the alliance of God of death, such as Ren Changfeng, kill people without blinking an eye. How terrible is it to be a person who is so afraid of being re elected?

If you don't work hard, you can't see the sun tomorrow!

So dog brother don't want face, don't have dignity, but also must keep his life.But at this time, Lin Feng went directly to the dog brother and asked him, "I asked you for the last time. Which hand did you touch my girlfriend?"

Dog brother trembled and stretched out his left hand: "this... Like this one!"

"Give him back? He's left-handed!" With a cold smile, Lin Feng grabs the dog's hand directly. After a hard twist, he hears a click. His hand bone is suddenly broken.

"Ah --"

brother dog cried out in pain.

However, this is not over, Lin Feng directly pulled dog's hand over, put it on the ground, and stepped on it directly.

Only hear the sound of bone smashing, dog brother is painful, can't cry out any sound!

"That's what happens when you bully a woman. Today I'll give you a warning. Don't be too arrogant and bully others too much, or you'll be killed next time!" Lin Feng cold channel.

The people around me were frightened, but I felt very happy in my heart.

It's time to get rid of this dog thing, or he really doesn't know how much evil things he has to do.

And nanxiaozhu didn't expect Lin Feng to be so cruel? That guy, just touched himself a few times, he even abandoned his hand?

Nanxiaozhu is surprised, but suddenly a strong sense of pride rises in her heart. A man should cherish his body so much, which really moves her heart. Moreover, looking at the dog brother's abandoned hand, she is inexplicably happy. This kind of feeling has never been seen before.

But at this time, but see Lin Feng slightly toward her a smile said: "South president ah, go, let's eat to go, don't let these small episodes, affect you and I eat mood ha!"

Seeing Lin Feng like this, Nanxiao bamboo felt warm again.

This man, when helping himself to punish the enemy, is vigorous and merciless. And in the face of their own time, is so smiling, and even with a gentle water.

Such a man, is really exciting!

Nanxiaozhu feels that her face is burning. What's wrong with her? She hasn't been attracted to men for more than ten years. Why does she suddenly look like a little girl in spring?

She quickly turned her head away.

At this time, I heard someone behind him kneel down toward Lin Feng. The man was Ren Changfeng.

Ren Changfeng said to Lin Feng, "brother Lin Feng, I have something to ask for."

"What can't be said well? Kneeling is popular today?" In fact, Lin Feng did not blame Ren Changfeng. After all, Ren Changfeng helped himself. If he really blamed him, he would be a good fool!

However, Ren Changfeng said a sentence that surprised the whole audience: "elder brother Lin Feng, I want to worship you as a teacher. Please accept me as my apprentice." , the fastest update of the webnovel!