The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1101

"Who are you listening to?" Ouyang Shuo asked, "isn't the death alliance controlled by a consortium? Are the members of the consortium so powerful? The people in the consortia have money in their minds all day long. They just want to make money? Is there still time to practice? "

Ouyang Yiyun said, "when you ask the killer of the alliance of death, what I have done is to investigate the alliance of death. I visited many people who worked with the alliance of death, but we didn't pay much attention to the alliance of death. In fact, the senior of the alliance of death is no longer a secret. They are a consortium. But, the controller of this consortium is an absolute. Top master, it's almost invincible

"Such a thing Ouyang Shuo pondered.

"Uncle, if you don't have such a master, how can you hold so many powerful guys in the alliance of death? Death alliance is a collection of many infamous killers in the world. They are all cunning and crafty people who drink blood and drink blood. Any one of them can destroy a city. These people who are lethal and disobedient have been in the Alliance for so long, and they are so obedient. Do you think, can the alliance of the dead have nothing to do with it? "

"That's it Ouyang Shuo nodded.

Ouyang Zhenhua, however, has not made a statement. After listening to Ouyang Yiyun's analysis, he looks slightly gloomy and asks, "yun'er, what do you want to say?"

Ouyang Yiyun said: "grandfather, as I said just now, there are four guardians under the leader of the death alliance, and these four guardians are very powerful. Moreover, I also heard that the top five of the death list are empty, and the most powerful killers are in the sixth place. In this way, the top five on the death list are the leaders of the alliance of death and his four guards. Their strength is their strength We have already reached the top of the mountain, but we don't want to show it openly. If we can lead a line and let his guard out of the horse to help us, we will surely kill Lin Feng! "

"Well said!" Ouyang Zhenhua said. He had a smile on his face, but the smile was not a smile. He said, "let me ask you a few questions. How can the leader of the alliance of the dead and his four guardians help us? If they don't put their names on the death list, they will prove that they won't be hired with a price tag. What price can you pay for them? "

"Ah Ouyang Yiyun stopped talking. He thought about this problem, but he didn't think it through. The old man is worthy of being a master. He saw the key point at once.

Ouyang Yiyun said, "then we really can't do it?"

Then, after thinking for a while, he said, "no, I almost lost my mind. In fact, I said these things to tell you that all the experts in the alliance of death are like clouds. We only invite the scum below. Naturally, they won't be Lin Feng's opponent. That pair of actors, Qianji Youzi, is only 80th. If we please rank 70th and 60th, 50th What about it? Nature can kill Lin Feng

"Then it will cost more!" Said Ouyang Shuo.

"Money doesn't matter. We've all lost 10% of the property of the seller. Thanks to that, we'd better sell half of our property and hire those powerful killers. Then we still have at least half of our property, instead of 10%." Ouyang Yiyun said.

"Well!" Ouyang Shuo nodded.

It's true. If we say that the output value of Ouyang's family is 10 billion yuan, it can only get 1 billion yuan if it is sold. If it is sold normally, 80% will be sold, and half of it will be sold. Ouyang family will get 4 billion yuan, and the remaining half of the family property. It is not enough to hire a killer.

Even the most powerful killer in the world is not worth the price!

Therefore, Ouyang family can not only leave half of the property, but also a lot of money in the 4 billion yuan.

This is a good account!

Everyone in Ouyang's family looks at Ouyang Zhenhua, waiting for him to make a decision.

Ouyang Zhenhua pondered for a long time, then slowly raised his head and said, "yun'er is right. This account is also very easy to calculate. How to calculate it is to make money!"

Hearing this, people suddenly came to the spirit, the old man this means not to go?

Fight with Lin Feng?

That's OK. You can still have a bad breath!

However, the next second, Ouyang Zhenhua said: "however, we still decided to leave Kyoto, we can not meet Lin Feng hard for the time being."

"Why?" Ouyang Yiyun looks at Ouyang Zhenhua with a puzzled face.

Don't they all say it makes sense? How can we go?

Others don't understand what Ouyang Zhenhua means.

Ouyang Zhenhua said: "first, Lin Feng only gave us seven days. During these seven days, he will pay close attention to our trend. If we want to sell half of our property quickly, it will be found out by him, but it will lead to worse consequences."

"Second, we don't know what Lin Feng's strength is. Shuo'er and I watched the battle with our own eyes that day. From the beginning to the end, Chiji Youzi didn't hurt Lin Feng. Lin Feng was very skillful in that battle. In the face of Qianji Youzi's most ferocious killing moves, he still walked around in general. It can be imagined that there is a huge gap between him and Qianji Youzi."

"What's more, I once fought with him, and I used all my strength to take his life. As a result, while guarding against the killer behind him, he hit me as an internal injury with a casual punch! This is not what the practitioners at the peak of Huaqi state can do. In my opinion, he has surpassed the strength of the peak of Huaqi state! ""What?"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. Is Lin Feng so powerful?

Ouyang Zhenhua said: "therefore, even if we invite killers, if we don't know Lin Feng's specific strength, we will probably overturn the car. Several of the younger brothers around Lin Feng are not good at all. Among them, a woman is very powerful with poison and can kill people in an invisible way. If we cooperate with Lin Feng, their strength can not be judged in a short time. Therefore, if the people invited do not It's their opponent. Our Ouyang family has no chance to escape! "

All of them were silent.

Ouyang Zhenhua is indeed the pillar of Ouyang family. His analysis is convincing.

That's the truth.

Ouyang Zhenhua glanced over the crowd and said, "if you know yourself and your enemy, you can be invincible. I don't mean that I don't want to revenge. Ouyang's family can stand for hundreds of years. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Someone asked.

"We are always doing what we are sure of. From generation to generation, we are so cautious that we will never act rashly before we find out our opponents. Moreover, our Ouyang family is able to bend and stretch. In the early years, Taizu had knelt down to the Li family. This is not a shame. In the end, it was Taizu who destroyed the Li family! Therefore, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and he who is able to bend and stretch is a great man! "

"Yes The crowd nodded.

Ouyang Zhenhua said: "I decided to leave Kyoto. In fact, there is one thing I didn't say, that is, the overseas development of our Ouyang family is actually better than that at home."

"What do you say?" Ouyang Shuo asked.

Ouyang Zhenhua said: "over the years, I've kept your elder brother and second brother abroad, but they didn't come back. The main thing is to do this. We can't keep our eyes on Longguo. If we want to develop Ouyang family, we must open up the international market. I haven't told you that our Ouyang family's industry now only accounts for 30% in China, and 70% in China It's abroad! "

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!