The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1283

The shrill cry was complicated, like a bird's song, or the roar of a wolf or a bear.

Then, there was also a whine of sadness.

It's no wonder that the person's scalp is numb. It's not the sound of normal creatures.

Moreover, at this time, the call is so close to people, as if in the ear, but also let people have goose bumps all over the body.

They looked around, but they saw nothing.

Is that far away from us?

Xuanlingzi said: "you must be careful. We are about to arrive at the gate of the secret place. That thing should be guarding the gate of the secret place. Therefore, it will use all its strength to deal with us!"

"What the hell is that?" Someone asked.

"I can't explain this. You can see it!" Xuanlingzi said.

"Is that dangerous?" "We have so many masters, but we can't handle it easily?" the demon asked

"It's not that simple!" Xuanlingzi said, "some things are not what you think they are!"

"Then we can avoid it and not fight it head-on!" Asked the mouse.

"You can avoid it!" Xuanlingzi nodded.

"Oh, it would be nice if we could get away from it. Let's cooperate actively, and then we'll finish the task by going around it!" Said the mouse, relieved.

Xuanlingzi said, "that thing is guarding near the entrance. If we want to avoid him, we have to wait for him to fall asleep."

"But that thing sleeps only one day a month, and I'm not sure what day it will be!"

The mouse wiped his face with his hand and looked rather uncomfortable: "anyway, it's not today. You listen to his call more than anyone else!"

"So, it's not so easy to avoid it!" Xuanlingzi said: "in addition, when you enter the secret place, you will inevitably encounter some very dystocia creatures. This is supposed to warm you up in advance."

"Good!" Lin Feng took over the argument and said, "we have never been afraid of difficulties, otherwise we will not get together here. Therefore, no matter how dangerous the road ahead is, I believe that as long as we unite as one, we can surely win the final victory."

"Yes The mouse said: "with the boss in, all difficulties will be overcome!"

"Now, let's move on. Remember to be vigilant at all times." Lin Feng said.

As they went on, they walked through a waist high green grass, and suddenly a lake appeared in front of them.

The lake is thousands of square meters in size. Although the water is not very clear, the surface of the lake is very calm.

The lake was like a mirror without any waves.

Next to the reflection of green trees and wild flowers, the real show in the lake, and the blue sky and white clouds, very beautiful.

People also haven't seen the sky for half a day. Before that, the trees covered the sky. In the middle of the lake, you can see the blue sky and white clouds like marshmallow.

The reflection of the scenery in the lake is the same as that of the scenery beside the lake. The lake is like a mirror, which includes all the scenery around it, and then clearly presents it to all people, making people feel as if they are in a double world.

This kind of feeling is very good, looks at the person TUT is surprised, but, for a long time, it is a little dizzy.

I don't even know where the lake is or where the sky is.

"This is Mingjing lake. It's all natural rainwater. Because there is no wind, the lake has always been so calm."

Xuanlingzi introduced it to you, and at the same time, he led everyone around the lake to the opposite bank.

"Did you see the two big stones? That's where you're going Xuanlingzi pointed to two huge stones on the other side of the lake.

The two giant stones, about ten meters apart, are irregular cylindrical shapes.

The height of the two giant stones should be dozens of meters high. One of them is thicker than the other, but the latter is several meters higher than the former.

However, there is no other special place except that the two giant stones are somewhat peculiar in appearance.

People can't help but wonder, are the two giant stones the entrance of the secret place? Do you have to get into the rock before you enter the secret place?

Or remove the stone and hide the secret place under it?

Seeing people's confusion, xuanlingzi didn't explain much, but simply said, "if you walk in, maybe you can see some clues."

After hearing this, they did not make any noise and followed xuanlingzi.

About half an hour later, the crowd had already circled to the other side of the lake, only a few hundred meters away from the two giant stones.

However, at this time, the calm lake, suddenly blowing a strong wind.

In an instant, all the beautiful scenery was broken, and the lake raised waves, and the waves became bigger and bigger.

If the original lake is a peaceful and peaceful face, and at this time the lake is more ferocious.The weeds around are also swayed by the wind, there is no room for resistance.

There was a rustle of wind in the trees.

"Be careful

Xuanlingzi called out.

At this time, the water in the center of the lake suddenly rose, and a huge object rose from the water.

The water splashed all over the lake. After the huge object was lifted into the air, its body expanded and covered the blue sky on top of people's heads.

"Woo -"

that shrill cry, really into everyone's ears.

People looked up and found that the strange thing on the top of the head was a strange fish with four feet.

The fish is like a catfish, with two long tentacles, but there is no scale all over the body.

Its four feet, more like the four feet of a wolf, the skin of the body is full of holes, some places with pus, some places with fur.

After the monster fell, it splashed with water and its tail swung towards the crowd.

A strong smell, with a stream of water mist, came from the pavement.

This momentum is so strong that if you fight hard, it will be swept by its tail for hundreds of meters.

"Get down!" Lin Feng yelled.

The crowd quickly cling to the ground, lying in the grass.

It's like a catfish's big tail, scurrying across the heads of the crowd, with a gust of wind, people shivering.

A few people were slow to react and did not have time to hide. They were swept by the tail of a fish, and their flesh and blood were blurred on the spot. Their bodies flew far away and hit the trees. Some of their flesh and blood were left on the trunk of the tree. It was terrible to see.

Everyone saw the power of the monster, and they were all flustered.

This guy is more powerful than the cultivator!

However, when the monster's giant tail swept past, just in time to the crowd, when everyone was shocked.

If we say that scene just now is very dangerous and frightening, then at this moment, people's world outlook is about to be overturned.

Because when the monster turned around, they saw a scene that they would never forget. , the fastest update of the webnovel!