The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 433

"What? Do you want to say that again? "

Baldheaded thought he had heard wrong! Just now, this guy didn't flatter me all the time. Why did the wind change suddenly?

Brain pumping?

"How many times do I disagree?" Lin Feng said: "bullying people should also have a little bottom line, OK? You guys, what a bully! It seems that I have to use my love to influence you

"Son of a bitch, are you mentally ill? Love you A little brother with a bald head pointed at Lin Feng with an iron bar.

"I give you a chance to be my little brother, but you are against me. I really want to give you some shame!" He said with a smile: "do you agree with him? Who are you? "

"I'm from Dongsheng Group head office!" "So, on behalf of the head office, I want to negotiate with you," Lin Feng said with a cross waist

"Negotiation? You are not qualified, I will break your leg now The bareheaded man picked up his machete and walked towards Lin Feng.

"Hold on!" Nan Xiaozhu came forward and said, "Lin Feng, the chairman of the board has decided on something, you don't mix it up!"

"No, in a harmonious society, we must put an end to fighting and killing, and fight the evil forces to the end. Even if one of my Lin Feng is knocked down, there will be tens of thousands of Lin Feng standing up. We will not compromise like the evil forces!"

Lin Feng raised his hand and yelled slogans. The people who saw it also had a burst of admiration.

Just now I thought he was a traitor. When I looked at him, he had the backbone!

At this time, Lin Feng also waved his hand to Liu Hui and said, "come on, Mr. Liu, join me in shouting out our voice. We must fight the evil forces to the end! Come on, shout

Liu Hui looks at the big bald head that wants to eat a person's appearance, scared all quick pee pants, still where dare to shout out a voice?

"What's wrong, Mr. Liu? I think you are just and noble? Why don't you dare to speak out at the critical moment Lin Feng joked.

Everyone's eyes are on Liu Hui. Liu Hui feels extremely embarrassed. In particular, nanxiaozhu also looked at him. Just now, she kept saying in front of the beauty boss that Lin Feng was morally corrupt. However, he was severely beaten in the face.

At this time that bareheaded angry, toward Lin Feng scolded: "you he again dare to talk nonsense, I a knife to kill you!"

Lin Feng smiles, but suddenly turns back and walks toward a meeting room inside.

They all looked at each other and didn't know what he was going to do?

Lin Feng came to the door of the meeting room and suddenly raised his fist and yelled: "we will never compromise with the evil forces in the end. What, big bald head, dead mother! Ha ha ha

Finish saying, "Yi slip" once into the meeting room, the door closed.

"Lying trough!"

The big bald head was so angry that he rushed to the meeting room with two brothers: "I'll kill you first today!"

Say, kick open meeting room people to drill in.

Then the door of the conference room was closed.

Everyone was afraid, and nanxiaozhu was even more worried. Lin Feng was afraid that he would be cut to death in it! What can I do?

Even now, even if we call the police, it's too late!

At this time, I heard a noise in the room, and then a cry. The voice was extremely sad.

Then the sound returns to rest.

All of them looked at the door of the conference room, and no one dared to lean against it.

Suddenly, the door of the meeting room opened, and Lin Feng stretched out his head and said to the other hooligans outside: "your boss calls you!"

Those hooligans, you look at me, I look at you, do not know what the situation is, and then have to run this way.

One by one, they all walked into the conference room, and then, I heard another scream of pain.

The cry was like a pig howling, and the people's scalp was numb.

Then again, the sound is still.

"With so many people going in, Lin Feng won't be finished, will he?" Liu Hui said to Nan Xiaozhu.

Liu Hui heard the howl just now so miserable and sharp, although it didn't feel like a person's voice, but according to the truth, it must be those people who tortured Lin Feng. It felt as if Lin Feng had been unloaded eight yuan by the people's Congress.

Liu Hui's heart this gas, ah, Lin Feng, you and he were killed directly!

Nanxiaozhu is cold, motionless staring at the door of the conference room.

After a while, the door of the meeting room opened.

The bald head was the first to come out.

Then the people behind are also similar to the bald head, some nose channeling blood, some limping, one by one dishevelled, very embarrassed.

Those people lined up, completely in order of size, and all came out.

At the back is Lin Feng. With his nostrils, his face light and his mouth like a drillmaster, he said:

"come on, everyone keep a proper distance. Hello, the big one in front of you, can you set a good example for the back? Go straight for meThe big bald head in front of him was frightened and walked in a straight line. Even though there was a small indoor fountain in front of him, he went straight up and sprayed wet.

The rest of the people also followed, dare not say a word, one after another to accept the baptism of the fountain.

All the people were sad and did not dare to look at the people beside them. They held their heads in both hands and were drenched in water one by one.

At this time, in their hearts, this is nothing at all, they really do not want to recall the pain just now, it is like going through hell on earth.

"Lin Feng, you...

Nan Xiaozhu looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled face. He felt that his IQ could not understand what happened in front of him.

The rest of the people are also looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Mr. Nan, don't be surprised. I'm a person with positive energy, so I just used my love to influence them."

"Your love?" Nanxiaozhu looks confused? Is it influenced by love? Influence of the black and blue face?

"Yes, I think love is the greatest thing in the world. No matter how big the evil is, it can be influenced by love. For example, they have been deeply influenced by my love." Lin Feng said, "are you right?"



those people said.

Now everyone is speechless. They feel that their years of experience are not enough for the scene in front of them.

Maybe, the knowledge is too narrow.

Lin Feng looked at everyone's expression of surprise and disbelief, but he said on his face: "Oh, I told you long ago that we should dare to embrace others, dare to use love to influence others!"

Then he hugged the bald head and said, "you see, how docile is the big bald head? He has already felt my deep love! Isn't it bald? "


Bareheaded nod, almost cry out!

"Come on, Mr. Liu, give the big bald head a love hug." Lin Feng said to Liu Hui.

Liu Hui timidly walked to the bald head, stretched out his hand to hold the bald head.

Bareheaded but ferociously glared at him and said: "get out of here!"

"Ah --"

Liu Hui was so scared that he almost fell over and ran back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!