The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1193

The cold man did not expect Lin Feng to stand up, so he was not prepared to stop him.

"You... Didn't you get my Shixiang cartilage powder? How... How can you stand up? "

"Who said I was poisoned by you?" Lin Feng spread both hands, indicating that the other side's words are nonsense, "you put the antidote in your own wine, can't I put the antidote in my wine?"

The cold man is surprised, did not expect the other party's sophisticated, also in the wine under the antidote.

It's just, how does the other party see that he's prescribing medicine? What's more, he has been playing the role of the village head's follower. How could he make a loophole?

Lin Feng seems to see the other side's mind, so take the initiative to say: "friend, from the first time I see you, I know you are not here!"

"How do you know that?" The man was surprised.

"It is very common for nomadic people to eat and sleep outdoors. Even if the skin is well maintained, the skin will appear dry. You see, you are delicate and tender. Where do you look like that? " Lin Feng Road.

"What's more, if you are young and middle-aged people like you, they should be the main force of grazing! The main force of grazing, holding the whip and horse pole all year round, the cocoon of hand will be very heavy! But, look at your hands, they are delicate and tender. Although there are cocoons in your hands, they are thin and narrow. You can see that you hold more knives than whip! "

Lin Feng analyzed every word, every sentence in reason.

He continued to analyze: "what's more, it's the best season for grazing. Every time I go to a place, I will look at the local weather. In fact, you have been sunny in recent days, which is the best time to graze. But the village head said that because of the strong wind, everyone did not go out to graze. This is very strange in itself."

"So, I can tell from here that you arrived here a few days earlier, took hostages, threatened the villagers here, and did not let them go out to graze, because you were afraid that the herdsmen would meet us, would say something wrong, and that they would meet others for help! Am I right? "

At this time, Lin Feng looked at the cold and stern man, and in his eyes there was an unquestionable dignity: "therefore, I can conclude that you came from a long way, and ambush and assassinate my killer here in advance!"

The cold man kept nodding and sighing: "you are really smart, this can be found by you, it seems that I underestimated you!"

"Oh, if you come into contact with me more, you will find that you don't underestimate me!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "you look down on me!"

"Well, don't be complacent "So, you have been guarding against us from the beginning, haven't you?"

"Yes Lin Feng said.

"Then why don't you choose to go first?" The man asked, "after all, you are numerous! Why choose to fight with me at this time? Is that your ability? "

Lin Feng laughed and said, "there are two reasons why I didn't tear you apart right away."

"First, I think the village head is honest and honest. Maybe his family members are in your hands, so he is forced to cooperate with you in the exercise. However, he can't act, he hesitates, and his eyes occasionally show a look of shame. He feels that he is sorry for us!"

"That's right The village head almost wanted to clap his hands.

"Shut up!" The cruel man glared at the village head: "don't want your son, do you?"

The village head was aggrieved to stand aside and did not dare to make a voice.

But Lin Feng laughed and said, "so, I can't act rashly. In case you are angry and kill innocent people, I don't know how many people are still in your hands in the village. I have to explore your bottom first? Do you think so? "

The cold man's face was red and white. He was surprised to find that everything could not be concealed from Lin Feng's eyes. As a result, when he faced Lin Feng, he was more and more confused.

Lin Feng was plain, and Gujing said: "the second reason why I didn't expose you at the beginning is that I didn't want to spoil my team's interest in such a beautiful night and such delicious food and wine. If I take another step, I will go out of the grassland and let my team members enjoy a good meal on the grassland. This is what I should do. Anyway, there are only ten in the wine Fragrant cartilage powder, it will be OK in a few hours. On the contrary, it can let my team members relax and have a rest. Isn't that good? "

The cold man felt that he had been fooled. He became angry and said, "Lin Feng, I admit that you are very smart, but you are too arrogant. Now your people are in my hands. You are the only one. How to deal with us

Lin Feng said with a smile: "first of all, if you want to kill me, you should do more homework. Do you think you can kill me?"

"Second, who said you had all my people? Why don't I think so? "

Cold man said: "the scene of the people, all in my Shixiang cartilage powder, and you outside the people, are also suppressed by my people!"

Lin Feng laughed and said, "is it?"Said, he took out his mobile phone, called yuwenji: "Hello, sister rain, logistics materials are still safe now?"

Because Yu Wenji and Lao Wang are the logistics department, Yu Wenji takes care of the logistics materials for a long time.

Yuwenji said: "safe, oh, by the way, some people came to me just now, but they were turned over by me!"

Lin Feng looked at the cold man: "do you hear me?"

The cold man said with disbelief: "it's impossible..."

however, at this time, a man ran in from the outside in a panic and yelled: "no, no, our people don't know how, all of a sudden they fell unconscious!"

When the cold man heard it, his whole body trembled.

He knew that he had miscalculated, but he didn't want to lose the advantage in front of him. He held a dagger at Lin Feng and said: "catch the thief first, catch the king. Since I can't fix your men, I'll take care of you first!"

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "you have already done so good, I am very good bully, direct to me on the line, why do such a big battle!"

The cold man gave a cold smile: "don't talk nonsense, hand in the treasure map, otherwise...

however, before he said the next word, he felt a flash of figure in front of him, and then, as soon as his throat tightened, the whole person could not help but empty himself.

This scene came so fast that no one could see clearly what was going on. When everyone saw it clearly, they found that the cold and stern man was grabbed by Lin Feng's throat and held it up in the air with one hand.

Lin Feng smile: "friend, ask your men to release the other people in the village, or I put a little force on my hand, your neck will be broken!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!