The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1259

The two feelings of cold and hot are exactly the two kinds of treasures that Lin Feng has always carried with him.

Spirit core and magic core.

The spirit core is the spirit core of the ghost wolf Haru, and that magic core is taken from the head of red flame tiger Batu.

Both the spirit core and the magic core are the core items in the spirit beast, and the aura cultivated by the spirit beast from birth to death is contained in the spirit core.

There are different levels of spirit beasts. The spirit core and aura of low level spirit beast are not as much as that of intermediate level spirit beast. Similarly, the spirit core of high level spirit beast and epic level spirit beast is the strongest.

Lin Feng can't judge the level of the spirit core and the magic core for the time being, but he can feel that their rich aura and his five gods attract each other.

"That's great. I thought the aura was exhausted. Now the spirit core and magic core are enough for me to use for a while."

Lin Feng was very happy. The spirit core and magic core were different from the spirit stone. They were rich in spirit, but thousands of times thicker than the spirit stone.

Because spiritual core and magic core are naturally the best medium for refining and storing aura. Spirit stone is only moistened by aura and is rich in aura, which can not be compared with spirit core.

Therefore, this spirit core can be comparable to thousands of spirit stones. If it is a high-level spirit animal spirit core, the aura of hundreds of thousands of spirit stones is less than half of that spirit core.

Therefore, when Lin Feng thought of the spiritual core and the magic core, his joy was hard to express.

This means that I have enough aura to practice.

Moreover, the attribute of this aura is divided into cold and hot, which is more suitable for one's cultivation.

Lin Feng quickly cross his knees and do, first took out the spirit core, the spirit core immediately sent out a strong aura, as if waiting for this moment for a long time.

The spirit core was shining brightly, and layers of white fog began to rise on the surface.

At this time, the magic core in his other pocket could not help it. It flew out of his pocket and landed on the ground directly. A trace of red mist rose on the surface.

"Boy, I'm more anxious than I am, so let's come together!"

Lin Feng held one in one hand, then sat cross legged and continued to practice.

Suddenly, Lin Feng seems to have discovered a new continent.

Because he sensed that the aura contained in this spirit core and a magic core was almost explosive.

More than this chamber.

What did you do in the old asshole's secret room? I can practice with these two babies directly!

This time, the old bastard's secret room has been destroyed, and he owes him a great love.

However, Lin Feng has a way. If these two babies can have some aura left, they can just give the old bastard a gift.

Lin Feng is so relaxed now that he is a little confused.

But his body is thirsty to absorb the aura, the dark chamber, because of a white and a red aura, and appears incomparably gorgeous.

Lin Feng sat in the middle of his knees, motionless, thinking in the breeze, like a sacred shrine in the secret land.


these days, people in Xuanling mansion seem to be happy, but in fact, they are happy and worried.

People close to Lin Feng are worried about Lin Feng's condition. They said that they went to the secret place on the fourth day. It's the fourth day. Why hasn't there been any movement?

Has Lin Feng given up?

Many people who follow Lin Feng wholeheartedly are wavering and disappointed, while those who have two minds are indifferent.

You Lin Feng cattle, I when you are the captain, you are finished, I think you are scum.

If you enter the secret place, I will go with you to have a look. It has nothing to do with me whether you go into the secret place. I will go down the mountain after eating and drinking here, and I will be happy as usual.

These people's performance, all see in xuanlingzi's eyes, although xuanlingzi does not say anything, but he knows Lin Feng's intention very well.

He also pretended to be confused and drank with people all day long. However, in the dead of night, xuanlingzi would toss and turn, unable to sleep. He would quietly go to the basement, and then, standing in front of the door for a long time, refused to leave.

In fact, he is more concerned about Lin Feng's state than anyone else. He doesn't know how Lin Feng is now, and he can't disturb him.

If Lin Feng is on the way to the advanced Ning yuan realm and is interrupted by himself, the consequences will be too serious.

Therefore, xuanlingzi tossed and turned several times every night, and then went back to the room for a long time and couldn't sleep.

How many years did not worry about a person or a thing, xuanlingzi even liked this feeling.

However, today is the fourth day, that is to say, the day to go to the secret place.

Early in the morning, after breakfast, they all waited in the yard for Lin Feng to leave.

Xuanlingzi went into the basement and listened to the movement inside. He felt that Lin Feng was still practicing.

He thought that Lin Feng might be at the last minute and might be about to enter the Ning yuan realm. At this time, he must not disturb him.Therefore, xuanlingzi went back to the courtyard, facing the public's query, he just smile: "give him a little more time!"

"I think it's better to forget it. What's the use of forcing it?"

"How can we forget it? We have experienced a lot of dangers along the way. When we finally got here, we said forget it?"

"Lin Feng is the team leader and should work hard for this matter!"

"Even in the effort, in the face of such a big gap, what can we do? Lin Feng is not a god


in the face of Lin Feng's tardiness in going out of the customs clearance, many people are talking about it.

Zong Yunhai came forward, bowed respectfully to xuanlingzi, and then asked, "master, what is the result of Lin Feng's cultivation now? You should be clear after all. Can you tell us something about it?"

Xuanlingzi raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't go to see it either."

"Oh Zong Yunhai nodded, but obviously still very dissatisfied with this ambiguous answer.

"Can Lin Feng overcome those four women in such a short time?" Luo Youcai asked with concern.

"No!" Xuanlingzi replied calmly.

"I'm relieved!" Luo Youcai chuckled and mumbled a sentence, and then gave him a look.

That means: brother, Lin Feng will definitely fold, you see!

Li Pang is also happy. He is responsible for cooking for everyone these days. He is tired of backache and backache. This is due to Lin Feng. He has no way to revenge himself. Let some beauties take revenge for him.

However, immediately they met the cruel and domineering eyes of King Kong, and immediately lowered their heads and kept silent.

"Old man, can't you say you can't?" A clear voice came.

According to the reputation, we found that it was the spirit of Kitano who was speaking.

It seems that Beiye linger is still in the rebellious period. She always likes to sing against people. When she sees these people directly drawing a conclusion to Lin Feng, she is very unconvinced. In her mind, everything that has not happened has a lot of possibilities.

She felt that there were innumerable possibilities hidden in Lin Feng's body, so she blurted out directly and criticized xuanlingzi.

Xuan Ling son saw that he was a northern wild child, and could not help laughing. He was very kindly saying, "yes, I said it wrong. Can Raymond Lam do it or I has the final say?"

"That's right." Beiye linger originally arrogant small expression, suddenly clever many.

At this time, I suddenly heard the gate of Xuanling mansion ring. Then, a woman's voice came from outside:

"the gate is closed. Do you want to be a turtle with shrinking head?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!