The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1288

Lin Feng looked at the more brilliant words on the stone pillar and said, "we still have to work harder."

People again force, wisps of genuine Qi like a chain, all wrapped in Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng converged all the true Qi and projected two long dragon like gas columns into two stone pillars respectively.

You can see that Lin Feng is very hard, and the mark of Yuan Shen in the center of his eyebrows is shining with dazzling light.

And Lin Feng at this time also seems to be by the stone column rebound back some resistance, his face some dignified, forehead also Qin sweat.

"Drink --"

with a big drink, Lin Feng increased his horsepower, and more genuine Qi rushed toward the two pillars.

It's not that Lin Feng had some reservations at the beginning, but his master told him that these two stone pillars are the door frames of the secret place gate. Only by moistening the door frame with genuine Qi can we slowly awaken the gate of secret place.

But the door frame is not so simple. It needs to be from slow to urgent. When it reaches a certain level, gather all the strength of all the people and urge it, and the secret door will appear.

But there are also dangers. Once the opening ceremony begins, you can't stop halfway.

If it stops halfway, it will be backfired and pulled into the unknown space.

And if the true Qi is not enough, it can not open the door, and will be swallowed up in the end, and become an abandoned child of distorted space.

Therefore, Lin Feng has no way out now.

"More real gas!" Lin Feng's face slightly with a painful color, the mouth yelled.

At this point, Lin Feng is like a force point, and all the resistance reflected by the stone pillars is borne by him.

Other people also know that Lin Feng is very uncomfortable at this time, you can see from the expression of Lin Feng.

Therefore, the people dare not neglect, and once again transport enough true Qi to supply Lin Feng.

"Let's work hard and we'll be ready soon."

Xuanlingzi looked at the words on the two pillars, and basically all of them were lit up, and the light between them was connected.

"Ah Feng, it's the most critical moment. Do as I say!" Xuanlingzi called out.

"Yes Lin Feng clenched his teeth, and suddenly he yelled: "Qi --"

he pushed his hands high, and the two pillars of genuine Qi in the palms of his hands changed direction and flew towards the middle of the two pillars.

And the two air columns, in the process of moving, intertwined with each other, forming a thick air column like twist in the mouth.

The thick gas column flew to the empty place between the two pillars, which was not understood by everyone.

The next second, however, an amazing scene appeared.

The air column hit the blank between the two pillars, and immediately spread flowers.

It's like there's some kind of obstruction ahead.

After the real Qi dispersed, it did not dissipate everywhere, but was full of a flat surface.

True Qi is like a thin layer of fog, connecting the two pillars together.

At this time, Lin Feng was still continuously introducing the true Qi, and the true Qi became wider and wider, filling the space between the two pillars.

At this time, xuanlingzi's expression was very dignified. He said, "I'm afraid it's not enough true Qi."

"Such a multi-faceted master, the true spirit is not enough?" Cang Yue expressed doubts.

Xuanlingzi said: "people's hearts are separated from each other's stomach. Many people may have reservations, which is normal."

With that, xuanlingzi gave a second look at the five white tigers.

At this time, Lin Feng's expression was more and more painful. He knew that it was the critical moment, because he felt a strange force coming from the middle of the two stone pillars. This force seemed to hold his throat, making him breathe hard, and even the whole body had the feeling of being tightly held by a big hand.

"Ah --"

Lin Feng let out an uncomfortable howl, and he felt his flesh and bones were going to be crushed.

This is a very mysterious and powerful force, even he can not hold on to it.

Xuanlingzi bit his teeth and said, "ah Feng, don't be afraid. I'll help you with the master."

Cangyue grabbed Xuan Lingzi and said, "you are still injured in the body. At this time, don't you want to die?"

"I can't see my apprentice devoured with my own eyes!" Xuan Lingzi clenched his fist and said.

"Why do you think about others every time? Why can't you think more about yourself and me?"

Cang Yue felt a pain in her heart and asked in pain.

Xuanlingzi sighed deeply, and his eyes turned red: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyue, I'm a man of this character. Even if I don't ask for myself this time, my heart will be hard to settle down for the rest of my life. Life is not like death. So, in fact, I have no other choice!"

Cangyue tears fall down, she finally understand why xuanlingzi made those things that he misunderstood.

The goodness and warmth that xuanlingzi followed in his heart could not be changed by others. For the sake of justice, friendship or creed in his heart, he could be reckless.No way. It's his belief. No one can change it.

Even if he were to betray his faith, he would spend the rest of his life in repentance.

Therefore, at this moment, Cang Yue understood Xuan Lingzi thoroughly.

Yes, he is a good man. He is a real man who can not care about his family but take care of everyone.

As his woman, may like this is his point, but often women are selfish, when a man makes a correct choice, she does not support it, because at that moment, she thinks that men only belong to her.

But it's not like this. This man has the ability to connect with the sky. Therefore, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. There are many places to need him!

"I'm sorry, I'm too mean!" Cangyue said: "I couldn't think of it before, but now I want to open it. It's my pattern is too low!"

"Xiaoyue, don't blame yourself. It's not like this..." xuanlingzi said.

"Brother, you don't have to say it again. I understand it all!" Cangyue said: "your body now, you are not allowed to do this, let me help you complete it!"

With that, cangyue, regardless of xuanlingzi's obstruction, galloped forward a few steps and stood still.

"Lin Feng, hold on, it's almost the last point!" Cang Yue said, "I'll help you."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a white halo on the whole body of the Cang Yue, and the yuan God mark in the center of his eyebrows gave out a dazzling light.

Cangyue's seal of Yuan Shen is actually a well.

A very old-fashioned well.

The well twinkled with dazzling light, and the vigorous Qi filled the whole body instantly.

"Lin Feng, go on!"

Cangyue has a big drink and pushes toward Lin Feng.

A strong column of true Qi, like a nine day dragon, roared towards the forest peak. The momentum was even more fierce than the other people's real Qi.

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