The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1179

Jiangzhou Swan Lake Villa, Villa 8.

Lin Feng returned to the base camp, planning the day after tomorrow's journey.

Now we can basically confirm the people on this trip. There are many people in the treasure hunt team. Lin Feng classified these people.

First of all, Lin Feng divided his most trusted people into a group, which was the pioneer group and led by Lin Feng.

The personnel include: Lin Feng, Qingcheng, King Kong, red scorpion, mouse, human demon, Shangguan Ruoxue, Qingfeng, Chen Wu, Ren Changfeng and Yu Wenji.

These are the core personnel and Lin Feng's closest people. As a pioneer, Lin Feng is used to being a pioneer. He doesn't like to wait for information from others in the rear, let alone do logistics work.

He should make sure that he understands the situation in front of him at the first time, so as to make a judgment in time.

In this vanguard team, the banshee is at the forefront of the investigation team. He is good at hiding and investigating. Therefore, it is up to him to do the front-end investigation and report to Lin Feng.

Red scorpion and Yu Wenji, as pharmacists and doctors of the team, are responsible for the gas screening and treatment and rescue of the wounded.

Mouse, as the communication maintenance personnel of the whole regiment, will be responsible for the link and maintenance of all communication equipment.

Other people, in addition to Shangguan Ruoxue, are at the forefront of the vanguard and are ready to fight the enemy at any time.

The weaker Chen Wu and Ren Changfeng will be in the inner circle to protect Shangguan Ruoxue.

Shangguan Ruoxue should always observe the dynamic situation and give some guiding opinions with Lin Feng.

Although the vanguard sparrow has five internal organs, it is also the core team of Lin Feng.

In addition, there are some people in the vanguard team who want to run through the whole team, so the position can be moved backward. For example, the mouse is responsible for the communication of the whole team. He should not be at the front, but at the back of the vanguard and in the middle of the whole team, so as to play the role of connecting the front and back.

Female comrades, such as Shangguan Ruoxue, red scorpion and Yu Wenji, are naturally similar to mice. It is too dangerous to be in front of them, so they will be much safer in the middle of the team.

Then, those who were supported by the major forces were assigned to the left and right wings and the back of the team by Lin Feng.

For example, the three brothers of dragon, tiger and leopard, the five white tigers of white tiger hall, and some ordinary mercenaries funded by Tang ruoxiao of Tang family. These people have a strong ability to survive in the wild and play an important role.

Of course, there is also an elite army sent by Lao Hu.

This small group consists of 20 people and is well-equipped. It seems that it is a field unit of a well-known mercenary regiment. Although they have no research on martial arts, the guys on their hands are not vegetarian. One of their big shells is enough for a cultivator to drink!

Lin Feng is also moved by this. Lao Hu is so mean. How much money does it cost!

Then, the seven female disciples of shenhemen led by Lin Qin broke up with wolf king scar and Jack.

Wolves are naturally good at detecting, but there are demons in front of them. They are responsible for the back-end investigation to ensure that there are no hidden pursuers behind them.

It can be said that Lin Feng arranged everything. When the team went on and rested, they kept this formation and their defense was solid.

However, when Lin Feng held a meeting for the members of the core team, he said some words that made them feel scared.

Lin Feng said: "the reason why I hold a meeting for the core team alone, rather than the whole team meeting after the whole team has assembled, is that it is not convenient to say some words in front of others. I have finished my speech today. Please bear in mind that I will not speak again in the future."

Members of the core team listened quietly.

Lin Feng said: "this treasure hunting trip, the journey is dangerous, naturally, I don't need to say more. Let's not say how terrible the secret place is. On this road alone, we have to fight. Because there are too many people who know the news, many enemies will come to our trouble. Therefore, we should cooperate with each other, trust each other, and take good care of each other."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng's expression suddenly became extremely serious and said: "we only need to trust all the core personnel present here. We don't need to trust other people, because I can see that there are a lot of ghosts in our treasure hunting team. They have ulterior motives and are selfish. Please don't believe those people!"

Shangguan Ruoxue asked: "Lin Feng, I don't understand. Since you don't believe them, why do you want to include them in the treasure hunt team? Is it just to boost the momentum? "

This question, also asked all people's doubts!

Lin Feng smile: "they naturally have their use, but you should always remember that only we can trust each other!"

The mouse shivered and half jokingly said: "this secret place is dangerous enough, and we should always be on guard against the enemy's sneak attack. Then, there are some ghosts in our team, boss. How can I feel that this trip is more or less ominous?"

"Crow's mouth!" King Kong patted the back of the mouse's head: "what are you afraid of when you have the boss? So, when did your brother Vajra let you suffer? With my King Kong standing in front of you, I will settle all the dangers for you. Don't worry, brother! "The mouse giggled: "big man, your flesh is not white long. You have a good sense of security!"

"That is!" King Kong grinned.

Lin Feng said: "if someone wants to quit now, I totally agree. Moreover, I don't recommend everyone to go. It's not for fun. So, does anyone come forward and say I don't want to go now?"

Lin Feng asked, but listen to the silence around, he sighed, it seems that no one will quit.

"In this case, take a good rest tomorrow. The team in Guanzhong and Kyoto will travel westward the day after tomorrow."


Big guy is full of confidence.

At this time, Lin Feng received a call from an old friend.

That old friend is Chu Yuqi.

Lin Feng walked out of the door, pressed the answer button and said with a smile, "long time no see!"

Chu Yuqi's pure and lovely voice came: "you are too busy. Every time I go to the villa to see you, you are not here!"

"Oh, of course I'm busy. I'm busy saving the earth." Lin Feng said: "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Alas, the safety of human beings is on my shoulders!"

"Cluck Chu Yuqi was amused by Lin Feng with a burst of smile, and then stopped and said, "Lin Feng, thank you!"

"Well? Thank me for what? Saving the earth is what I should do Lin Feng said.

"You're so bad, you don't say anything serious all day long!" Chu Yuqi said: "I thank you, because you let our three family reunion!"

"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

At this time, another voice came from the other end, which was the voice of Chu Yuqi's father, Chu Guoyun. He said, "Lin Feng, now that you've got the treasure map of blood jade, you're going to take back the blood jade. So, no one is going to kill me. I'm useless to them, so I can go home! It's because you got the treasure map that I'm lucky to be able to come back again in my life! "

"Oh, so it is!" Lin Feng nodded, "that's very good, your family reunion is good, after taking good care of Yuqi and aunt, they have suffered a lot over the years!"

"That's for sure!" Chu Guoyun said, "do you have time? Will you come to our house for dinner tomorrow? Yuqi miss you

"Oh, I can't eat, because I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow, so I have some things to arrange tomorrow." Lin Feng Road.

"Then you must tell us when you come back. The three of us should thank you very much!" The road of Chu state.

"There's nothing to thank, it's what I should do!" Lin Feng Road.

Chu Guoyun sighed and said with guilt: "Lin Feng, it was my mistake that led to this situation. I stole the things from your family. After many years, I have to rely on you to help me solve the crisis. I owe you too much!"

"You don't have to feel guilty. You were also trying to save Yuqi. I understand how easy it is to be a father?" Lin Feng said.

The more Lin Feng understood Chu Guoyun, the more guilty he felt. His eyes shed two lines of muddy tears, but suddenly he seemed to think of something. He asked Lin Feng, "by the way, Lin Feng, I heard you held a mobilization meeting in order to find treasure. I don't quite understand your practice. Why should we publicize it? At present, as long as people at home and abroad are staring at blood jade, they all know about you. You are in great danger! "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's OK, this is the effect I want!"

Chu Guoyun was even more puzzled when he heard that, but Lin Feng didn't want to ask again. He just said what he knew, "by the way, I just came back from Yingzhou. I know that there has been an ancient organization in Yingzhou that has existed for hundreds of years. It's called a party. They always care about the whereabouts of blood jade. It seems that they also participated in the robbery of blood jade, These people are not fuel-efficient lamps. After they heard that blood jade appeared again in Longguo, they began to prepare to catch up with them. I happened to meet their people on the plane when I came back from Yingzhou today! "

"Oh? A party? " Lin Feng is thoughtful. The name sounds familiar, but he is sure that he does not know about the organization.

Chu Guoyun said: "the party can be said to be a cult. It's very famous in Yingzhou. It's full of young men and women. They're ruthless. They practice some magic arts. It's said that they can kill people intentionally. Many people turn pale when they talk about the party."

"Oh, I remember what you said!" Lin Feng said: "it's said that there are wonderful organizations in Yingzhou, which are full of young men and women. The daily practice is promiscuity. Is this the party? The names all match well

"Yes, yes, it's a party!" Chu Guoyun said: "there are no good things among them. Men go to night clubs to find women to mess with, and women to find men, and then they will have a party with thousands of people. It's very promiscuous."

"That's interesting! They came to the Dragon Kingdom, didn't they? " Lin Feng asked.

"Yes Chu Yun said: "I saw about a dozen people on the plane who were wearing their meeting clothes. After getting off the plane, they went to the hotel."

"You didn't listen to what they said?" Lin Feng asked."I don't know a lot of Yingzhou language. I just listen to what they say about blood jade. Go to Kunlun and kill you!" The state of Chu said, "it's also confusing to listen to it!"

"Well, that's enough to hear!" Lin Feng sneered: "organizations from all over the world will come. I'm waiting for them." , the fastest update of the webnovel!