The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 251

Seeing the fire god pull the trigger, Shen man's heart burst into despair and apology.

In the end, it did harm to Lin Feng.

And Shen Yunhai didn't want to see this scene. Lin Feng was a great benefactor for his daughter's life. Then, he was going to die at the gunpoint of the gangster.

The father and daughter were surprised and panicked, but they couldn't stop the moment.

"Lin Feng, you go to die. I will let you live forever!"

The God of fire roared and pulled the trigger fiercely. His endless anger seemed to burst out with his gun.


There was a crack, but only a slight sound came from Vulcan's pistol.

Then, the muzzle of the gun ignited.

"Well! A sink, a lighter? " Vulcan saw that the muzzle of the gun was on fire, and his whole face was green.

They are angry can't do it, originally thought a burst of gas sent out, a shot to kill Lin Feng, that kind of feeling must be super cool!

However, this momentum came out, the results of their own hands, even with such a thing? Where did this come from?

Shen man and Shen Yunhai are even more surprised. They were scared to death just now. They didn't expect each other to hold a lighter. It's ridiculous!

Lin Feng chuckled, took out the pistol from his pocket and said, "Comrade ah Huo, look, what is this?"

When the fire was on fire just now, he replaced the gun of Vulcan when the fire god was in a panic.

The lighter is a simulated pistol lighter carried by Lin Feng.

But the God of fire was so excited that when he drew out the gun, he did not pay attention to the model and weight of the gun. His attention was focused on Lin Feng. As a result, he was embarrassed!

"My gun! My gun! Give me the gun The God of fire was like crazy. His legs were burned and kicked. He couldn't walk normally because of the pain. So he climbed toward Lin Feng with both hands.

"You want your gun so much? Well, come and get it Lin Feng held his gun in his hand and waited for the God of fire to come up and take it.

Fire god see Lin Feng as if really want to give him a pistol, he desperately climbed to Lin Feng, stretched out his hand to get the gun: "my gun!"

Lin Feng was quick at his step, suddenly picked up the gun and poked it into the mouth of the God of fire.

The God of fire was scared to speak!

Lin Feng said solemnly, "Liu ah Huo, how many bad things have you done? If I were not here today, the father and daughter would have been mutilated. But how many people have you killed when I can't see it? You are such a scum, not worthy of living in the world, you have no dignity, no faith, no humanity, and you have no good body, which is the best punishment for you! "

With a gun in his mouth, the God of fire was standing at the commanding height of morality by Lin Feng. A burst of fierce criticism, his heart had collapsed!

He suddenly found that he was really a total failure, in a mess. Like a madman, just like Lin Feng said, no dignity, no face...

the present situation is really in a mess.

Especially after hearing that he had no good body, he was even more excited. For a moment, he felt that he had not only nothing, but also no courage to live!

He yelled "ah -" and directly squeezed Lin Feng's hand and pulled the trigger.

He wants to make himself happy!

However, Lin Feng will not give him this opportunity, Lin Feng has already closed the insurance, the trigger can not be pulled.

"Ah -" the God of fire broke down completely.

Can't we die?

At the moment, he really realized what it means, that is to say, not to respond every day, to call the earth not to work, not to survive, not to die.

And his feeling at this moment is exactly what Shen man and Shen Yunhai felt at the last moment.

Even Shen man and Shen Yunhai feel more intense and desperate than him.

It's really the secular. Within half an hour, the two sides changed positions.

"Remember, in this world, we always pay attention to the cycle of cause and effect. It's not that the time has not come for those who do not report evil. Liu ah Huo, your sins are naturally punished by law. So, wait for a just trial."

Lin Feng finished, pulled out the pistol, found a piece of clothes to wipe, threw it to Shen man and said: "this is all evidence of crime, take it!"

"Lin Feng!" At this time, a voice sounded behind Lin Feng: "are you Lin Feng of Dongsheng Group?"

The questioner is Shen Yunhai.

"Yes, I am Lin Feng!" Lin Feng smiles.

Shen Yun Haidun was excited and said, "Lin Feng, please accept my worship."

Said, kneel on both knees, kowtow to Lin Feng directly on the ground.

"Oh, I can't do it!" Lin Feng went up to help Shen Yunhai up and said, "I sent your son to prison, and you Shen's group has experienced an unprecedented downturn. This time, it's my return gift to you. It's even!"

Said, Lin Feng greets Shen man: "quick, quick to help your father!""Ah, oh!" Shen man was stunned. He didn't expect his father to kneel down to Lin Feng.

Who has dad knelt down for so many years?

But this time, Lin Feng for their help, is really too big, she felt that nothing to repay.

At this time, Shen Yunhai said, "Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? I want to thank you for not having time. I've been against you several times before. It was Shen Yunhai who didn't know Mount Tai. You made me understand the truth that there is a mountain beyond the mountain, and you also let me know the true meaning of life. When my incompetent son comes out of prison, I will educate him and make an apology to you face to face with him. "

"No, I don't need your apology!" Lin Feng said.

Shen Yunhai quickly said: "Mr. Lin, you saved my little girl Shen man and me today, and also saved the family property that our Shen family has saved for generations. This kind of great kindness is really endless for several lives. Mr. Lin, in order to show respect, you can put forward conditions on the spot. As long as I can promise, I will promise you all! There is no other word

"Oh, it's a piece of cake. I didn't do anything because you said so much? Just solved a few gangsters for you Lin Feng said.

But the more Lin Feng said, the more he admired Shen Yunhai.

A young man who is so indifferent to fame and wealth and does good deeds without publicity is definitely not an ordinary role!

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't intend to offer any conditions, Shen Yunhai took the brunt and said, "Mr. Lin, I don't know each other. From the first time to now, I've always been sure that you are the nobleman of our Shen family. Although our Shen's group is not as good as before, when it comes to precious metals such as gold, silver and jewelry, our Shen's group is still the number one in Jincheng! Therefore, Shen Yunhai put my words here. In the future, Mr. Lin needs help from my Shen family in this respect. We will certainly lend a helping hand free of charge and try our best to help you! "

"Oh, look at you, you are so polite!" Lin Feng smile, then did not say anything, but turned to look at Shen man. "By the way, my younger sister said that we had dinner together, but we haven't had dinner together. I'm sorry!"

Shen Yunhai is an old man in the world. On hearing this, he quickly said: "eat, this meal must be eaten. Manman, you go to the most luxurious place in Jincheng. My father calls a special car to pick up the food. We must have a good meal with Mr. Lin! Do you hear me

"Dad..." Shen man was surprised at his father's performance.

Shen Yunhai put his mouth to Shen man's ear and said in a low voice, "Dad can't mistake people. Come on!"

Then, with a serious look on his face, he said, "Manman, you must have a good meal and greet Mr. Lin!"

"Oh, you're welcome. I'll try my best to accept Miss Shen's dinner invitation." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What? Did you give it back? " Shen man's angry straight rolled his eyes: "did I say invite you to dinner?"

Why did you invite him to dinner all of a sudden? Then there are so many rules. Did you ask him to dinner?

"Boss Shen, look at your daughter. It seems that he asked me to have dinner just now?"

"Yes, that's right." Shen Yunhai sat down on the stool and said with a breath, "Manman, it's our pleasure to have dinner with Mr. Lin. you should be more happy!"

"Yes, you must be happy." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Oh! By the way, I don't like it to be too greasy or too spicy. Please pay attention to Miss Shen when choosing a place

Seeing Lin Feng's funny appearance, Shen Yunhai couldn't help but smile and said: "Manman, write down Mr. Lin's requirements. When choosing a restaurant, you must ask clearly. Don't be too spicy or too oily. Let Mr. Lin be satisfied."


Shen man is completely speechless. Is this father his own father?

But look at Dad's undoubted appearance, she also did not say what!

In fact, she was also very grateful to Lin Feng for what she had done for them today. She had a meal, but it was not too much.

However, Shen man still has a little problem. At first, Shen man thought that the king of special forces, who was called by Liu Mingyuan as the master among the experts, could easily kill these gangsters with one enemy. However, Lin Feng did not attack, but was waiting for these plots to surface.

Special forces ah, Lin Feng should not be very good at it. Shen man saw the last video of fighting with black bears in the bar. Lin Feng's skill is not as bad as he is now!

"Lin Feng, how did you escape?" Shen man asked.

"Oh, please save me, please, the world!" Lin Feng smile: "then the other party put me out!"

"I believe you are a ghost Shen man shook his head in anger. Lin Feng is always not serious!

She thought again and asked, "Lin Feng, as far as I know, you are a special soldier. You are not so bad. You can kill them directly and capture them all!"

"Oh, what age is it now? It depends on the brain!" Lin Feng said, "do you know why I call special forces?""Why?"

"I am the kind of soldier with special brains, so it's called" special soldier "for short Lin Feng said with pride.

"Ah Shen man rolled her eyes.

This person's brain circuit is very clear, almost nobody! , the fastest update of the webnovel!