The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 138

"And what is this?" Shen Mao looks at the table.

"Don't you understand? Do I have to expose the list? " Lin Feng picked up the crumpled note and gave it to Cao Dehuan directly. He said, "Lao Cao, can you see it clearly?"

Cao Dehuan a look, suddenly all over a shudder, face like earth.

This is the list Shen Mao asked him to do in private. It's very clear how much money he spent.

How could this thing be in this kid's hands?

"Give me a good look!" Cao Dehuan snatched the note and held it in his hand. His palms were sweating.

If you let this boy be exposed in public, his reputation will be ruined!

He thought for a moment, then picked up the microphone and said, "due to a temporary situation, the bidding process has been suspended. We have something to discuss here."

On hearing this, the following people immediately commented: "what's going on here?"

"It's going well. What's the pause?"


Cao Dehuan winked at Shen Mao and stepped down from the judging platform to the backstage of the venue.

He didn't have much to discuss. He just wanted to study the countermeasures with Shen Mao.

Shen Mao understood what he meant. After Cao Dehuan left for a few minutes, he took an excuse to go to the toilet and went backstage.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng directly sent a message to the mouse: "mouse, it's time to work!"

"Boss, copy that!"

Mice outside the venue, holding a small keyboard, crackling crazy operation.

At this time, Cao Dehuan pulled Shen Mao to a secluded place. He made sure that there was no outsider. He said to Shen Mao, "what the hell did you do? How did the bill get to that kid? "

"I don't know. There are few people in the society who know what happened to us last year. Isn't it revealed by that boy?" Shen Mao said.

"Careless, careless!" Cao Dehuan paced back and forth, very anxious.

"What now? Director Cao? " Shen Mao asked.

"What to do? How do I know what to do? Now that kid has a lot of evidence, what can I do? " Shen Mao was angry and defeated.

"Does director Cao mean to compromise with the boy and let Dongsheng Group win?" Shen Mao looks at Cao Dehuan with a grim face.

"The kid has some videos of me and the list of consumption you asked me to buy. He has caught me so many tricks. What do you say I should do?" Cao Dehuan looks at Shen Mao in embarrassment.

"Well, what do you do?" Shen Mao's face became more and more gloomy: "what do you do? I don't know, but I have to win this bidding. You'd better not forget how many benefits Shen's group has given you for so many years!"

"What you gave me, can't I give it back to you? Don't you always threaten me with that Cao Dehuan was a little angry.

"If you eat in and spit out, we will either?" Shen Mao said: "he has your handle on Lin Feng's hand, but don't forget that I have more handles! How many kickbacks do we give you every year, the gifts I give you every quarter, and I take you to play with car models, stars, and gay men, all of which I have records. If you dare to screw up this bidding, I will definitely ruin your reputation! "

The reason why Shen Mao is valued by Shen Yunhai is that he means ruthlessly and doesn't care about love. At the critical moment, he turns his face faster than anyone else!

Therefore, Shen Yunhai likes Shen Mao's business talks. Businessmen just don't mix feelings into them. They are emotional. They can't get a foothold in shopping malls.

Therefore, there is a saying that the poor speak of feelings, while the rich speak of interests.

At this time, Shen Mao's face became clear.

Before a mouth a director Cao's call, every festival, all smile ha ha's door to give gifts.

This time, however, it was out of the ordinary. Cao Dehuan didn't adapt to him like this.

"Shen Mao, you dare not threaten me. How dare you threaten me? Did you eat the bear heart leopard gall Cao Dehuan angry way.

"Well, I didn't dare to threaten you before, but now it's different. Now your sins are all in my hands. If you don't accept it, you have to obey it!" Shen Mao came forward, two eyes staring like cattle, staring at Cao Dehuan fearlessly.

"You..." Cao Dehuan pointed to Shen Mao, trembling with anger!

But the next second, he had no strength, a soft body, collapsed in a chair.

Yes, Shen's group also holds so many handles on him. Now he is in a dilemma!

It seems that the old ancestor's words are indeed true, eating people's mouth is short, taking people's hands soft.

For so many years, I have no less money from Shen's group. Now retribution has come!

But he is more angry, where did Lin Feng get his own video materials? There are even some videos of themselves going out to play, even Shen's group does not know.

Cao Dehuan calm down, but still can't understand, but he can't in this matter, absolutely not.

He looked down and thought for a while, as if he had made some kind of decision. He looked up to Shen Mao and said, "Shen Mao, listen to me. I also want to let Shen's group win, but you have to do me a favor and help me deal with that boy!"Shen Mao said, "how can I help you deal with him? Do you want me to...

with that, Shen Mao made an action of wiping his neck!

"Smart!" Cao Dehuan's eyes showed a vicious light: "he has a lot of information about me. Just now he has been threatening me, so I can't help you. If we can reach a consensus, then I will let you win. Then you should always pay attention to that boy. Once he has the next move, he should call your people to destroy his exposure action until the end of the bidding I'm going to tie him up and deal with him. I don't want him to have the opportunity to spread my information. In this way, I can ensure my status and safety. "

Shen Mao frowned: "for you, we all killed people. This is a big crime. Then tell me, what benefits can I get from doing this?"

Cao Dehuan said: "the benefits are not obvious? By doing so, you have kept my position. As long as I am here, this project will always belong to your Shen group. Is that enough? "

"That's what you said Shen Mao's heart was filled with joy. Before, they had to spend a lot of money on Cao Dehuan every year, and they were afraid that Cao Dehuan would change his mind. This time, Cao Dehuan decided to cooperate with Shen group. This fat meat is the foundation of Shen's group's survival. If we can cooperate for a few more years, even if it is only two or three years, Shen's group will definitely be No one can stop Jincheng.

At the same time, it is easy for Cao Dehuan to use the government's control over the mining industry to crush the whole city's mining enterprises.

At that time, Jincheng mining will be the only one. His Shen group is the boss of Jincheng financial group. If you look at Jincheng, no one can rival it.

Then through the relationship between the big man, expand the layout of Songjiang City, Shen's group will do more and more big, grand plans.

It's worth killing a man for this goal!

"That's the deal! I guarantee you, you let me win Shen Mao said.

"Well! It's a deal Cao Dehuan said.

However, Cao Dehuan has his own small conspiracy in mind. He has made enough money these years to live in his next life. When the crisis is over, he will directly resign and immigrate with his family. He will not go through this muddy water any more!

As for whether you Shen family still have cooperation opportunities in the future, I can't control it.

Shen Mao and Cao Dehuan have different intentions, but on the surface they have reached a gentleman's agreement.

Then, Shen Mao went out from the backstage and returned to his seat.

Cao Dehuan returned to the judge for more than ten minutes.

He picked up the microphone and said, "it's been a long time! I declare that the suspension is over, and the bidding activities will continue now! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!