The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1130

Swan lake villa community.

This community is a typical rich area in Jiangzhou city. The villas are far apart, surrounded by green trees and gurgling water. In the center of the villa community, there is a man-made lake 100 meters square. There are three swans singing in the lake. Around the swans, there are fountains that change the water line all the time.

Lin Feng Da is the abbreviation of death alliance.

Only the management within the alliance of death is entitled to wear such a badge.

"Lin Feng seems to have got the blood jade?" The man slowly opened his mouth and asked, his voice was low and cold into the bone marrow.

"It looks very similar, but it is not ruled out that it is something else, because we monitored the whole process 24 hours a day and found no blood jade in the box!" Said a man in a black suit at the back.

The cold man frowned, slightly closed his eyes, and leaned back on the seat for a long time without speaking.

The others did not dare to come forward to say anything, and stood quietly behind.

The man squinted for about half a minute, opened his eyes and said, "from today on, we must keep a close watch on Lin Feng. We must make sure that what is in the box he brought back from the East Cemetery. If you find anything, report to me immediately!"

"Yes Several people behind him nodded together.

The cold man added: "by the way, you should be careful. Lin Feng used to be a mercenary in foreign countries, and has a strong anti reconnaissance ability. When monitoring him, don't be found by him, let alone by others. On the surface of our death alliance, we don't care about blood jade and star drill, but we don't care at all, understand?"

"Understand!" Everyone nodded in unison.




in Villa 8.

Lin Feng sat back on the sofa and looked at his mobile phone, as if the group of people who had never been to xiaohuangmao just now.

One side of the red scorpion after breakfast, came over, sat beside Lin Feng, body against Lin Feng, head on Lin Feng's shoulder, gently looked at Lin Feng's mobile phone screen: "boss, I haven't eaten your breakfast for a long time. It's still a familiar taste. I want to eat it in my dreams. Today I finally got my wish!"

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and said with a smile, "eat more if you like, and you'll do it next time!"

"Good!" The red scorpion laughs playfully, also in front of Lin Feng, she will show the side that a girl should have, in front of outsiders, she always looks like she wants to eat people coldly.

The red scorpion said, "boss, how can they find the door so quickly? What we're doing is very hidden. How can these people be aware of it? "

"The things are in the Liu family's ancestral grave. The Liu family has been waiting for us to come. How can we not supervise them at any time?" Lin Feng said.

"Then the Liu family knew about it, and the news would not come out?" Asked the red scorpion.

"The paper can't hold fire. At the moment I took out the old box, many people probably knew it already!" Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Ah? Can you? " Red scorpion looks at Lin Feng with disbelief.

With a smile, Lin Feng put down his mobile phone and went to the large window on the first floor.

In the morning, the first ray of sunshine came in, shining on Lin Feng's body, which covered him with a layer of gold.

Lin Feng stretched himself and said lazily, "the sun is good today."

The red scorpion catches up and continues with the topic just now: "boss, you said that many people know that we take the ancient box. Who are they?"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. He took a breath of fresh air and said, "people who want blood jade!"

"Are there many people who want blood jade?" Red scorpion doesn't know much about blood jade.

At this time, the mouse interposed: "a lot, quite a lot, a lot!"

"How do you know?" The red scorpion turned its head and glared at the mouse.

The mouse turned his mouth and said, "I came back to the eldest brother very early. I always accompany him in the process of searching for blood jade clues. There are too many people who want to get the blood jade. Up to now, the eldest brother doesn't know how many rotten fish and shrimps have been trampled on, but those adults have not appeared yet. This time, we have got the necklace of blood jade, which may lead to the death of blood jade There's a commotion

"The mouse is right!" "So, we have to be ready," Lin Feng said

"No one dares to make a mistake if the boss is there!" Said King Kong.

"But it's hard to avoid that some people are playing tricks behind their backs." Said the mouse.

Red scorpion listen, think about it, said to Lin Feng: "boss, let's try to hide this matter, some low-key, do not cause too much attention!"

"No need!" Lin Feng said.

"Why?" Red scorpion doesn't understand.

"Because it can't be concealed!" Lin Feng said, looking out of the window, he said to the red scorpion, "the third villa on the right of the second row in front, the villa opposite the fourth row in front, the sixth villa in the first row behind, and the five storey villa in the north. Can you see what I said?""Mm-hmm!" The red scorpion nodded blankly on his face and immediately asked, "boss, what do you say these things do?"

Lin Feng said: "these are the people who monitor us. Our words and deeds are in their eyes. Therefore, they have already seen everything that happens here."


Lin Feng finished, all the people present were surprised.

This community feels very quiet and peaceful. Unexpectedly, there are so many competitors coming in? If it wasn't for Lin Feng, they didn't know that they had become people under the eyelids of others.

Lin Feng is indifferent to smile, turned back to the sofa and said: "lice more do not bite people, more debt do not pressure themselves, let them go at will!"

"So..." King Kong said, "what strategy do we have next?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng firmly said: "my strategy is, soldiers will block, water and earth cover, I welcome anyone to rob blood jade!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!