The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1285

The reason is that Lin Feng's body is full of green mucus, and the mucus has a strong corrosive effect.

The reason why Lin Feng has nothing to do is that Lin Feng protects his body with genuine Qi before he enters the monster's mouth.

These green mucus seems to have stained Lin Feng all over, but in fact it did not hurt Lin Feng Fen Fen. There is a layer of genuine Qi between them.

Even Lin Feng's clothes didn't burn.

"You can do it!" Xuanlingzi came forward and said, "I haven't finished speaking, you'll understand."

Lin Feng helplessly whitened xuanlingzi and said, "master, if you finish, we will all die in that guy's stomach!"

Lin Feng just heard what xuanlingzi said, and immediately understood where the monster's weakness was.

The faces of the monster.

The monster combines the advantages of all the creatures he devours, so his brain and IQ are all determined by the people he eats.

And xuanlingzi's words obviously mean that to destroy the monster, you have to smash the Huanglong and destroy the heads hidden in the monster's mouth.

Just when the monster swooped down, his mouth was open, which was a great opportunity. So Lin Feng didn't care to break with xuanlingzi. After understanding himself, he directly prepared for the monster's mouth and rushed to the monster's mouth.

The monster devoured so many people that he was used to it. He was very happy to accept the delicious food that Lin Feng sent to his door.

But what it didn't know was that the man who brought it to his mouth was different from all the preys before.

He knows where his weaknesses are, and he has the ability to destroy himself.

The monster was dying and didn't expect to die in this way.

At this time, people were relieved. The monster was so frightening that many people sat on the ground and stroked their chest in a daze.

Lin Feng jumped into the mirror lake and washed the mucus on his body, which dissolved in water.

After washing, Lin Feng went ashore and checked the personnel.

This time, however, there were some casualties.

Among them, most of the logistics teams led by Lao Wang were killed and injured.

Along the way, it seems that Lao Wang's team has never stopped. This time, three of them were killed by the monster's tail.

The others were also injured to varying degrees. Some were burned by mucus and some were severely injured by the tail.

Looking at these people, the people in the logistics department can't move on.

Lin Feng is the master. Let Lao Wang stay. Don't enter the secret place.

After entering the secret place, there is less demand for the logistics department, because after entering the secret place, everyone is looking for food and water anytime and anywhere, and will not carry a lot of things on their bodies.

Lao Wang and others were bought by the Tang family with money, and they were also a group of plain people with little fighting power.

If such a person goes into the secret place, he will die.

Lao Wang's mouth twitched when he heard that Lin Feng asked him to take his men back.

He said: "my team members are dead and injured. This journey is much more difficult than I thought. We were cheated by the Tang family."

"What do you say?" Lin Feng asked.

Lao Wang said: "it was the Tang family who paid us to accompany us. They said it was just an exploration tour. There might be some dangers, but pay more attention. It should be OK. Therefore, he only paid us one million yuan."

"Now it seems that the reward of one million is too low. This is to take a million dollars and let us work for him."

Lin Feng sighed and said, "it's not too late to know now, go back!"

"No!" "My team members can go back, I can't go back!" he said

With that, Lao Wang's two lines of muddy tears came down.

"Do you want to go in and die?" Lin Feng asked.

"My son is dead. It's no fun for me to live in this world. It's better to fulfill his wish and enter the secret world with you!" Lao Wang cried.

"What? Your son? Dead? " Lin Feng was very surprised: "which is your son?"

"There Lao Wang endured the pain and pointed to a big tree.

His son, who had been separated by the flesh and blood swept by the monster's giant tail, sprayed part of it on the tree. However, he could not see the completed human form, and even could not distinguish the shapes of organs and limbs.

It's bloody!

Lao Wang didn't dare to look over there. Every time he looked at it, his heart felt like a needle in a needle.

This son, though a dry son, was picked up by him since childhood, just like his own son.

At this moment, it was a puddle of meat, which he could not accept.

After knowing this, Lin Feng patted Lao Wang on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, I'll finish your son's wish for him."

Lao Wang cried and said, "my son just heard that you are going to the great secret place this time. He wants to see what the great secret place looks like. Therefore, he took the job. But when he got to the gate, he couldn't see it! Wuwuwu... "With that, Lao Wang couldn't stop his grief and began to cry!

Lin Feng is also very helpless, this group of people are obviously cheated by the Tang family, this secret place is very dangerous, it seems that these people do not know.

He said to Lao Wang, "if you insist on going to the secret place, you can follow me in. However, I have to explain in advance that I can't guarantee your life and death!"

"Everyone, please listen to me. Now, before we enter the secret place, we have broken many brothers. The danger ahead will escalate. I hope you will be prepared. Here I ask you again, are you really ready to enter the secret place with me? If anyone regrets, you can stop here. I won't have any complaints. I just hope you will cherish your life

With that, Lin Feng scanned everyone.

More people, after experiencing these difficulties, have chosen to face the difficulties, with a tenacity in their eyes.

All of us have experienced so much in front of us. At the end of the day when we want to enter the secret place and explore this wonder, everyone is not willing to give up this opportunity.

After all, this opportunity, once in a lifetime, has been a blessing.

However, some people still choose to quit after measuring.

"Sorry, Captain Lin Feng, I can't continue with you!" General Yingzhou said: "I have seen the vast territory and strange people and scholars of the Dragon Kingdom on this journey. I feel that my cultivation is totally unworthy of entering the secret realm with you, so I choose to quit!"

General Yingzhou's words also opened an awkward situation. Some people raised their hands in succession: "sorry, Captain Lin Feng!"

"I'm sorry!"


"nothing to be sorry about!" Lin Feng looked at the people who gave up, most of them were plain people!

These people were bought by some families and sects in Kyoto, and then joined in the fun with Lin Feng. When they saw the danger, they did not dare to continue.

Lin Feng said, "if you decide to leave, you can go back with my master. Then, if you decide to enter the secret place, go ahead with me."

"Wait!" All of a sudden, a voice came from the forest: "Lin Feng, I also decided to enter the secret place, take me one!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!