The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1103

The next day, Lin Feng drove to the East Cemetery with mice, King Kong and scorpion, while the rest remained in the villa.

It's a nice day, it seems to be very suitable for treasure hunting.

Lin Feng let King Kong bring a lot of digging guys, because blood jade will never hide in the face.

The mouse also carried many strange and strange instruments. He also prepared for a long time for this day. Blood jade is the most important thing of Lin Feng, and the most important thing of Lin Feng is the most important thing for mice.

But scorpion brings many powder and potions to the body. Although it is not available for most of the time, it is not sure that it will have a special effect.

Four people open Wei Yichun dividend Santana, to the East Cemetery.

The eastern cemetery is guarded by day and cannot be entered or left.

Lin Feng said he would worship his friends and then he stuffed the guard for 200 yuan.

Money can make ghosts push, more than people, guard see Lin Feng with a lot of paper money, look like also to worship, let Lin Feng and other people in, and did not say the time.

The 200 yuan of Lin Feng is not bought in, but the time.

These paper money brought by Lin Feng is to sacrifice a person. It is the Golden Phoenix who asked him to help him burn some money to linger.

So he came in to burn paper money for a reason, not afraid the guard would not let it in. But generally, if someone came in the eastern cemetery in the daytime, he would stay in it for two hours at most, and he could not stay more. Lin Feng's 200 yuan was used for plugging his mouth. He was not sure how long he would like to find it.

And the dry sister of Golden Phoenix. After so long, the mouse has been sad. Sometimes he will come to the East Cemetery to give linger his grave. Once again, the mouse will feel sad.

But he also carried out the Qing, this time is for the boss to work, can not be a child and a girl.

After burning paper money for linger, Lin Feng sent mice and others to the task. We carpet type inspection, from north to south, to find the place where the branches are dense and two branches are intertwined.

Because last night, when meeting, all said in detail what it was like, so this time also did not give more instructions, we began to start to check from north to south!

East Cemetery is large, with tens of thousands of square meters, and many pine trees, pagoda trees, and so on. Especially at the end of spring and early summer, the leaves were green and dense, and their sight was also blocked. So they had to check it bit by bit, and couldn't see a long distance at a glance.

Everyone took a road to the south, looking for the way Lin Feng described.

After about half an hour, everyone met at the southernmost side, and no one found the two trees with twigs that forest peak said.

Lin Feng also did not find, he thought that the sentence in the ground would like to be a link, is it his own analysis wrong?

It should not be. This poem is about the geomorphic features of the place where the blood jade is hidden.

Raymond Lam asked the four men to change their routes. They were originally responsible for the A route. This time they were changed to B, then changed, and then searched from south to north.

And then we started the previous movement, searching from south to north.

However, half an hour later, after the meeting again, there was nothing to gain.

Lin Feng frowned. Should he study those poems again?

Lin Feng took out four pieces of jade in his arms, and joined them together, and carefully looked at them.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "have you seen this pattern on a tombstone?"

The four pieces of jade are together, which is the shape of a tear.

All shook their heads.

Lin Feng thought again, always felt that there was something wrong.

However, at this time, the original wind and the beautiful weather, but the wind, the sun was covered by clouds, the sky overcast.

"It's going to rain, boss, or we'll go back!" "Anyway, people are here, we can come and find them all the time," said King Kong

Lin Feng looked up at the sky, a drop of rain fell on the face of Lin Feng.

"You go to the security booth to avoid rain first, and I'll find it!" Said Lin Feng.

"Boss, you can't find it if it's windy and rainy!" The mouse advised.

"Click!" A lightning stroke across the sky, the weather at the beginning of summer is like the face of a child, and it changes.

In a moment, the wind was so strong that the rain crackled and fell.

"Boss, avoid the rain!" "Mouse said.

"Go!" Lin Feng spread persistent, all to this step, he will not be a little slack.

Looking at the strong body of Lin Feng in the wind and rain, the red scorpion sighed and said, "boss, since you want to continue, I will accompany you!"

"I will be with you too!" The mouse said.

"And me!" Vajra.

Lin Feng looked back and looked at the resolute face of the people, and smiled happily: "with me for so many years, you have not less suffering, I am retired now, and you will follow me to suffer!"

"Oh, what is this? We all came over with our boss, and we went to find something in the rain. It was a little thing that was worth mentioning! " The mouse said."The mouse is right!" Diamond urn sound jar airway.

"OK, let's go through the carpet again!" Lin Feng said.

Then, in the midst of the storm, a group of people continued to search.

Looking at the brothers than he even desperate figure, Lin Feng was moved, he took a deep breath, also began to continue to investigate.

After being washed away by rain, the road in the forest was extremely muddy. Several people searched the road more slowly than before. They held on for more than 40 minutes in the wind and rain before meeting again. As a result, they still got nothing.

Seeing everyone was wet, Lin Feng didn't intend to continue, but he was OK and couldn't hurt his brothers.

However, when Lin Feng decided to stop the search for the time being, the wind was much smaller, and the rain was getting smaller, from the heavy rain just now to the drizzle.

"I don't think God can get along with us." Said King Kong.

His dark face was covered with drops of water, his hair was only attached to his forehead, his clothes were only pasted on his body, and the terrible muscle lines were in a glance.

At this time, the most sexy is the red scorpion. The red scorpion's hair is wet. The water drops from the hair, running across the beautiful cheek, sliding into the white middle of the gully, and the whole body's clothes are also pasted on the body. The perfect figure is shown at a glance, which makes people can't bear to turn away their eyes.

However, Lin Feng's attention, but not in these bodies, he directly staring at the front, murmured: "it's sunny!"

"Yes The red scorpion said, "the old God, it's just making fun of us!"

"No!" Lin Feng said, "God is helping us!"

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes and he looked carefully ahead.

"Help us?" Red scorpion doesn't understand what Lin Feng means.

Lin Feng pointed to the front, said: "you look back, what is that?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!