The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1276

"Inside please!" Ren Changfeng was slightly embarrassed.

"Is Lin Feng in there?" V asked.

"No!" Ren Changfeng said, "they have set out for a day."

"Ah?" V big a little surprised, said: "then I don't have to go in, you tell me their location, I'll go straight to them."

"I don't know the exact location. I just know the general location. Or I'll tell you and you can find it?" Ren Changfeng said.

"Yes!" V Avenue.

Ren Changfeng told V Da the general route and direction. Without saying a word, he went directly into the mountain with the people from the rainforest Corps.

At this end, xuanlingzi asked everyone to move on.

We straightened up and were ready to go on the road.

People left some equipment in place, because it was useless to take it in, so they went to battle with light clothes.

The party began to go down the mountain, through the dense jungle, feeling the higher the temperature.

Because the terrain is low, the temperature rises with it.

The vegetation below is obviously more luxuriant, and the vegetation types have changed from some shrub plants in arid areas to some dense temperate broad-leaved forest vegetation.

Lin Feng and others are very careful all the way, because they all know that the closer you are to the entrance of the secret place, the greater the danger.

This is not only dangerous around the entrance of the secret place, but also the ambush of many enemies.

Lin Feng asked everyone to follow the formation arranged before. Xuanlingzi was injured at this time, so he didn't lead the way in the front. Cangyue and Qingcheng led the way in the front.

Women lead the way, always let the men more blood, because a woman rushed to the front, seven feet man, there is nothing to panic about!

So along the way, everyone should be very nervous, but in fact, the heart is still very relaxed.

Along the way, we also saw a lot of rare animals and animals. These wild animals seem to be very spiritual. After seeing them coming, they all secretly hide and peep. They don't want those silly animals to run around.

Lin Feng said to xuanlingzi beside him: "master, look at the animals around here. It seems that their wisdom is higher than those in other places. Are we approaching the entrance soon?"

Xuanlingzi nodded: "yes, it is not far from the entrance, but at least there are more than ten kilometers away."

"Master, would you please stop panting?" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "it's almost there. Then, it's still more than ten kilometers away! I "Oh, we went into the mountains to collect herbs!" Lin Feng said.

"Into the mountains to collect herbs?" The head of the middle-aged man's face was full of flesh, and in his ferocious eyes, he did not have any trust in Lin Feng: "do you need to take so many guys to pick herbs up the mountain? There's a gun in your hand. You're going to collect herbs. Ghosts believe you! "

"Then I venture to ask, what are you going to do Lin Feng asked hengrou man, "don't you all have guns?"

"What's wrong with our guns? I need to do it Said the man.

"What do you do?" Lin Feng asked.

"Forest keeper!" The man said, "we guard this mountain forest! Therefore, once strangers come in, we will punish them severely if they don't have the corresponding official documents and passes! "

Lin Feng turned his head and asked xuanlingzi, "master, is this with a guard?"

Xuanlingzi nodded: "yes, they often patrol the mountains and take care of the whole forest. I have met several times!"

Lin Feng nodded the sky and looked at the group again. He said to the man who was the leader: "you are the forest keeper, aren't you? Then I also want to see your ID card. If you have another ID card, I will obey absolutely. Otherwise, I will not obey your orders! "

"Oh, you're so arrogant!" The first man said grimly: "my clothes are certificates. If you don't know them, come and have a look at the badges. They are all issued by the relevant departments."

Then, he said to the others, "aim your gun at these crooks. If anyone dares to do anything, shoot them!"

"Yes Everyone raised their guns and aimed at Lin Feng's team.

But Lin Feng's eyes flashed a glimmer of light and said: "don't be angry, my eyes are really not good, you like this, let me go to have a look at it carefully!"

Say, Lin Feng then walk past! , the fastest update of the webnovel!