The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1098

Other people who had nothing to do with the matter were arranged to rest in the rest room. Lin Feng did not let anyone participate in the matter. He and King Kong took Ouyang Zhenhua back to Ouyang's house.

When we arrived at Ouyang's house, other groups of people also arrived, including red scorpion, Golden Phoenix and mice.

Lin Feng took Ouyang Zhenhua, whose face was covered with blood, to get out of the car and push and shove: "go in and let everyone from Ouyang's house come here!"

Ouyang Zhenhua trembles askew to the door guard to say: "open the door!"

The guard trembled and said, "master...

" open the door! " Ouyang Zhenhua cheered.

"Yes The guard trembled and opened the door. Ouyang Zhenhua was escorted by Lin Feng and walked into the yard.

At this time, Ouyang family only Ouyang Shuo and Ouyang Yiyun, the rest are bodyguards employed by Ouyang family.

Ouyang Shuo and Ouyang Yiyun see Ouyang Zhenhua's face full of blood and come to the yard. They quickly push the door out and see that Ouyang Zhenhua is followed by Lin Feng and others. They suddenly understand what's going on!

"Come on, close the door. Don't let any of them out!" Ouyang Shuo cheered.

"Don't act rashly!" Ouyang Zhenhua said.

He knows that Lin Feng is powerful. Although Ouyang family has bodyguard experts in Huaqi state, he is definitely not Lin Feng's opponent.

Ouyang Zhenhua of Ouyang family has the highest cultivation level, and other people are far behind. Even Ouyang Zhenhua is beaten back by Lin Feng. How can other people be Lin Feng's opponents.

Ouyang Zhenhua turned around, but he said to Lin Feng in a low voice: "Lin Feng, now in my Ouyang family, there is no outsider. What do you want to say directly? As long as you don't start with my Ouyang family, I can meet your requirements."

"Old fox, you and he don't bargain here!" King Kong cried out: "you almost killed my brother and my eldest woman. Do you think this hatred is not

"Who are you talking to?" Ouyang Shuo also angry: "to my home dare to act wild, give me to drive them out!"

The four bodyguards behind him instantly rushed out and rushed to King Kong.

The four bodyguards are very fast, and they are also quite cultivated practitioners.

The one who came to King Kong first in front of him was suddenly grabbed by King Kong's arm. The other hand held the man's waistband and threw it up directly. The man was stunned to be thrown into the air by King Kong.

At this time, but see a slender figure, from behind the King Kong, holding a whip in his hand, a swing to the sky.


With a crisp sound, the man in the air couldn't dodge and wanted to block the whip, but the whip was soft, but it couldn't block it. He was whipped on the back of his head, and his head was in a daze and he fell heavily on the ground.

The man who helped King Kong was the red scorpion.

People who imitate the mercenary regiment are familiar with each other, and their cooperation is seamless. Red scorpion and King Kong are old partners. They don't need to communicate with each other. They just watch one action and know what to do next.

On King Kong's side, King Kong threw the man into the air and ignored it. Then he kicked his foot forward, right on the second person who rushed up. The man's hands blocked him, but he felt that he had suffered a great force. The kicked whole body flew back involuntarily.

However, in the process of flying upside down, he suddenly felt a flower in front of his eyes, a cold rope wrapped around his neck, and then pulled him back to King Kong again.

King Kong seems to have known for a long time that it will be like this, one foot suddenly kicked out.

This time, however, the man couldn't help it. He was heavily kicked on the chest by King Kong's foot. The whole person flew back like a kite with broken lines. After crossing a beautiful arc, he fell heavily on the ground, spitting blood, and was hurt badly.

And the other two people were suppressed by this momentum, want to rush up, but also some hesitation.

"Stop!" Ouyang Hua said

It's useless to fight again. If you look at Lin Feng's two subordinates, they are not ordinary. Moreover, the woman who can use poison will make them unable to defend themselves.

Ouyang Zhenhua cheered: "you two go back to the room, the rest of you are waiting outside!"

Then, he said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, is there anything you want to say in it?"

"Good!" Lin Feng swaggered into the room.

After Ouyang Zhenhua and others entered the house, they closed the door.

In addition to Ouyang Zhenhua, there are only Ouyang Yiyun and Ouyang Shuo in the room at this time. Lin Feng looks around for a week, but turns to ask Jin Fenghuang: "sister Jin, how are you?"

"I'm fine," said Golden Phoenix

Lin Feng pulled Jin Fenghuang's hand and saw that there was a red mark on his finger. He bit his teeth and said to Ouyang Zhenhua, "I'm here today. I'm not negotiating with you. I'm here to inform you about something!"

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"The first thing, in seven days, I want you Ouyang family to get out of China and never come back again!" Lin Feng said."This..." Ouyang Zhenhua's body suddenly trembled.

"What are you?" Ouyang Shuo stood up and swore at Lin Feng.


without saying a word, Lin Feng kicked Ouyang Shuo in the chest. All of a sudden, Ouyang Shuo was kicked and his body flew five or six meters away, smashing the tea table.


A mouthful of blood gushed from Ouyang Shuo's mouth.

"Lin Feng, I want you dead!" Ouyang Yiyun saw Ouyang Shuo was beaten and vomited blood, he also rushed up, that posture is to fight with Lin Feng.

However, before he reached Lin Feng, he was swung by King Kong's arm.

Ouyang Yiyun was hit by Venus. As soon as he stood up, there was a black shadow before meeting him. It was a red scorpion who made up his sleep.

Ouyang Yiyun only felt a ton of heavy blow to his chest. His mouth was full of sweet smell and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

There are three Ouyang family members in this room. Two of them have been beaten to vomit blood. The scene is extremely embarrassing.

Lin Feng grabbed Ouyang Zhenhua's lapel and said: "I'm here today, not to discuss with you. I said, if I want you to disappear in this world, I can absolutely do it!"

Ouyang Zhenhua was at the end of his tether. Seeing his two children and grandchildren seriously injured, he said without any hesitation: "OK, I promise you!"

"No! Grandfather Ouyang Yiyun covered his chest and yelled: "He Lin Feng is nothing. My Ouyang family has been in Kyoto for a hundred years. If he asks us to get out of here, we'll get out of it."

"I think you are still hurt lightly." Lin Feng said.

After hearing this, the red scorpion suddenly threw out his whip and put it directly on Ouyang Yiyun's neck. With a strong pull, he directly pulled Ouyang Yiyun to his feet.

King Kong stepped on Ouyang Yiyun's shoulder with one foot, took the whip of red scorpion with the other hand, held it in his hand, and said, "I only need a little force, I can break your neck. If you dare to talk more, you will be the last word!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!