The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 319

The person who raised his hand was no other than Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng was wearing a black nocturnal suit. His nightwear was not very slim, but more like the clothes worn by black army Marines. It's a little baggy, with lots of pockets.

It's just black and hard to detect at night.

"Lin Feng, how did you get in?" Third master Cui was very surprised.

The headquarters of the mountain group is far away from the city center, and there is no guarantee of public order or anything. Therefore, at night, a younger brother is arranged to guard every ten meters, which is very strict.

How did Lin Feng come in quietly? And none of them found out?

It's a little weird!

But at this time, Taotie is even more surprised!

There are 13 infrared cameras installed in the tip of the camera, which can be adjusted immediately. It can automatically detect objects near or far away, and it can be adjusted automatically.

In some important military areas, these cameras are equipped.

However, Lin Feng appeared in the hall like a ghost without hearing any alarm.

What's more terrifying is that even if he had such a keen insight, he didn't find Lin Feng in this hall.

Although the door of the hall is not closed, you can see it at a glance when someone comes in!

When did Lin Feng enter the hall?

This is not only a gluttonous question, but also a question in everyone's heart. Even the person next to Lin Feng is not clear. When did he have such a guy around him?

He tried to think about it for a while. He felt that Lin Feng was beside him at the beginning, but he seemed to have just come. In short, he was very messy, and the more he thought about it, the more chaotic he was.

"Lin Feng, when did you come in? Why don't you even call? Why are you not polite? "

Lin Feng said with a smile, "didn't I say hello to you in advance? Did you forget? "

"Hello?" Third master Cui bowed his head and pondered.

Lin Feng said, "yes, didn't I send you a message? I said that your brother Tian Si is very warm and nice. I will come to see you sometime. Have you forgotten? What memory? Take my words for granted? "

When Mr. Cui patted his thigh, he remembered.

Last time fourth master Tian was beaten, Lin Feng took a picture and sent it to him. Provocatively, he said, "I will visit you!

As a result, it did come today.

It's also good not to come over, save me trouble, now it's in the headquarters of my mountain Gang, even if you are more powerful, you can't escape.

Hum, Lin Feng, you come here to ask for trouble!

Thinking of this, Cui three ye a pair of cold face, said: "Lin Feng, you beat my brother, I haven't settled accounts with you! You dare to come to me today. Are you here to die? "

"Yes, I want to die, but only if you can kill me!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Crouch, you are so wild!" Cui San Ye stares at Lin Feng fiercely.

At this time, Lin Feng ignored him and walked towards Taotie.

"Well, who is this? Why are you so familiar? Let me think, oh, yes, we met. In Dongsheng Hotel, you were standing in front of my door. I thought you were looking for me to make a foundation! "

A few months ago, when Lin Feng was still living in Dongsheng Hotel, Taotie smelled the smell of blood and found him in front of the door. As a result, Lin Feng suddenly opened the door and they met each other!

Taotie said coldly, "yes, we have met."

"So you are a supporter? Good to meet you Lin Feng said, and he shook hands with Taotie.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing? Don't ramble about here. This is the headquarters of our support group. It's a mistake for you to come here today! " Third master Cui waved to his younger brother: "close the door for me!"

"Oh, you guys are like bandits' nest. I'm so scared!" Lin Feng said.

"Fear, hum, it's no use to be afraid. You're in the trap today. I'll be ashamed of my brother." Third master Cui called to the dozen people: "brothers, copy the guy, fight me to death!"

Hearing the order, the dozen people picked up some machetes and steel pipes behind them, and rushed towards Lin Feng fiercely.

Lin Feng smile, before the group of people to the front, he has advanced a step into the group of people.

Lin Feng seemed to be like an illusion, which was worn in the middle of the group. The group of people had no way to start, and their faces showed panic.

In an instant, Lin Feng came out of the group and stood beside Tian Si Ye's wheelchair. He helped him on his shoulder and said, "Tian Si, you have more wheelchair brothers!"

As soon as his voice fell, more than a dozen people fell to the ground, and then cried out in pain.

The speed is so fast that everyone is a hindsight. When they find out, they are already injured.Fourth master Tian felt the hand of Lin Feng pressing his shoulder, and thought of the scene of Lin Feng's torture on that day, and suddenly shuddered.

At the same time, he was shocked and furious.

"Lin Feng, it seems that I have to do it myself!" Third master Cui took off his coat and took a stick next to him in one hand.

It seems that the stick is used by a martial monk. It is very smooth and smooth. It seems that the Third Master of Cui usually plays with this stick.

"Drink - ha - eeee -"

Third Master Cui took up the stick and danced for a while, as if warming up.

When they saw it, they all raised their hopes. Mr. Cui, finally, is going to do it!

Cui San Ye's stick dance is full of wind and water. His movements are like a rainbow. At first, he has martial arts skills. Combined with the loud drinking in his mouth, he looks very powerful. If others see him, he will be scared to stay away. Therefore, after dancing the stick, he takes advantage of the situation and says, "Lin Feng, take your life!"

Then he held up the stick and rushed to Lin Feng. His mouth was still crying, very fierce.

Everyone's eyes are bright, heart with Cui three ye shout together, Lin Feng, suffer to die!

However, as soon as Cui San Ye arrived at Lin Feng, he saw a flash of shadow at the foot of Lin Feng. With a "bang" sound, he kicked his foot in his abdomen!

"Er... Er... Ah... Oh, roar..."

with a puff, the Third Master of Cui knelt down on the ground, then threw the stick and rolled with his stomach. His mouth was in the shape of "O" and he seemed to be in pain, and his cold sweat came out directly.

Everyone who saw this scene was speechless.

Third master Cui took off his clothes and warmed up again. Three minutes later, he used up the Luohan stick. He was also playing the Luohan cudgel.

As a result, if you rush to the front of others, you will be solved?

This, too fast?

At this time, Lin Feng said to Mr. Cui, "Third Master, you don't pay attention to the people around me. So I'm here today to teach you a lesson. This is just a small lesson. I hope you can take it as a warning. If you dare to use crooked ideas with people around me, you will not be so lucky next time."

"Ah -" the Third Master of Cui rolled in pain and couldn't say anything.

From the beginning to the end, Taotie did not speak or start.

His heart, is extremely shocked.

In his opinion, Lin Feng's strength is absolutely not under himself. If he starts rashly, he doesn't know the result!

So he wanted to see what Lin Feng was going to do, and he still didn't want to do it until he had to.

The boss once taught him that at any time, he should learn to be patient. If he is not sure, he would rather cringe first!

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly looked at him with a cold look on his face and said:

"that duck cap, I want to tell you something!"

"But it doesn't matter!" Taotie said.

Lin Feng said: "Jincheng is my hometown. You are a foreigner. If you come here for sightseeing and economic development, I will welcome you with both hands. If you have another purpose, I warn you that you'd better take your mind back. Otherwise, hum, I'll let you have no return!"

Lin Feng said, directly natural and unrestrained turn around, a kick open the door, walked out.

However, after a few seconds, his voice came from outside: "ouch, your g-13 cameras are good, but the startup program is wrong. How can you abuse this kind of good thing? What a monster! I'll take them all down. Thank you

All the people in the hall of the mountain leaning Gang said... "

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