The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1246

Hearing this, the faces of all three of you are somewhat complicated.

To say this, no wonder xuanlingzi, but cangyue is also a real victim.

So the three of them didn't make any comments and continued to listen to xuanlingzi.

Xuanlingzi said, "I went with my younger brother to Tianmen Mountain in Beihai, because Shifu had already passed by the day before! We met a lot of like-minded friends along the way, as well as a lot of Rangers. They all rushed to Tianmen Mountain to fight against the fierce demon of dragon kingdom! "

Qingfeng also nodded, as if the scene was in front of him: "I had the honor to participate in that battle. It was really a fierce battle. It was very similar to the scene when the major sects besieged Guangding in ancient times. There were many valiant generals under Yinyang grandma. The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and finally the justice side won the victory."

"Well!" Xuanlingzi nodded heavily, but what followed was bad news.

According to xuanlingzi's description, his master, the old ghost, gave up his life and exhausted all his strength in order to prevent more losses in the last-minute battle with Yinyang Tongmu.

However, yin and Yang's grandmother didn't die. He was beaten to death and escaped. However, the master, the old ghost, was scattered, leaving only the spirit to support the body.

At the last moment, the old ghost called his daughter jingouyue and xuanlingzi to his side. He said that his last wish was to watch the two of them marry and hope that xuanlingzi can take care of his daughter for himself. Otherwise, he will die in peace.

Looking at master's painful appearance, xuanlingzi felt extremely ashamed and sad. Master's last wish was to give him the golden hook moon to take care of. The old ghost knew that his daughter had always liked Xuan Lingzi. He had promised xuanlingzi's father that he would let him marry and have children in his lifetime.

Therefore, to let his daughter marry xuanlingzi is his last and biggest wish in this life.

He looked forward to looking at xuanlingzi, even if the body pain again, he also forced to bear, refused to close his eyes.

Xuanlingzi was tearful. Looking at the man who had taken care of himself and grew up as a father, xuanlingzi could no longer resist the intense sadness in his heart. He plunged into the master's arms and cried and promised him that he would marry his younger sister, Jin gouyue, and would take care of Jin gouyue for his master.

Then, the old ghost went to the paradise with a kind smile.

In this lifetime, all his promises have been fulfilled. Moreover, he finally used his life to contain the world's greatest demon, which can be regarded as a complete merit and without regret.

Xuanlingzi returned to Kunlun with his master's coffin. He was the elder martial brother and the leader of the Kunlun sect at that time. According to master's will, he wanted to marry Jin gouyue as his wife.

But, at this moment, he, how to face his beloved cangyue?

Xuanlingzi fell into extreme pain, he once gave cangyue the oath of commitment, at this moment is becoming so pale and powerless.

He wanted to leave Kunlun, return to cangyue again, and stay with cangyue until old.

But now, he can only think of cangyue every day and night, but he can't go back to cangyue.

Because he has to deal with Kunlun affairs. Jingouyue, he wants to marry.

He could not live up to the master who raised him.

Xuanlingzi's hair was half white overnight. He realized that the most difficult thing in the world was not the choice of life and death, but the irretrievable love hate entanglement.

But after a few days of careful thinking, xuanlingzi had an idea.

He just likes Jin gouyue as much as his brother does to his sister. He has no feelings for men and women. However, he can't say that because it will hurt Jin gouyue. His master has just passed away, and the younger martial sister is in a state of extreme sadness and depression. He can't make it worse for her.

Therefore, he must marry a little younger martial sister. However, he is not in the same bed as the younger martial sister. He slowly enlightens the younger martial sister and makes the younger martial sister die for himself. Then, he entrusts the younger martial sister to a good family, and then goes to cangyue to plead guilty!

However, when xuanlingzi had just begun to implement his plan, he did not know who had passed the news that he and Jin gouyue were going to marry.

Cangyue came to her door with her arms full of six. At that time, the residence of Kunlun sect was not at Xuanling peak, but yuxu peak, the highest peak among the thirteen peaks of Beishan Mountain.

In spite of the cold, cangyue climbed to the top of the mountain in a single garment for a day and a night. It happened that xuanlingzi and jingouyue were married.

She thought it was false news from others. He believed in xuanlingzi's behavior and would not marry other women behind her back.

However, the facts proved that she was wrong. She believed in xuanlingzi so much, but at this moment, she completely subverted her world outlook.

She felt the thunderbolt, and the scene in front of her made her feel at a loss. In the extreme shock, fear, anger and sadness, her body seemed to have lost all support and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Later, when she woke up again, the child was gone. Weak, she quickly asked the people around her, what happened here.She thought it was a dream, a nightmare, how could her beloved man marry another woman behind her back.

However, the reality is cruel. She learned from others that xuanlingzi had inherited the position of leader of Kunlun school and married the ghost's daughter Jin gouyue.

Cangyue let everyone go out, close the door and forbid anyone to come in.

Even if xuanlingzi stayed outside for three days and nights, she still didn't see him.

The newly married Jin gouyue doesn't understand why xuanlingzi is outside every day and night. After asking his second senior brother xuanzhenzi, he knows that the woman xuanlingzi likes is not her, but cangyue.

Even, xuanlingzi and cangyue have already had flesh and blood. During these three days, xuanlingzi has been accompanying cangyue.

Gold hook month in a rage, directly to the back hall to ask cangyue.

Cang ran, in front of the door of Cang ran, she saw the door before the collapse.

She loves her elder martial brother so much. She loves her very much since she was a child. In her world, the elder martial brother is her, and others have no right to share.

Of course, the elder martial brother can always take her away.

This incident changed her heart. She thought cangyue was coming to the mountain to attend their wedding. Now she knows that this woman is actually coming to rob her.

Jin gouyue is very angry and wants to kick the door to find cangyue theory. However, xuanlingzi stops her and scolds her to go.

Xuanlingzi felt extremely guilty at this time. He didn't want cangyue to be hurt any more.

However, this cold performance makes Jin gouyue extremely cold hearted. She has never seen her elder martial brother treat her like this. In fact, she is just a childish child in his heart. The one he really loves is not her!

She covered her face and wept, and the grief of her father's death and the pain of being cheated by xuanlingzi were mixed into her tears. She ran to her father's grave in Houshan, crying bitterly, and her tears flowed into a river.

And here, Cang Yue came out of the room with a haggard look. In three days, she was full of white hair.

She looked at xuanlingzi's gray hair and sneered bitterly: "heartless man, I will not believe you again in my life, and I will not forgive you. We will leave now, and we will be apart from each other."

Cangyue is determined to leave no chance for xuanlingzi to stay.

Xuanlingzi's child was gone and his love was gone. But when he was in great pain and sorrow, more bad news came.

Jin gouyue committed suicide! , the fastest update of the webnovel!