The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1212

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was heartbroken. Although they were not his own cronies, they were all his team members. How could he bear to watch them being bitten to death by wild animals.

At this time, all of us are struggling with each other, and we should be careful of the birds in the sky.

If the canyon was not too narrow, I believe they would have been swept away by the wild animals!

The medical team led by Yu Wenji was also attacked. Some of the wounded were being treated, but they were directly carried away by wild animals.

"Long wind!" Chen Wu called out.

Lin Feng followed the voice and found that Ren Changfeng was bitten by two bony hyenas and dragged his legs on the ground.

Then, another dozen hyenas pounced on Ren Changfeng.

At this time, Chen Wu has arrived. Chen Wu is covered with blood and seems to have been injured. He slashes the hyenas with his sword. The hyenas are forced to retreat by Chen Wu's attack and leave Ren Changfeng behind.

However, Ren Changfeng is also bitten by hyenas all over the body. I don't know if he can keep going.

"Long wind!" Chen Wu cried with Ren Changfeng in his arms.

Ren Changfeng was adamant and said: "Lao Chen, I'm... I'm ok. Go and help... Brother Lin Feng!"

Ren Changfeng said here, but he couldn't speak. His lips moved, as if the wound hurt very much, and it seemed very cold.

Lin Feng quickly ran over. He took off his clothes and wrapped him in Ren Changfeng. After looking around, he didn't seem to have a fatal wound. He just bled too much, and he was very weak.

"Brother, lie down!" Lin Feng said, "Chen Wu, protect him!"

"Yes Chen Wu picks up his sword and guards Ren Changfeng.

At this time, when Lin Feng looked back, he found that the scene was even more tragic!

The images of those wild animals tearing up a member of the seventh Legion happened to him vividly. As soon as he looked back, he saw this scene and felt that at that moment, the whole person would explode.

It's a dark moment in the history of his team!

A stream of humiliation and anger surged up in my heart. There seems to be a restless restlessness in the seed of the original God in the body!

It's the hot blood of a vampire.

Moreover, the soul core in the pocket felt Lin Feng's strangeness, and began to be restless and restless.

Lin Feng took out the spirit core, and saw that the spirit inside the spirit core rushed out one after another, entangled with his true Qi one after another.

The aura in the spirit core seems to be very gentle, and can be well integrated with one's own true Qi.

Lin Feng's brain a bright, suddenly have a way.

See his face joyful big drink: "brothers and sisters, hold on, I come to save you!"

With that, Lin Feng rowed for a knife and immediately started the phantom step.

See a figure in the canyon speed shuttle, everywhere, is a blood red light, the beast immediately head strange place.

Because the action is too fast, everyone did not see what was going on, they felt the blood splashed on their face, and then, it was not their own blood.

In just a few minutes, all the people in deep crisis were rescued by Lin Feng.

In fact, in the face of no matter how powerful the herd is, Lin Feng is not empty at all. He can kill out of the encirclement completely and leave alone.

However, other people can't. what Lin Feng wants to protect is them.

So Lin Feng didn't just give up, but he was thinking, how can he save all the wild animals?

If we rely on ourselves to save one by one, when will it be the end?

So, Lin Feng just came up with an idea.

He thought of a kind of array mentioned in the dictionary of practitioners, which was cast with aura.

This kind of array is very simple. It's a defensive array. The difficulty is, where do you get so much aura!

Lin Feng does not lack Aura now. The spirit core he got from Haru last night seems to be a spirit core with a long history.

Haru didn't know how long he had lived. The soul core had been very plump and full.

Lin Feng originally wanted to use it as a practice. It's good to take it out and deal with emergencies first!

After Lin Feng killed all the wild animals that were fighting with his team members, this scene surprised all the other wild animals.

Taking advantage of these wild animals, Lin Feng suddenly raised his hand high, holding a white pearl the size of a human eye in his hand, which was the soul core of Haru. The spirit core was full of dazzling white light, and the surface was steaming with wisps of white spirit, like fog.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyebrow was also shining with a colorful light. His whole body was full of genuine Qi, all of which gathered in his hands and intertwined with the aura of the spirit core.

At this time, the white goshawk in the sky has been staring at Lin Feng's action.

The trainer, who is tens of kilometers away, hates his teeth.

"Sure enough, the spirit core of the spirit beast was dug by him! Damn it, that's my stuff The trainer clenched his teeth, and his ragged cloak revealed a pale face, full of wrinkles, like the dry bark.At this time, his face was ferocious. When he opened his mouth, he could see that there were only four or five crooked teeth left in his mouth, which was very ugly.

Coupled with the twisted face after his anger, the whole person looks very terrible.

The trainer takes out the horn from his waist, which is made of the horn of the spirit God unicorn. The unicorn has the spirit of all things, so his horn can communicate with all living creatures.

The trainer put the horn to his mouth and tried to blow the trumpet.

"Woo --"

the sound of a long and vigorous life spread all over the land. The trainer blew the horn, which seemed to cost a lot of money, and he sat down and gasped for breath.

His body has already failed. If he can't get the blood jade, I'm afraid he can't live for a few years!

The Wuji old ghost helped a young man hide the blood jade in the secret place of Kunlun. He knew the news at the first time, but he didn't know where the secret place was.

After entering the secret place, there are dangers everywhere. If there is no treasure map, he can't find blood jade in it.

Therefore, he has been paying close attention to the treasure map and has been asking people to inquire everywhere. He has been waiting for the only way to Kunlun for ten years.

Today, I finally got to the man holding the treasure map. He would try his best to grab the treasure map.

At this time, a horn came from the canyon, breaking the embarrassment of the herd.

They seem to wake up in general, red eyes again, ready to jump into the canyon and fight with Lin Feng and others.

However, at this time, Lin Feng raised his right hand high and cried out: "Haru, please come to guard my team!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw that the spirit core in Lin Feng's hands gave out a dazzling white light. For a moment, everyone could not open their eyes.

"Bang --"

when Lin Feng threw the spirit core into the sky, a sound of cyclone burst sounded, and the aura around the spirit core suddenly scattered and exploded, falling like fireworks.

Then, Lin Feng pointed to the spirit core with one hand, and the true Qi was led into the spirit core along the arm of Lin Feng, and the spirit Qi was scattered and spread.

In just a few seconds, Lin Feng's true Qi mixed with the spirit spirit of the spirit core. Taking the spirit core in the air as the center, a transparent cover was formed on the top of everyone's head, just like a glass cover, covering all people in it!

But if you look at it with the naked eye, it is not glass at all, but a mixture of aura and genuine Qi.

Lin Feng uses his own Qi to guide the aura and builds a protective wall for everyone. The aura in the core is rich and can support the array all the time. Once he finds out where is weak, Lin Feng will use his own Qi to guide the Reiki to repair it.

This is the defensive array, the spiritual shield array introduced in the practitioner's dictionary.

At this time, due to the contraction of their front line, dozens of people gathered together, so the lingdun array was not big, but its walls were solid and thick, and it looked as if it were solid and solid.

At this moment, people all look silly.

What's a shield out of this?

What's more, what's the jewel? How does the white gas flow out?

Only the little ghost wolf Hattie, after seeing the spirit core, was excited.

It lies on the window and quietly looks at the soul core, as if to see the father's warm smile.

Yes, even if his father is dead, he is still with him, which makes Hattie very happy.

It can feel the warmth of his father, it is so lying on the window, staring at the spirit core, and then, two small round eyes, shed hot tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!