The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1124

Before the period of China and France, there was no secret land at all.

However, during the period of China and France, many people who wanted to be liberated from the chaos were addicted to cultivating immortals and wanted to leave the world as soon as possible.

That's why the so-called School of cultivating immortals came into being.

No matter what kind of cultivation, what is needed is aura, and even modern practitioners rely on Reiki for replenishment.

And aura, mostly from four aspects: Heaven, earth, sun, moon!

sun and moon are the essence of the so-called sun and moon, and heaven and earth are not difficult to understand. The sky is the atmosphere, and the aura is naturally contained in the atmosphere. However, the aura is diluted by the dirty smell of the world and will become thinner and thinner.

Land is the main source of aura in the period of China and France.

Here, it means minerals.

Many minerals are baptized by the atmosphere all the year round, and are illuminated by sunlight and moonlight. Naturally, they will absorb the aura. Over time, the aura becomes more and more rich.

In addition, these minerals were greedily absorbed from the aura of heaven and earth, which made them different from other stones. Some of these stones have a shiny surface, and some have a trace of immortal spirit. In short, if you take a look at them, you can see that these stone heads are not ordinary.

And these stones are also called spirit stones.

Spirit stone is the most favorite thing for the cultivators. In those years, some people scattered their wealth in order to buy high-quality spirit stone to practice. Spirit stone is the best food for practitioners.

A good spirit stone is full of aura, which can help practitioners to travel thousands of miles every day.

Therefore, many rich practitioners will build a secret room full of spirit stones, which will be very efficient in practice.

This is the chamber of practice in the period of China and France.

Because there are more spirit stones, the spirit inside is rich, which not only makes people feel the greatest sense of comfort, but also can cause space fluctuations. Once people enter, it seems that they are in a dreamlike fairyland.

So, someone named this kind of secret room.

This is the origin of the secret place.

But the secret place made of personal spirit stone is only a small secret place in strict sense.

What is the secret place?

The secret place is the place where the natural spirit stone is formed.

Just imagine, such a pile of spirit stones in the secret room, to form a small secret place, then tens of thousands of natural spirit stones, do not converge into a big secret place?

Moreover, if the spirit power of the spirit stone is too strong, it will tear up the space. The big secret place is often a big and open place. But in reality, you will not think it is big. Only when you go in, can you find that the secret place can never end. It is a space that is pulled by aura infinitely.

Once upon a time, an ancient man once wrote a poem called "the story of the Peach Blossom Land". That poem was about the poet who came to a paradise after he was drunk. The scenery there was beautiful, and the people there were very kind and enthusiastic. Moreover, those people were very happy and lived here like a fairyland.

After the poet came out, he never found the place again.

In fact, that place is a big secret place.

The spirit power of the spirit stone pulls the space apart to form a parallel plane space. You may walk here, but you will not enter the secret place.

Only through the door of the secret place can you enter. After entering, the specific space inside depends on the number of spirit stones and the richness of aura.

The whole secret place is supported by aura, so the aura inside is extremely rich, which is very suitable for cultivation. In it, the cultivation of practitioners grows rapidly, which is amazing.

Even ordinary people enter the secret realm, and they are bathed in aura day and night. Their bodies will wash away impurities and even live forever.

Lin Feng once had a conversation with Yu Wenji in the East Cemetery.

At that time, Yu Wenji admitted frankly that she wanted to get blood jade in order to stay forever.

So Lin Feng told him at that time that there was a place where she could not live forever. In fact, what he said was this big secret place.

At that time, although Lin Feng didn't fully understand the secret place, he was very clear about the function of the secret place. In other words, all the practitioners knew this, just as basketball players knew n. B。 A same, that's what they want.

However, some people often ask, since the practitioners are so powerful, they also want to go to the secret place to absorb aura. Why not find the secret place?

Why do you have to work so hard to please? Some people are extremely poor all their lives, and they haven't cultivated anything. They spend their whole life looking for the secret place, and they will find it? Even in it can live forever, why not go?

But it's not as simple as you think.

1、 Now it is the end of the law era. Aura is very thin. We can't feel it. Even the low-level practitioners can't feel the existence of aura.

Therefore, many people don't know about the secret place and will not consider it. Even some low-level practitioners will regard it as a legend and a dream.They believe that through their own efforts, they can achieve great success and prolong their life.

2、 Even if you believe in the secret place, you have to work hard to find the secret place. The door of the secret place is not open every day. The time and place of the door opening may change at any time, or there may be some conditions that restrict it. Therefore, not everyone can see or enter it.

Especially in the period of the end of modern law, people's eyes have been closed, and twelve shackles have appeared in the body. There is no door to the secret place, let alone enter it.

3、 Even if all the conditions are met, you can see and enter the secret place, but you have to know how there is no guard in such a holy land.

In other words, there must be overlords and many guardians in this kind of good place. Outsiders can't survive in it. There is no ethical and moral place in it. Besides, life is death, which is cruel and primitive.

Moreover, the overlord inside is not necessarily a human being. It can not be said that it is some kind of monster, some kind of beast, some kind of magic creature, or some kind of power creature...

with them, there is no reason at all. If we face each other, we will die.

You don't want to be arrogant and think you can handle them.

Soaking in aura all day, even an ant has become an ant essence. What's more, there may be some ancient creatures in it. That terrible ability makes people dare not even think about it.

Of course, there is also a case where there is everything in it. Everyone's well water doesn't offend the river. However, if you go in, they will go out together.

Just like the earth, although there are many countries and many races, but alien invasion of the earth, human is the unified pronoun of earth creatures.

Therefore, to sum up the three situations, no one dares to try it easily!

Even his master, xuanlingzi, had never mentioned Kunlun's secret place in Kunlun mountain.

By the way!

When talking about master, Lin Feng's mind is bright. Although he doesn't mention it, he will definitely know something. It's better to consult master more to find out.

After all, he is ready to go to the secret place of Kunlun. Such a dangerous journey may never come back. It's better to ask more.

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