The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1148

"Well, there are a lot of people, but how do I feel that there are few in use?" Barley said.

"You are so wild!" Before this, who dares to say that he is useless?

It's just that he's just waiting to turn over.

But his temper was still that temper. How could he bear such an insult from a younger generation, so he rushed out first and reached for the highland barley.

Highland barley is a hand that dodges the breeze and blows towards the breeze.

Qingfeng also knows the other side's tricks and reaches out to block him. However, his real Qi is weak now, and the other party is a practitioner of Yuan Shen period. With only this move, Qingfeng is repeatedly beaten back and forth by the other side.

"Ha ha, Lin Feng, old men of such age have come to fight for you, but you hide behind. I really look down on you!" Barley said.

At this time, Lin Feng was already angry. Seeing that his younger brother and Qingfeng were beaten, he could not do nothing. He said to his back, "you all stand back!"


"Back off!" Lin Feng cheered again.

At this time, Lin Feng had blue veins, and his skin turned pink to purplish red. His face was ferocious, and his muscles seemed to be growing up.

This change surprised everyone. No one has seen such scenes. What's the matter, boss? Did the universe break out?

Lin Feng was completely infuriated by highland barley. His restless energy was aroused by his anger, but he himself did not suppress it. He believed that this energy could deal with the masters in the yuan Shen period, so that he would not think about what happened after the fury. He should deal with the things in front of his eyes first.

Highland barley has never seen such a scene. He feels a strong energy around Lin Feng, which is an energy that a cultivator of the Qi realm would not have. How much that energy is, highland barley can't accurately detect. In short, it is very powerful.

However, highland barley also knows that the cultivator has not reached a certain level and can not control the powerful energy. This is the rule of the cultivator. Although Lin Feng's energy is very large, he is only a repairer of Qi state. Even if his energy is strong, he can't use it well!

What's more, the energy of the cultivator of the Qi State comes from the blood, bones and strength, while his own energy is the true Qi from the seeds of Yuan Shen. There are essential differences in energy. Therefore, highland barley is sure that although Lin Feng has a very strong energy source in his body, he is no longer his opponent.

The biggest obstacle to Lin Feng's victory is that his strength can't break the yuan Shen.

If the original spirit does not break, he will never fail.

"Since you want to fight with me today, I will let you taste my real strength and let you die in a proper way!" When highland barley talks, it has already carried the true Qi.

A mark about the size of a nail suddenly appeared in the center of his eyebrow. The mark was golden and shaped like a sword.

The yellow halo of the mark, like the essence, began to tilt the whole body slowly.

At one end is the highland barley with golden halo, and on the other is Lin Feng, whose purple and red muscles are surging.

A big war is imminent.

And this war is bound to be different from the past.

Judging from the momentum, it is not an ordinary battle. If we really fight, we may have to raze this place to the ground.

However, at this time, he saw a figure shuttling through the roofs of several villas. The figure was very fast, and he came to the public in an instant. He wore a white mask, a black loose robe, and a wide one-piece hat over his head, which was very strange.

That figure actually blocks directly in the middle of two people, back to Lin Feng, facing highland barley.

People were surprised. What is the situation?

Then, the figure opened up to highland barley, and looked like that, it was to fight for Lin Feng and highland barley.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng quickly recovered his violent breath and suppressed the restless energy. Then he asked the masked man, "Hello, are you?"

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang suddenly.

When Lin Feng saw it, it was the old Chen of Emperor Wu.

When he answered the phone, the old Chen said, "Lin Feng, I heard that you got the blood jade, which is priceless. Many pairs of eyes are staring at it behind their backs. I'm worried about your safety. So, I sent an expert to help you. Should you meet him?"

"Ah Lin Feng looked at the man in black and said, "is he wearing a white mask and a black loose robe?"

"Yes I hope that one of the most powerful disciples of Wuzong is Chen Yuanlang, who can not help me

After hearing this, Lin Feng felt warm in his heart.

He didn't expect that he only met by chance with Mr. Chen, who had always helped him.

Perhaps I have time in the future, is to have a good visit to Chen Lao.Lin Feng said to the phone, "Mr. Chen, I've got your help from Emperor Wu wangzong. But I don't like to trouble others. Please let seven kill go back, I can handle it myself!"

Chen said: "you boy is too strong-natured. Do you know that there is a day out there. Although you are strong, there are more people than you. You have not met those strong people before, because you have not enough things to impress them. Now you have priceless blood jade. Next, there will be many strong masters in front of you, enemies and friends My friend, are you going to deal with the enemy by yourself, and do you rush to one side, friends? "

"What Mr. Chen said is reasonable!" Lin Feng said, "but I didn't do anything for King Wu. I'm ashamed of it."

Mr. Chen said with a smile: "you don't have to be polite. When Emperor Wu needs you, you will be respected by many people in the future. At that time, Emperor Wu had to rely on you. But now, what I want to guarantee is that you, a genius, do not die before you are brilliant. Therefore, you can trust the gifts of King Wu Kill, and when he is your man, as long as you give orders, seven kill will absolutely obey

"Old Chen, this..." Lin Feng is still a little embarrassed.

"Don't do this or that!" Mr. Chen said with a smile: "however, the child's character is very introverted. He doesn't like to talk and basically doesn't communicate with others. I haven't seen him open his mouth to talk with anyone. But he's not deaf or dumb. You just don't blame me!"

"Of course not!" Lin Feng said.

Experts generally have some hobbies that ordinary people can't understand, which is normal.

Listening to Mr. Chen call seven kill children, it shows that he is very young.

So young to be able to advance to the yuan Shen period, this person is definitely gifted, so strange character is also reasonable, afraid that his talent, all used in practice, not in talking, so that's why.

Lin Feng did not guess too much. After hanging up the phone, he said to the man in Black: "seven kill, welcome to you!"

The man in black listened, but did not make any expression, still covetously looking at highland barley.

At this time, highland barley also received a phone call, he, ah, a few words, hang up the phone, vicious said: "Lin Feng, you can ah, also invited a helper, right? But don't forget, what you promised me in the Dragon Tower is to fight with me in three days, so I'm waiting for you to do it! "

Then he turned and walked away.

Liu Qing's face is muddled and forced, was not the sword drawn and desperate just now? Why suddenly?

He didn't dare to stay behind, but he didn't dare to run. , the fastest update of the webnovel!