The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1305

"Here comes the troll! Here comes the troll

A sound of panic came in from outside.

Al said, "no, the trolls are attacking the city."

I didn't expect the troll to March so fast, and Al was a little panicked.

"I don't know if father and they have worked out a strategy. I have to see it!" Said al.

Then, he did not forget to politely say to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you and your companion have a good rest, I will come when I go!"

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded.

For Al, he still very approve, from some details can be seen that the dwarf is very quality.

When the troll came, he was so flustered that he did not forget to settle down a good guest, which showed that he was very hospitable in his heart.

Just, as guests, do you want to help them?

After thinking about it, Lin Feng still shook his head. Nowadays, it's better to have more than one thing.

Moreover, once the war between troll and Turin breaks out, it will be a large-scale war. If you go to meddle in your own affairs, you will have to spend a lot of energy.

So Lin Feng decided that he would not take part in it more. After living here for a day, he set out to move on.

But Lin Feng didn't intend to take care of it. The other people in the team were very curious. They secretly sneaked out to watch the situation outside with Lin Feng on their back.

For these people's careful thinking, Lin Feng can see through at a glance, but he is also too lazy to take a look at it, just come back and can tell himself about the outside situation.

But just as Lin Feng lay down and squinted for a rest, a female doctor from the God crane gate came to Lin Feng and said, "Captain Lin Feng, master Lin Qin, please come over."

"Where is he?" Lin Feng asked.

"He went out of the fortress with the dwarf king and minister. It is estimated that he is confronting the troll at this time!" Said the woman physician.

Lin Feng frowned. What the hell is Lin Qin doing?

Why do you have to call yourself in?

But as for his understanding of Lin Qin, Lin Feng knows that if there is nothing wrong, Lin Qin will not call people to come to him.

So he got up and followed the woman doctor out of the fort.

After leaving the fortress, in front of him was a wall cast by a high mountain. Lin Feng could see from a distance that above the wall, Ailan, the king of the Earth Spirit, stood up with his head raised in a suit of armor, but there was a woman beside him, a very tall woman.

At this time, there was still a cold wind in the sky, and the women's clothes on the wall were made to hunt by the wind.

Behind Alan, the banners were long, and a line of Armored Warriors, all dressed in black armor, looked solemn and dignified from a distance.

Lin Feng can't help but praise in his heart that although dwarfs are small, they are very brave and good at fighting. If you look at the back, you will feel extraordinary momentum. If you look at the front, you will be more powerful!

"Master Lin Qin is waiting for you!" Next to the doctor said: "you see, she is also on the wall!"

At this time, Lin Feng found that many people in her team had come to this side, mostly standing on the wall overlooking the city.

Immediately, Lin Feng also went up the blue stone steps and the city wall.

On the wall, Lin Feng looked down at the city.

Here's a blue skin troll.

The trolls are slender and tall. The adult trolls are about 2.5 meters tall. Their skin is blue and their noses are very long. They are like those of witches in the middle ages of Western Europe. There are two tusks in their mouths.

Judging from the length of the tusks, you can tell the male and female trolls.

The fangs that leak out of the corners of the mouth, which are about ten or twenty centimeters long, are adult males.

If it's only a few centimeters long, it's a female.

And trolls are not afraid of the cold, so they wear very little.

Lin Feng went to Lin Qin and asked, "what can I do for you?"

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Lin Qin said in a hurry, "Oh, Captain, this is the case. Look at this group of trolls, there is a group of human beings. Don't know if you know them?"

Say, Lin Qin Dynasty a city below point to the past.

Lin Feng looked at it carefully and found that there was indeed a rubbing of human beings in front of the troll, but the human reminder was very small in front of the troll, and Lin Feng didn't notice it at the beginning.

There were more than a dozen of them, basically young people, only one middle-aged man and one old man.

The middle-aged man has a hairy beard on his face and looks cold.

But the old man is to describe emaciated, the face if knife cuts, looks a little weak, but in the eye actually reveals a stream of essence.

Their dress is more ordinary, is a simple sports suit.

"I haven't seen these people!" Lin Feng said.

"Well!" Lin Qin said, "but they know you! And if I say who they are, you should know it! "

"Is it?" Lin Feng smiles.

"These people are from the Ouyang family of the four big families in Kyoto," Lin said"Oh?" Lin Feng picked his eyebrows: "it turns out that they are from Ouyang family. I really don't know. The only people I know about Ouyang's family are Ouyang Zhenhua, Ouyang Shuo, Ouyang Yiyun... Etc., but I haven't seen this Ouyang family person!"

"He is the eldest son of Ouyang family, Ouyang Qingtian!" Lin Qin said: "Ouyang Qingtian has been managing Ouyang's overseas affairs, so he seldom returns home. I met Ouyang Zhenhua once before on his 70th birthday, and I have never seen him again!"

"Oh Lin Feng nodded: "then, this guy comes in, is it revenge or blood jade? These are the two purposes

"Captain Lin Feng must be careful of this man. He is the strongest man in Ouyang family." Lin Qin said, "I heard a long time ago that he had surpassed Ouyang Zhenhua and entered the yuan Shen period from the state of Huaqi. Now I have no idea what his cultivation is."

Lin Feng was a little confused. He said, "Lin Qin, you must know that I drove Ouyang family out of Kyoto. If Ouyang Qing was so naive, why didn't he show up when I drove Ouyang's family away?"

"I don't know that!" Lin Qin said, "maybe he is too busy with foreign affairs to come back."

Lin Feng laughed and said, "his family has been uprooted. No matter how busy he is, he has to come back."

Lin Qin thought, as if this is the truth, then do not know how to pick up the next quarrel.

Lin Feng asked Lin Qin, "which is Ouyang Qingtian, please point it out to me!"

The middle-aged man in Lin Qin Dynasty pointed to the past.

Lin Feng said: "that guy is really a master, but definitely not as powerful as you said!"

With that, he pointed to the old man beside Ouyang Qingtian: "that guy is a fierce character!"

Lin Qin nodded: "I see, then it can be explained! Ouyang Qingtian's ability is not strong, so when Ouyang's family was driven out of Kyoto, he did not stand up. After that, I took my thigh, so I came to seek revenge on you

Lin Feng laughed and said, "half right!"

"Well? What's wrong? " Lin Qin asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!