The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1266

"No more playing, enough playing!"

Lin Feng suddenly after drinking, but suddenly launched an attack.

I saw him not slow toward an empty direction a punch out.

This operation made everyone present in a daze.

What's the situation? Why is the punch empty?

Just when everyone was confused, a puzzling scene happened.

See that wind that red figure, unexpectedly toward Lin Feng that one fist, directly hit up.

The wind didn't expect it to be like this.

Her footwork is so exquisite and fast that there is no time to study her footwork when her opponent is fighting against her, so that no one can see through her footwork.

However, in a very short period of time, Lin Feng actually achieved the prediction.

The line, time and position are the same.

Looking at Lin Feng's fist, feng'er was flustered and immediately chopped with his sword.

Lin Feng is to draw back his hand, with the trend of a sweep legs again toward the wind to kick.

Feng'er was cut off from her footwork by the fist before Lin Feng. In a hurry, she also stopped. Lin Feng's one foot after another made her come back to her mind immediately.

It's still fighting. Why are you so helpless?

The wind just broke out with a sword, but it hasn't time to take it back, so I can only use another hand to block it.

However, the wind found that he thought of the man in front of him too simply.

When the kick came, it was like a sea breeze howling all over the sky, which could even engulf the whole fishing village.

Although it is an illusion, but enough to understand how strong Lin Feng's foot is.

"Hum -"

"Bang --"

although the wind blocked this foot, the impact of the genuine Qi made the wind totally unable to resist. Her body was kicked out and her sword fell off.

Her brain was dazed and fell heavily to the ground, leaving only a long hum in her mind.

"Hum -"

feng'er's brain is in a state of chaos, and he was kicked unconscious by Lin Feng.

The scene shocked everyone present.

How did Lin Feng do it?

That's the strong one of the three levels of Ning Yuan state. Moreover, with such a mysterious body method, how could he be defeated by Lin Feng in a few moves?

Isn't that amazing?

If so, isn't Lin Feng's rank higher than that of Ning Yuan Jing San?

A few days ago, Lin Feng still hasn't gone out of the frontier yet? This is a monster!

"Good! Great

Beiye ling'er broke everyone's mind with a cheer, and the people in the camp of Linfeng immediately cheered up.

The demon and the mouse jumped wildly together to celebrate. King Kong's fist was clenched and his teeth were creaking. This was his reaction when he felt very happy.

And others were ecstatic.

Chen duo, the mountain tiger among the five white tigers, was beaten in the face.

Now he is the second level of Ning Yuan state, and the other side's three level experts of Ning Yuan state are easily defeated by Lin Feng. He feels very embarrassed in an instant.

If Lin Feng really cares about himself, his own cultivation is not enough!

He felt a sudden palpitation and bowed his head.

At this time, the most difficult to accept this situation is cangyue.

Cangyue didn't expect that her most proud student was defeated by the other party in a few moves.

"Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to make such progress in just a few days!" Cangyue looks at Lin Feng carefully, seemingly trying to find out how Lin Feng got promoted so fast.

"Isn't that what you forced? Otherwise, are we not going to be insulted by you all the time? " Lin Feng said.

When Qingcheng heard this, she was also in a temper. At this time, she was very confident. After Lin Feng defeated the other party's four disciples, she felt excited all over her body.

"Cangyue master, you say that my younger martial brother and I are rubbish. What are your four apprentices Qing Cheng's face was full of smile and said, "is it not as good as face waste?"


the face of Cang Yueqi is livid.

At this time, xuanlingzi quickly came out of the big circle, but it was obvious that his face was also full of pride.

"Xiaoyue, my apprentice started a little harder. This is really his fault. I will punish him well when I go back. How can I treat the guests like this?"

With that, xuanlingzi still seemed to come to the truth, and said to Lin Feng, "villains, beating women so hard, how do I teach you at ordinary times?"

"Master said that women are used to spoil, not to fight!" Lin Feng said.

"Well, that's right." Xuanlingzi said, "what are you doing today?""The apprentices are wrong. They should be pampered." Lin Feng said from the heart.

Even after that, I want to laugh.

Xuanlingzi was an old actor, and said with a displeased face, "go and apologize to someone else quickly."

"Yes Lin Feng went to cangyue and said, "cangyue master, my younger brother's hand is a little heavy, which has caused three of your four disciples to be seriously injured. It's really the younger generation who shouldn't. I'm here to apologize to you!"

Cang Yue, listening to this, why is it so wrong?

Is this an apology? This is obviously showing off!

However, Lin Feng added that he almost didn't take cangyue to death.

Lin Feng said: "cangyue master, in fact, the younger generation has done a good job. I didn't lay a heavy hand on your apprentice. I specially left her to take care of your other three apprentices. Otherwise, four of them will be injured, and you will not be able to take care of any of them. Do you think so?"

"It's time to fight if you're glib!"

Cang Yue was so angry that she went up to the top. Finally, she couldn't bear to stand it. She directly reached for Lin Feng.

However, at this moment, but listen to the "pa" of a crisp sound.

Cangyue's wrist was firmly held in the hand by xuanlingzi.

"Xiaoyue, let's not mix in the affairs of the younger generation. If you are really angry, you will come to me, and I will not fight back!"

Cangyue gritted her teeth and said, "I'm sorry, I have no feeling for you. Your apprentice has hurt my apprentice. In this matter, I will take the lead for my apprentice!"

Lin Feng said behind xuanlingzi: "cangyue master, you can't be reasonable. When they bullied me and my elder martial sister, they didn't see my master come out to help us. I think it's a little disrespectful for you to do so!"

"What do you say?" Cangyue silver teeth dark bite, covetously looking at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't seem to use the right words. You should call it... Relying on the old and selling the old, yes, relying on the old and selling the old!"

"I killed you!"

With that, cangyue's whole body is full of true Qi. The white genuine Qi is like the clouds of high mountains, which makes cangyue appear some real and illusory.

Lin Feng was so excited that she was really a master. Even her five gods could only feel her strong genuine Qi. However, it was impossible to determine what level she was.

A lot of, for their own higher!

Lin Feng sighs and laughs. It seems that he has a long way to go!

When I used to be a martial artist, I was surrounded by ordinary people. Later, when I joined the ranks of practitioners, I would always meet some powerful practitioners. But now, the seed of the yuan God has condensed and entered the Ning yuan realm, but I find that there are people outside of us, and there is a heaven and a sky outside.

Perhaps, the world is really hierarchical, when you reach a certain stage, you will meet a certain group of people, or or, meet a certain type of people.

At this time, Cang Yue showed a strong spirit, enough to make everyone else present moved.

However, when everyone was shocked and alarmed, Lin Feng said calmly:

"it's useless for you to get angry, master cangyue. Today, I not only hurt your apprentice, but also go to the secret place. You can't stop me!"

On hearing this, Cang Yue's gray hair burst up in an instant, like the tentacles of octopus, waving and angry.

And cangyue itself is more ferocious, cold voice to drink: "Lin Feng, today must be your death date!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!