The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1317

In this way, Lin Feng took his guide, Al, and set off in a mighty way.

With Al as a guide, the road behind will be more convenient.

Before leaving, all the people in the Tuling fortress almost went out to see Lin Feng off.

But the elves side, Queen Lanxi did not show up, the night before, she had said goodbye to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved to King Ailan: "if it's fate, we'll see you later."

"Warrior, I wish you a good journey Said Alan.

Then, he took off his helmet, put it under his armpit and bowed deeply to Lin Feng.

This is the highest level of seeing off treatment for friends of the Tuling people.

The king of Tuling clan took off his hat and bowed, which made other Tu Ling people bow down and dare not look up.

The Tuling fortress is surrounded by dwarfs. They all bow their heads. Although the scene is silent, it is extremely spectacular.

Al's nose was a little sour. His people not only saw Lin Feng off, but also saw him off as a young adventurer.

"Father, I will come back intact. Goodbye!" Al waved his arm and mounted his horse.

All of them mounted their horses. Lin Feng finally looked back at these simple and honest earth spirits, and his heart was filled with infinite warmth.

Then, he waved a long whip, a harsh whiplash broke through the sky, and Lin Feng's horse took the lead and ran ahead.

Behind the thousands of horses galloping, a well-equipped team, a mighty start.

At this time, on the top of the snow mountain behind the Tuling fortress.

Dressed in snow-white and luxurious fur, Queen Lanxi stood aloof against the wind and snow, and her eyes were always on the figure of Lin Feng's team.

Behind him, hundreds of elves stood in line and remained unmoved in the face of the raging wind on the top of the mountain.

How could queen Lancey miss the farewell!

Five hundred years.

No one in her heart will occupy such an important position, but today, this person is for their own goals and ideals, away from her.

She felt sad for her love in a hurry. At the same time, she was proud to like such a heroic man.

"Launch!" Queen Lancey's brows drooped and she ordered in a deep voice.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

A red green arrow suddenly shot out, with colorful ribbons, straight through the sky.

The arrow seems to have some sound devices. When it rubs with the air, it produces a sound similar to the cry of a Nightingale, which is very eye-catching.

"Boss, what do you think that is?"

The demon called to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked back, the sky bright ribbon, rapid rise, line up, and then, slowly spread, that word is getting bigger and bigger.

The gorgeous colors and the clear voice of nightingales are refreshing.

Lin Feng looked at this scene and laughed knowingly.

And all over the mountains and fields of Earth Spirit looked up to see those ribbons, also surprised to close their mouth.

"Look, the colorful arrows of the elves have come into the world!"

"Ah, I didn't expect to see this scene in my lifetime. I'm so excited!"

"Don't you say that the colorful arrow will be launched only on the night of the fairy queen's wedding?"

"You are really stupid. The fairy queen has a crush on someone. That person is Lin Feng!"

"Oh, so it is. What does the fairy queen mean by the colorful arrows? Married Lin Feng today

"I can't say that. It's the queen who expresses her attitude again!"

"What attitude!"

"Not Lin Feng, not married!"

"One meaning!"

"It's not the same thing!"

"That's what it means!"


because of the actions of the fairy queen, the earth spirits began to argue endlessly. They were like this. The days of mining and iron mining were boring, but when they were a little busy, they would talk about the first half of the day.

Moreover, this is the life and death of the world's unique Fairy Queen Lancey, which is bound to be the topic of discussion among dwarfs for months.

This way, Lin Feng went south all the way.

According to the map, if you go straight ahead from King's road of Tuling fortress, you will encounter a series of mountains called Blackstone mountains.

Because the mountain is black, so it has the name.

If you want to cross the Blackstone mountain, you can't walk from it. There is magma everywhere, and there is no way.

To explore the other side of the mountain, Tuling once dug a tunnel below. After the tunnel was opened, there was the crystal forest.

And the dwarf's step, also stops here.

If you go further, there will be danger.

Even in the depths of the crystal forest, the dwarf has never been there.They're just hunting next to the crystal forest that passes through the tunnel.

It is here that the conflict between the troll and the troll King arises after a dispute between the second prince of Turing and the son of the troll king.

And the territory of the giant demon clan is said to be on the other side of the crystal forest, a place called curse land!

There was once a dwarf explorer who had been there. Unfortunately, he died there, and his remains were brought back to the tulin fortress by riding on his crotch.

The troll clan is different. The troll clan is much more fierce than the Earth Spirit.

Because of their irritability and bad living environment, trolls have to go outside to find a comfortable environment.

So more than once, trolls have crossed the crystal forest to the Terran realm.

However, the Earth Spirit has never crossed the crystal forest to the troll's territory.

They are rich in products, they are rich in life, they do not need to go outside to find new territory.

Al explained the current situation and asked Lin Feng to be more careful all the way. There may be some terrible monsters in the crystal forest.

Moreover, there may be some traps set by trolls.

Because trolls often come here to hunt.

These forest peaks naturally put in mind, all the way forward, about a day's journey, finally arrived at the foot of Heishi mountain.

They had a night's rest at the foot of the black rock mountain. The next day, Al took them to the tunnel.

The tunnel was a little narrow, and it was cut at the height of a dwarf horse.

If humans ride horses, they have to lie on their backs.

Lin Feng ordered everyone to dismount and lead the horse.

The crowd then pours in, one after the other to move forward.

However, the tunnel was not peaceful. When I went in, I saw the green light shining on both sides of the wall.

It was a group of hungry wolves.

These wolves are very similar to the wolves in the human world, but may be very thin due to hunger.

At first, after Lin Feng and others entered the tunnel, they were attacked by the wolves.

However, after the masters showed their strong ability, these wolves were honest, and hid quietly in the corner.

Lin Feng is also kind-hearted, throwing some meat to them.

But an unknown premonition rose in Lin Feng's heart! , the fastest update of the webnovel!