The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 424

The autumn sun is very strong, but it doesn't look roasted.

Today, Lin Feng has made great contributions to the drag racing party again. Chen Da invited Lin Feng to join the drag racing party.

At this time, V big stopped Chen Da and said, "I have one more thing to say with Lin Feng alone."

"You drink! Is v beauty going out with the God of cars Someone joked.

"Well, the God of chariot is worthy of the goddess of V!"

"Yes, V big, if I am good with others, I will certainly be envious, but if I am good with the God of chariot, my heart is very balanced!"

"Ha ha, strange, I feel the same way!"


everyone said what I said, which made V Da blush.

Chen Da quickly said: "take the Japanese guy to the car. Let's go down the mountain first and leave some space for the God of chariot and v-big!"


Wei Yichen frowned and wanted to speak, but seeing V Dazheng staring at Lin Feng attentively, she swallowed her words to her mouth, and then walked away with Chen Da.

Soon, only V big and Lin Feng were left on the mountain.

Lin Feng said to V big with a smile: "beauty, you left me alone. You don't want to repay me for saving my life with your body?"

"Well thought!" V big coquettish a word, completely did not have the old days high cold appearance.

And at this time, the more she looked at Lin Feng, the more pleasant she felt. In the warm smile of Lin Feng, there was a trace of ruffian temperament. Her eyes were also very moving and affectionate. How could she not find this man so handsome and charming before?

V big face red, quickly said: "that what, I left you, is something to give you!"

Lin Feng didn't expect that the queen of V university would be so embarrassed in front of him one day. He couldn't help laughing and said, "why, send me a love token?"

V big pursed his mouth, went to Lin Feng and began to untie his belt.

"I wipe, do you really want to fight with me in the field?" Lin Feng said, "can we get on the bus anyway? It's chilly outside. It's not suitable for playing. Haha

"Don't talk nonsense!" V big's face was even redder. She took off the wide belt that straddled between her waist and put it in front of Lin Feng. She said, "in the middle of my belt is the vehicle God token, which originally belonged to you, so today I will give it to you!"

Say, V big one face solemn hands pass belt to Lin Feng in front of.

Lin Feng is a smile: "I just said it, I this person is very low-key, this thing is not suitable for me!"

Lin Feng said, but picked up the belt, went directly to V big, hands around V big waist.

"What are you going to do?" V big a burst of panic, feel waist to be hugged by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng tied the belt around her waist again and said, "don't be nervous. I think you have this belt. It's cool, so I gave it to you."

This action let two people very close, listen to Lin Feng's even breathing sound, smell the unique male body fragrance of Lin Feng, V big feel his heart crazy jump more than.

At this time, Lin Feng tied his belt, and suddenly reached out to rub V big's hair. He said, "the chariot token is on you. You should practice well! Come on

"My God

V big moment, the heart will melt, this and she expected the scene, unexpectedly so similar.

In a late autumn afternoon, the sun is shining, the man named Shura, with a ruffian smile, stretched out a pair of big hands to touch her head, and then said to him: "you should practice well!"

V feel like a dream at this time, she would like to be still at the moment, screen frame, let this moment forever remain!

At this time, Lin Feng said, "it's too late, let's go down the mountain! Of course, if you want to go to a hotel room with me to discuss the driving skills, I will be happy to accompany you. I may discuss with you for one night! Hey, hey, hey

V big face a red, at this time the heart of the horse, since knowing that Lin Feng is Shura, she felt that she used to be cold and reserved in front of this man vulnerable.

Even if Lin Feng is so explicit, she is not angry, but has a kind of yearning feeling.

She cried to herself from the bottom of her heart, Venus, your self-esteem, your pride? Are you degenerate? Or in love with him?

V asked herself, but could not find the answer, but she felt that she seemed to have a big gap with Shura. Looking back on Lin Feng's amazing driving skills before, she found that she really had too much to learn!

Her inner strong self-esteem suddenly rises, if she is like this, she will be despised by Lin Feng.

She was independent from childhood, very strong, so at the moment when facing Lin Feng, she still can't pass her own heart!

She directly picked out the car God token in the middle of her belt, grabbed Lin Feng's hand and smashed it heavily into Lin Feng's hand. She said, "here's the token. You deserve it! And I will listen to you and practice more! "Then she released Lin Feng's hand and said, "Shura, I'm going to study. I want to defeat you. One day, I want you to put the chariot token on my waist. Then, I will always be with you, whether you want to or not! I've always been with you! "

After V big finished these words, but toward Lin Feng a brilliant smile, that smile, the beauty is suffocating.

Then, the V big turns, the natural and unrestrained then walked, the head also does not return, very determined!

"V big, where are you going?" Lin Feng asked.

"The ends of the earth!" "But one day, I'll come back and have a fight with you. Then, don't let me down!" V replied

Voice down, V big stubborn figure, but gradually away.

Lin Feng did not stop, but looked at the back of V Da Yuan, some dazed.

"This woman, really good personality!"

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. At the same time, she felt a sigh. This woman's heart is really a needle in the sea. Why is she so contradictory? Love is together, and she leaves if she doesn't love. Why does she seem to fall in love with me but still leave?

Did Wan'er have such a contradiction to me at that time?

Lin Feng took a deep breath and suddenly said with a laugh: "Alas! I am a peach blossom man! This makes me very anxious

Then, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Wan'er, where are you? If you don't show up, I'll be taken down by the little girls around me! "



after that, instead of going to the drag racing party, Lin Feng called Chen Da and told him that he had something to deal with. Let them celebrate by themselves!

Then Lin Feng called Jin Fenghuang directly to ask how the situation was.

Jin Fenghuang tells Lin Feng that the Ninja is not willing to reveal any clues. She killed her and paid for her life!

Lin Feng can't help but marvel that the Golden Phoenix treats his own people with tenderness and affection. He is ruthless and merciless to the enemy. Such a woman is definitely a big sister!

After Lin Feng hung up the phone, he sent a message to the pharmacist with the magic cube app:

"pharmacist, I have a friend who died of bleeding too much. Do you have any way to revive the dead? What's more, give me some more of your magic medicine. I'm out of stock now! "

But after waiting for a long time, Lin Feng called red scorpion and asked, "are pharmacists with you? What's he doing recently? "

"Boss, if you don't call, we are about to tell you about it. The pharmacist is missing! We can't get in touch with him Red scorpion road.

"What kind of plane does this kid do?" Lin Feng frowned: "then you continue to pay more attention to him, if there is news, the first time to inform me!"


Lin Feng hung up the phone and went back to his residence.

When he got to his house, he called the mouse and asked, "have all the jewelry stolen by Ninja come back?"

"A lot of them. I'll give them to sister Golden Phoenix." Said the mouse.

I heard from the phone that the mouse was in a very low mood. Originally, Lin Feng had a task for him, but he thought that at this time, the mouse should be quiet.

He said, "mouse, you can have a good rest during this period. By the way, if you have time, I will accompany you to drink in the evening."

"Boss, I want to cry!" When the mouse heard Lin Feng say this, he couldn't help it. His tears came out like the flood that broke the dike.

"Silly boy, what are you crying for? Be strong, your love for yu'er is eternal. It's a very happy thing for someone like you to miss under the nine springs of jade! Silly boy, tomorrow the sun will rise as usual, life has to continue, men have tears do not light, tears also swallow into the stomach, this is the real man

"Mm-hmm!" The mouse nodded again and again.

"Well, I'll see you in the evening." Lin Feng finished and hung up the phone.

Then, he turned on the computer and thought about what Ren Changfeng, a "Wuchi", said. Then he typed three words into the computer: Zhu Tiancheng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!