The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 130

This time, the black bear really counseled, never before.

He didn't know where Lin Feng was sacred, but he always felt that at the most critical moment, Lin Feng could always jump out and beat him.

As a result, he has formed a kind of inertia.

If he bullies Chu Yuqi again in the future, Lin Feng will surely jump out and beat him up again regardless of the time and the venue.

"Brother Lin Feng, please spare me. I really know I was wrong!" The black bear said with a snot and tears.

"What? I became your brother Lin Feng again? It's not good. Don't you like your big brother Huoshen best Lin Feng said.

"Bullshit!" The black bear scolded: "he is a man eating, not spitting out a bone bastard, if it was not for his brother Chai dog, he would not help me!"

Black bear remembered that when he was in the bar, he was beaten by Lin Feng, and the God of fire didn't help to save him. He already knew that he was a fart in front of the God of fire.

"Oh?" Lin Feng frowned: "the original wood dog is his brother!"

"Yes, he won't let go of your brother Lin Feng. He will certainly find trouble with you later, until he avenges his brother Chai Gou!" Black bear road.

"Oh, yes, I'll be with you at any time." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Lin Feng, you should be careful of the God of fire!" Black bear stood up and went to Lin Feng's ear and said a few whispers.

"Oh? The God of fire has such a relationship with the government? " Lin Feng Road.

"Yes, otherwise, how could Huoshen suppress Chen Da and become the leader of the drag racing party? He has a great relationship with the government! So you must be careful of him, he is not a general rascal Black bear road.

"OK, I see. Thank you very much for telling me this. However, if you are wrong, you are wrong. You bully these girls over and over again. You can't just apologize and tell me a little secret. I'm not a child, don't you?" Lin Feng said.

Black bear said with a sad face: "brother Lin Feng, we really know that we are wrong, please let us go!"

This time, he completely realized that he shouldn't mess with this guy. This guy is really too difficult to deal with.

At this time, Lin Feng took the black bear's hand directly with a smile. He held the black bear's hand fiercely and said excitedly, "I'm glad you can admit your mistake. I hope you can be a good person in the future...

" brother Lin Feng... It hurts... It hurts ... "the black bear grinned. The strength of the anesthetic in those two hands had just passed, and it still hurt if they didn't touch it. This would be grasped by Lin Feng, which was really painful.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe we didn't shake hands in the right way! " Lin Feng changed his hand and held the black bear's hand more forcefully than before: "I should shake hands like this!"

"Ah -" the black bear's cold sweat was fierce, which was still painful than before!

"Brother Lin Feng, please don't torture me. Whatever you want, you can say it!" Said the black bear.

"I don't know what I want, I just think you bully girls too much, so easy to let you go, no reason!" Lin Feng smiles.

But this smile, in the eyes of black bear, is more terrible than hell hell hell's sneer. He thought for a while, endured pain and said: "brother Lin Feng, these girls... In... If they are bullied by anyone in the society, call me black bear, absolutely help them out, and we will be their younger brother, on call!"

"Not sincere enough!" Lin Feng eyebrow a pick: "still have?"

"And what else?" Black bear thought for a while and said, "in the future, when they go to the dynasty bar, they can play at will. They don't have to spend any money. The owner of the bar is my friend. Of course, brother Lin Feng will go there free of charge."

Lin Feng thought about it carefully. The dynasty bar was a good big bar. Maybe there are many places to use in the future. Moreover, the black bear can stop pestering Chu Yuqi. It can also be regarded as helping Chu Yuqi get rid of a mental illness.

He is more satisfied with the performance of black bear this time.

Lin Feng released the black bear's hand and said, "black bear, I can tell you, what you said today, you should remember yourself. Let me know that you have a problem another day. I'll break your eleventh finger. Do you believe it?"

"The eleventh? I have only ten fingers The black bear looks confused.

"You still have a thick one, which grows below!" Lin Feng said: "I said to do, you do it yourself"!

The black bear understood it, and was scared all over: "I know, I know. Brother Lin Feng, don't worry. If I live one day, these words will not be violated! If it is violated, five thunders will be struck in the sky

"Take your men and get out of here Lin Feng said.

"Good!" Black bear bared his teeth and roared at the group of hooligans: "hurry to drive away, brother Lin Feng doesn't want to see us!"

All of a sudden, one by one, gray into the golden cup car.

Looking at the two golden cup cars away, Lin Feng said to Chu Yuqi with a smile: "Yuqi baby, when you are upset, you can go to their bar for fun at any time. You can eat and play at will. They will be treated as VIP. They should dare to repent and tell me that I will kill them!"Chu Yuqi is a little embarrassed. She is not a bar goer.

However, Ma Chunchun was the first to shout: "good! Excellent! God, you are wonderful

A minute later, she thought that she would be the most respectable one minute after being defiled by other rogues.

The ups and downs of life means now? What a thrill!

Moreover, for Lin Feng, they really treat Lin Feng as a God. When the power is turned off, it always falls from the sky. It feels like prince charming in the fairy tale. If Chu Yuqi didn't make a reservation in advance, they really want to squeeze Lin Feng dry!

After that, Lin Feng escorted them back to school.

"Yuqi, please call me whenever you have anything to do!" With that, Lin Feng turned to go.

"Lin Feng -" Chu Yuqi suddenly stopped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought she had something to do, but saw Chu Yuqi running up a few steps, with a gust of fragrance, pink lips directly on the face of Lin Feng and kissed, "thank you!"

Then, blushing with shame, he ran away.

"Ouch, you are shy!" Ma Chunchun and others made a fuss.

Lin Feng touched his face, heart said that he is a bit chic today, left by Shen man kiss, right by Chu Yuqi kiss, are top beauty!

Tut Tut, Lin Feng, you are still so attractive to women. How annoying are you? Why are you so attractive to women? Ah? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When Lin Feng came back to the hotel, it was light.

He simply ate breakfast and went upstairs to find that Su Jing had gone to work.

Lying on the sofa, Lin Feng dialed Lao Hu's phone number:

"Lao Hu, thank you this time!"

"You are welcome. You have made so many contributions to the country and the people. You should have done so much!"

"Don't talk to me Lin Feng didn't have a good way: "I've been living and dying for so many years, and I've done a lot of cutting-edge tasks for you. However, I'm still a little sling for commuting by bike. I don't have any money in my pocket and the rim is still dry. How embarrassed! Should I have your commission settled? More than a few billion? "

"You know, I just helped you! You still count with me Lao Hu said.

"Lao Hu, your surname is really right, old fox! You know better than anyone else. If you don't help me, I can come out, so you might as well sell a favor along the way! " Lin Feng Road.

"Well, stinky boy, are you really good at exposing me like this every time?" Laohu embarrassed way.

Lin Feng said, "well, why not? Who told you to play me all the time? He said that he would introduce me to a position of managing thousands of people, and he would be accompanied by beautiful women every day. As a result, he was a security guard, and he had to watch the woman's cold face every day. "

"Oh, come on. After all, everything should be done from the grass-roots level." Lao Hu said.

"Grass roots, your uncle!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

In fact, he is also complaining, after all, it is Lao Hu who pulled him up, and their feelings are closer than their grandsons.

After complaining, Lin Feng didn't embarrass Lao Hu. Instead, he asked, "by the way, do you find any other clues besides Chu Yuqi's blood jade?"

"Not yet. Why? Didn't you take care of that little girl? No, I know your abilities, especially those of the women you've made

"Of course I did, just...

Lin Feng frowned. He just didn't want to break Chu Yuqi's dream. If Chu Yuqi knew that he was approaching her for other purposes, she would be heartbroken!

"Don't just, I heard some wind, some bad news!" "What's bad for me?" Lao Hu said Lin Feng asked.

"This time, you will meet a strong opponent that you have never seen before!" Lao Hu sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!