The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1135

Everyone did not see what was going on, and Lin Feng had already arrived in front of Liu Qing.

Liu Qing behind the two masters, suddenly like a big enemy, even they did not expect Lin Feng to start directly.

Lin Feng said: "my mouth, is to teach you how to speak, do not slander my personality!"

"What the hell did I insult you?" Liu Qing covered his hot face and stood up slowly, which was cruel.

Lin Feng said, "before you say I am a tomb robber, I want to ask you why I want to steal your family's tomb?"

Liu Qing maliciously said: "you he dare to fan me?"

"Pa!" Another slap.

Even Liu qingfan stepped back, even the corner of his mouth.

"If I ask you something, answer me, why should I steal your family's tomb?" Lin Feng stares at Liu Qing fiercely, his eyes radiate ferocious light, and before peaceful state is very different.

The two masters next to Liu Qing felt that their master was slapped two times in a row. Without waiting for Liu Qing to tell him, they attacked Lin Feng.

Just now, it was the two of them who defeated Qingcheng. Therefore, facing Lin Feng, these two people have full confidence.

Qingcheng is worried about Lin Feng. Both of them should be close to Huaqi state. Qingcheng remembers that when she left Lin Feng, Lin Feng was still in Huagu state.

Therefore, in the face of these two attacks, Lin Feng will be under great pressure.

Qingcheng yelled: "younger martial brother, they are very powerful, you want to be small..."

however, before the word "heart" was uttered, they heard the sound of "bang bang". The two people flew back and forth one after another, and they were defeated by Lin Feng's move.

At this time, the wretched uncle who had been staring at the beauty turned his head and looked at Lin Feng carefully.

Lin Feng went to Liu Qingshen and said, "if you don't want to answer me, I'll sell you face and tell you something to let everyone understand why I went to your tomb!"

Lin Feng said in a loud voice: "our Lin family has a treasure that has been handed down from generation to generation, called blood jade. That's what we have been fighting for to protect from generation to generation. That's our faith. Without him, we will lose the glory of the Lin family, and we will be sorry for the ancestors of that generation! However, my Lin family's things have been usurped by you. Do you think the Liu family's work is glorious? "

Liu Qingpei took a mouthful of blood and said, "you..."

but Lin Feng interrupted him: "what are you? Your Liu family is a thief, stealing the treasure inherited from other families from generation to generation, but still keep saying that others are thieves. Don't you think that you are the real double label dog?"

"You..." Liu Qing wanted to refute.

Lin Feng continued: "you are not only a double label dog, but also an unfilial descendant. You don't have the key to open the blood jade box, so in order to attract people with the key, you put the box in the tomb of Taiye Tainai, and set up many mechanisms for their tomb. Don't you think it's treacherous of you to do so? The Lord and Tai Nai are not peaceful when they are dead, and they will be used by you when they are dead. I say you are an unfilial descendant. Have you been wronged? "

Lin Feng's sharp words, needle to see blood, people listen, but also understand the reason.

Lin Feng said, "I went to the tomb and didn't destroy anything. Moreover, I just want to get back what belongs to me. What's wrong with this?"

"Yes, you did right!" Jin Lengyu is also very angry. Just now she thought that Lin Feng was really doing something wrong. Now it seems that Lin Feng is the victim!

Liu Qingjian couldn't say anything about Lin Feng. He was full of anger. He said, "Lin Feng, you went to my father's grave, and you said that it was so magnificent. It's so eloquent!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "if I hide your family's things in my family's ancestral grave, will you ignore them all your life? Aren't you a moral kidnapping

With that, Lin Feng took a look at Qingcheng and Jin Lengyu, took a deep breath and said with a sullen face: "Oh, by the way, you are not only a moral kidnapping, you also kidnap people. You are really a little expert in kidnapping!"

Liu Qing was so angry that he was not only slapped twice, but also couldn't fight with Lin Feng. He was very angry at this time.

However, he is not afraid of Lin Feng now, because he has his own cards.

He roared to Lin Feng: "don't fight with me. I don't care to play with you. If you come today, you don't want to leave. Your women belong to me, and your lives belong to me."

Lin Feng light smile, said: "your little brothers, but in my hands, if you don't let my friends go, they can die!"

"My little brothers?" Liu Qingyi was stunned.

"Yes, you didn't catch my friend just to lead me out to distract the tiger from the mountain?" Lin Feng said: "your group of younger brothers secretly went to my house to steal things. They thought I was not there. As a result, I happened to come down and ran into them. Why don't you let them go later?"

Liu Qing listened, more angry.They failed?

Liu Qing thought that Lin Feng was cheated out, they will succeed in getting things!

"These fools!" Liu Qing clenched his teeth and said: "but it doesn't matter. I always like double insurance when I do things. So, it doesn't matter if they can't get anything. It's not that you are all here. You will give it to me!"

"How confident you are Lin Feng Road.

Liu Qing said: "I ask you to come, naturally I have my confidence, so you can make a choice between your life and your key!"

Lin Feng said, "haven't you heard a hot word recently? Children make choices. I'm an adult. Of course, I want both! "

"You don't have the initiative!" Liu Qing said coldly: "I am giving you the chance to choose!"

"Is it?" Lin Feng said: "your group of younger brothers is in my hand, but I send a text message, they are all dead, you have to think about it!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Liu Qing looked up to the sky and laughed: "what does their life have to do with me? They are just a group of dogs of my Liu family. I feed them, they work for us, and they die. It doesn't matter if I change them. You are so naive that you even threaten me with them! Ha ha ha

Lin Feng smile, picked up the phone and said to the other end: "do you hear me? I said you were dogs, and you still think I'm insulting you. Is that true this time? "

The phone was dialed just now, and the mouse was holding it, deliberately listening to the little man and yellow hair.

After listening to that group of people, they were almost mad. Unexpectedly, Liu Qing was so ungrateful. They swore that they would work for the Liu family again. They were dogs!

This head of Liu Qing knew that he had been tricked by Lin Feng. He was so angry that he roared: "Lin Feng, you humiliated my ancestors of Liu family, but you still played me. Today, I want to let you know the consequences. Today, I want to play with your woman and let you kneel down to be a man. Let you know that I Liu Qing is not easy to provoke!"

With that, Liu Qing waved his hand to the wretched uncle and said, "Uncle Da, Lin Feng is too rampant. It's time for you to go. Remember, I want to live!"

"OK!" The wretched uncle stood up and suddenly showed a strange smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!