The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1238

Lin Feng has to admire, ginger is still old and spicy.

He took out 300 yuan and gave it to xuanlingzi. He said, "you've got a good old man. He's getting worse and worse."

Xuanlingzi happily took the money back into his pocket and said contentedly, "is it wrong to like money? Money can buy wine and drink. It can be exchanged for anything I like in the world. It's a good thing

Lin Feng disdained to say: "other people's masters can be money such as dung, people's pattern is high, look high, look far, extraordinary and refined, that is called an expert, you look at you, like what kind of ah!"

Xuanlingzi laughed and said, "if you are born to be a man and live in the world, do you have to get rid of worldly vulgarity to be called an expert? I think, if really out of this world, it is the immortal, in the absence of immortal, who do not flaunt themselves as saints, saints do not eat? No water? The world and the beautiful food? If someone says that he doesn't like all these things. He's devoted to the Buddha and keeps aloof from the world! Then I can only say, either he is fake, or he is stupid! "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng ha ha ha a smile: "you old bastard, talk always so ground gas! Do you know what I like most about you? "

"Which one?" Xuanlingzi asked.

"That's what you don't want to be ashamed of!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "no reason to argue three points, the face is not red, the heart does not jump, and is not shy!"

"That's my deep cultivation!" Xuanlingzi road.

"You see, the more you talk, the more shameless you are!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, if you want to hear it or not, I'll watch the live broadcast if you don't want to hear it!" Xuanlingzi said he was going to get up.

"If you want to hear me, tell me!" Lin Feng waved.

Xuanlingzi sat back reluctantly on his face and said, "listen to me here. Don't always talk about how a master wants to be. Just treat your master as a layman."

"Yes Lin Feng answered very simply.

This style is not just a layman!

However, Lin Feng has always felt that he is a layman.

He also likes money and beauty in this world, but he feels that he should be kind and maintain justice no matter when and where.

This is his moral bottom line.

He was greedy for money, lustful and upright, which was his eight character evaluation in front of the Golden Phoenix.

Now think about it. I'm really influenced by this old bastard.

Xuanlingzi continued: "your elder martial sister's incorruptible body, Yuan Shen seed is water attribute. If she preaches Yuanying period in the future, it is very likely that the original God's mark is a lotus with water flowing out."

"Wow, can it be so clear?" Lin Feng exclaimed.

"Yes Xuanlingzi nodded: "in the period of Yuanying, you can clearly see the appearance of the seal of Yuanshen. Then, as the cultivator continues to be strong, the mark of Yuanshen will gradually grow larger, and the brightness of the mark will become more and more bright every time you use the true Qi!"

"Is it not through the mark that one can see the rank of a man?" Lin Feng said.

"By reason, yes!" Xuanlingzi said: "just, can't see the detailed level, can only see a general!"

"Well, I understand!" Lin Feng nodded.

It's like, looking at the mark of Yuan Shen, can you see whether this person is the seed stage or the infant stage? But I can't see his specific level or how many times he has cultivated!

Lin Feng asked again, "master, according to what you say, then every seed of Yuan Shen will have specific shapes on the mark on the center of the cultivator's eyebrows after entering the period of primordial infant. Are these shapes the shapes of all things in the world?"

"Yes Xuanlingzi said: "it can be a plant cover, an insect, a beast, a weapon, or even a mountain or a river... In a word, no one can think about what the mark of the other party's spirit is, only when you see it with your own eyes."

"That's interesting!" Lin Feng asked, "master, what stage are you in now? Have you reached the stage of Yuanying? What's your mark of Yuan Shen

Xuanlingzi said: "my mark of Yuan Shen is quite shameful, don't look at it!"

Lin Feng was really a little surprised.

This shows that Shifu is already a practitioner of Yuanying period or higher level. In the past, when I practiced here, I was just a martial artist. At that time, I didn't know that Shifu had such an all-round cultivation. Now I think about the world, and I was still too young at that time.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly remembered one thing. Just before he came to Kunlun, on the day when Lin Feng became the seed of Yuanshen, he had a fight with two masters of Yuanshen seed stage.

The first one is highland barley, the God of gold, who has set a three-day duel with him, and the other is a local god killer sent by Mie.

And that highland barley, at that time transport Qi, Lin Feng saw a very small sword in the center of his eyebrow.

If according to the master, when you reach the Yuanying period, the original God's mark will be reflected in a specific image. Then, the other party's sign of the yuan God is in the shape of a weapon. Doesn't that mean that the other party has already been a master of Yuanying period?However, highland barley is just a cultivator who has just entered the seed period of Yuanshen, which is very contradictory.

Lin Feng told xuanlingzi about this matter and asked xuanlingzi to give an answer.

Xuanlingzi said: "in fact, it's very simple. Not every seed of Yuanshen is round. Some of them are naturally precocious. In the seed stage of Yuanshen, there are embryonic shapes that should be like! In the seed stage of Yuanshen, the imprint is the shape of the seed. This shows that the original God seed of that man is the shape of a sword! However, if he reaches the age of Yuanying, I believe that mark will not be a simple sword you see! "

"What is that?" Lin Feng asked.

"Maybe it's a peerless sword, or a crescent blade. In short, the image will be clear and detailed. It's definitely not the simple shape you see!" Xuanlingzi road.

"Oh, I see!" Lin Feng nodded.

He thought about it carefully and found that it was true that his seed of Yuan Shen was like a round yin yang fish, so when he used his true Qi, if he exerted all his abilities, a round shape would appear on his forehead.

So, at this moment, Lin Feng is really looking forward to his advanced yuan infant period, what kind of original God imprint will he have.

Xuanlingzi said: "the image of the original God's seal represents the nature of the original God. For example, if a yuan God's seal is in the shape of a mountain, then his original God must be of earth attribute. Moreover, the man's true spirit is vigorous and thick, and generally it is not easy to be defeated! If a sign of the original God is the shape of a cheetah, then, when this person is exerting force, the speed will be very fast, will be very agile! Therefore, we can see the characteristics of a person with the mark of Yuan Shen! "

"That's interesting." Lin Feng feels very strange. He has never heard of these before. In the dictionary of practitioners, there is no such thing.

Xuanlingzi stroked his beard and said with pride, "money is not wasted?"

"No white flowers, no white flowers!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "the apprentice should have been filial to his master. It's you who are so polite."

"Oh, you are very distressed when you spend money. Why are you so clear and righteous now?" Xuanlingzi has not forgotten to tease Lin Feng!

Lin Fengxin said, I have spent all my money, so I can only reluctantly put on a good person.

However, at this time, he saw Qingcheng rush to the door. After entering the door, he said anxiously: "master, there are some women coming to the door. They are ferocious. Those who name you must ask you to go out with your younger martial brother, or they will rush in!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!