The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1338

This once brilliant can be seen, but the spirit of the dead is born with a strong anger, as long as the place where the dead are, there is a kind of gloomy and frightful feeling.

At this time, there were many dead soldiers standing on the wall. They were in line, very solemn and solemn.

This is not how disciplined Tianchen is.

As a matter of fact, they are keeping such vigilance against the trolls.

Trolls are their natural enemies, and they have to be vigilant all the time.

And the trolls do the same to them.

Lin Feng and others entered the main city with the army of the dead.

The city of the dead is a depression.

There are ruins everywhere. Although the road in the middle is very flat and wide, the dilapidated houses and palaces on both sides are really very ugly.

King Kong secretly discussed with the red scorpion in the back:

"well, they don't live in this kind of house, do they? The house has collapsed

"Don't worry, there is still a long way ahead. Maybe there are unexpected places in it!"

"At first glance, it's all these dilapidated palaces and houses!"

"Before here, it must have been a very luxurious main city. You can see the jade pillars. It's a pity that they are all destroyed."

。。 。。

Lin Feng also looked around, but without any doubt, followed the undead troops to move on.

After walking for about ten minutes, the road finally came to the end. In front of it was a tall stone tablet, which was full of characters!

Every soldier of the dead came to the stone tablet and stopped to salute.

Lin Feng also motioned to all the people behind him to salute.

There must be at least some politeness. Moreover, the stone tablet must be of great significance. Otherwise, how could these undead suddenly be so serious.

These undead see Lin Feng and others also salute, suddenly have a trace of favor to Lin Feng and others.

The messenger said, "maybe you don't know the meaning of this stone tablet yet. Let's talk as we go."

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded.

The team was divided into two groups, bypassing the huge stone tablet, but behind it stood two very terrifying creatures.

Or to say.. Monster!

The two monsters were huge, two stories high, and their whole bodies were made up of dense white bones, and even their heads were made up of skeletons.

If you look closely, you will find that their dense white bones are all human bones.

These human skeletons, after a certain arrangement, form a bipedal creature like a prehistoric dinosaur, with a white halo all over the body, which is very powerful.

There is even a trace of terror.

When the two demons saw Lin Feng and others coming in, they immediately began to shake their skulls, and their jaws kept opening and closing. It seemed that they were giving some threats and warnings to Lin Feng and others.

"Hate God, these are the people the prince wants to see. Please let them in." Said the messenger.

Then, the two demons were a little more stable. Although they still coveted Lin Feng and others, they were not as fierce as before.

"Wait outside!" The undead general said to the troops behind him.

Then, he, the messenger and an aide general led Lin Feng and others to pass by two abominable gods and continue to walk forward.

There is a huge stone gate in front of it. The stone gate seems to have a sense. When they come to the front of the stone gate, the stone gate opens and there is a sealed stone chamber filled with green miasma.

"Come in, please." The messenger said to Lin Feng.

The stone chamber was about dozens of square meters in size. It was impossible for everyone to enter at once. So the messenger said, "the general can lead the next group of people."

"Boss, I won't go in! Is he trying to poison us in it? " King Kong is nervous all the way, this will see the sealed stone chamber, but also feel that things are not good.

Although they all have drugs to deal with miasma, this medicine is not always effective. If they are trapped in it for a long time and the medicine fails, they can only wait for death.

Even those masters in the period of Yuan Shen are the same. They can protect their body with true Qi, but it is also limited by time. Their true Qi is not inexhaustible.

Everyone began to hesitate.

But Lin Feng looked inside carefully, but said: "this is a lift!"

When they heard this, they all looked inside carefully.

At this time, people found that through the diffuse green miasma, there were cracks between the stone chamber floor and the surrounding walls, and there were some slight scratches in the contact area between the floor and the wall, which seemed to be caused by frequent lifting and falling.

"The boss deserves to be the boss. You can see the clue at a glance! I thought it was a prison King Kong said with a smile.

People can not help but also very admire, Lin Feng is really powerful, can see the problem at a glance.

So the city of the dead is not on the ground, but underground!All of us understood for a moment why there were only ruins and soldiers on guard along the way, but there were no souls living here. It turned out that their main city was under the ground.

This elevator is going to the underground.

Hearing Lin Feng say so, the general can't help but be stunned, he asked: "have you ever been here?"

Because people who have not been here generally don't know that this is a lift, and they need to explain it. However, the human can see it at a glance, so the general thinks he has been here before.

"Never been here!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I guess!"

The general nodded and looked at Lin Feng in a different way.

Although this matter looks very small, but, this is enough to prove Lin Feng's careful mind, unique vision.

Lin Feng said to the general: "my friends are not used to this kind of miasma, or let them stay here, I will go down with you!"

"Since they are here, they are all guests. There is no reason to leave the guests out of the door and ignore them!" The general said, "you didn't seem to care about miasma all the way, so please don't be polite."

Naturally, the general thought that if all of you went underground, it would not be so easy to come up. You are subject to us. What you want is a matter of one word.

But you people on the ground, the critical moment scattered to escape, it is really not possible to catch all of them.

The true city of the undead is underground, and that is the most heavily guarded place.

Lin Feng also knows the intention of the undead general, but everyone has not made it clear.

However, Lin Feng doesn't care about these. If he has the courage to go down, he has the ability to come up. He can be alone, with a group of people. He is so confident.

So he smiles: "in this case, let's go down together and visit the city of the dead."

Everyone saw that Lin Feng had spoken, nodded in succession, and then, with Lin Feng, he went to the sealed stone chamber. , the fastest update of the webnovel!