The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1216

In the face of this situation, people are somewhat powerless.

Those masters can get out of the encirclement and run away, but most of them will be buried here.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the white tiger five chivalrous men, the seven killers and the wolf king's scar did not feel the crisis. For them, this kind of danger is a pediatrics.

However, other people's faces changed greatly. They were not able to solve the difficulties in front of them. Even under the attack of poisonous insects and wild animals, they could not survive for half a minute.

At this time, most people pinned their hopes on Lin Feng, because all along the way, he showed extraordinary leadership and always helped people through the most difficult times.

"Captain, what are we going to do now?" Lin Qin asked.

Along the way, he worked hard and never said anything. In addition, the medical team was led by Yu Wenji. Lin Qin worked silently like an invisible man.

See, however, at this time, she also realized the seriousness of the problem, so she took the initiative to ask Lin Feng how to deal with it.

Lin Feng is careful to observe those insects, no voice, as if very absorbed.

Some people could not help but feel anxious and said, "Captain, you are talking!"

"Hum, it's ridiculous that we still place our hope on others. The team leaders are all mud Bodhisattvas crossing the river, and it's hard for you to protect yourself. Please ask for your own happiness!" The mountain tiger Chen duo finally found some breakthroughs. He was abused by Lin Feng just now. Now he wants to pull back a game.

Anyway, they have a way to escape. At this time, it's a routine operation to say something sarcastic about standing and talking without backache.

By the way, I also despise Lin Feng. In this situation, how can he be the Savior!

"Let's run for our lives!" Some people are really unable to hold on, the fear of flooding, panic.

"Run away? Where to escape? " Someone roared in despair: "there are poisonous insects inside, wild animals outside, danger inside and outside, and death everywhere. Where are you going to escape?"

"It's over, it's all over today!"

"Oh, I'm going to search for treasure. I'm going to die if I don't even touch the edge of Kunlun. It's ridiculous and pathetic!"

For a moment, the mood of despair spread and filled everyone's heart.

"Please believe the captain. The captain must have a way to help us through the difficulties." Said King Kong in a loud voice.

People who have been following Lin Feng for a long time, such as red scorpion, mouse and human demon, have absolute trust in him. They think that even if the sky falls, Lin Feng can stand up for them. This is the trust that has been established after fighting with Lin Feng for a long time.

This kind of trust is not blind, but gradually accumulated by Lin Feng in every incident.

But other people and Lin Feng contact is not much, so feel King Kong and other people's self-confidence, is blind worship.

So many people are against it.

"You believe in your captain. You can die for him. We don't want to die!" Someone said.

"With my boss here, you won't die, unless you do it yourself!" Red scorpion cold channel.

"You see, your boss is silent. He has no idea. He still brags about him blindly. Do you think it is meaningful?" The mountain tiger Chen snatched a hammer to set the tone.

"Don't you see my boss watching?" Red scorpion retorts loudly.

"Observe what? I only see him in a daze Chen said.

"Don't talk!" At this time, Lin Feng made a sound.

This time, everyone was stunned and didn't know what Lin Feng was going to say.

However, the next second, Lin Feng did not say anything, side ears, but listen carefully.

The old man above the canyon had a sly smile on his face.

It's time to attack!

The old man pulled out the horn from his waist and played it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!