The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1091

"Who doesn't know that blood jade is a rare treasure? It's priceless Lin Feng said: "the development of the alliance has entered a bottleneck, and it is in urgent need of breakthrough. Most of your Luo Qinghe's network needs money to maintain and develop. Now, the cash flow of the associated press is limited, so you can't do your best. If you increase the membership dues, members will move to other chambers of Commerce. As far as I know, many members have chosen to leave Helian When you come to the green dragon Association, it makes you very anxious. "

"Therefore, you need a huge sum of money to help you expand your network, find more top-level people and get more powerful resources, so that you can better attract new members to join the association. With the money, the membership dues of the members will be reduced, and the resources will be more. In this way, you can keep the old members, increase the number of members, increase the income, and make full use of the United Society A virtuous circle has been formed. The members of the association have money, and the members also have money. If the members make money, they will contribute to the association, and the association will have more money. "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "so, the key point is where this huge sum of money comes from, right? There are many people in Kyoto who can take out the cash. However, they will not choose to invest in you and the associated press. You need to find ways from other places. Therefore, you can focus on the blood jade. If you can sell the blood jade, the capital problem of the association will be solved for decades! "

Lin Feng looked at Luo Qinghe: "am I right?"

Luo Qinghe's surprise is hard to describe. He only talked with the core staff of the associated press. How could Lin Feng know so much?

Ouyang Zhenhua and Tang Zhen and others also looked at Luo Qinghe, and their hearts said that this guy was hidden deep enough. No wonder he was eager to kill Lin Feng. It turned out that he wanted to stop Lin Feng from looking for blood jade!

It's deep enough to hide!

Luo Qinghe argued: "Lin Feng, what are you talking about? These are just your guesses. Please don't wrongly treat people without any evidence. Moreover, even if the associated press and I are short of funds, there are so many precious things in the world that we can resell. Why do we have to stare at blood jade?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I don't know why you have to stare at the blood jade, but what I said just now is from your side. I can only advise you not to hit the blood jade idea, or you will be fed up with it!"

"You..." Luo Qinghe wants to refute.

But Lin Feng suddenly pointed to Luo Qinghe and said, "look at your eyes. When you talk to me, your eyes subconsciously look to the top left. That's the problem. Because a normal person in the process of talking, if he does not lie, his eyes will intentionally or unintentionally glance to the right and up, but when you speak, your eyes will subconsciously look to the upper left, only when you tell a lie, your eyes will be like this! "

"People can lie, but the body's performance is natural, it won't lie. I'm a Ph.D. in psychology. I hope you can remember next time, when you lie, try to look up to the right, so it looks more like telling the truth!" Lin Feng Road.

"You..." Luo Qinghe didn't expect that Lin Feng had also studied psychology, and Lin Feng's words were very sharp, which made him some difficult to resist.

Lin Feng continued: "don't be angry. I set up this blood jade project, and I don't blindly let you pay. If I get the blood jade with your help, then I will give back to you with rich financial resources."

Then he specially said to Luo Qinghe: "the little money that you and the associated press are short of is not money!"

Luo Qinghe sipped his lips, which is to say he was in the heart.

To put it bluntly, isn't it about money? With money, what blood jade does he want?

"How much can you give us back if you succeed?" Luo Qinghe asked.

"Beyond your imagination!" Lin Feng did not say the specific number, just a smile: "believe me, signed the contract, do not believe, I do not force, but, said that does not count, I will investigate responsibility!"

Luo Qinghe thought about it, took a deep breath, took his pen directly and signed the contract.

Luo Qinghe wants to understand that if Lin Feng is killed today, the contract will be a white letter. Because Lin Feng is dead, the person in charge of the project is gone. If the project is not established, the contract will become empty talk.

He didn't get through with Lin Feng. He felt that there was nothing wrong with signing the contract. He didn't want to waste any more words.

Other people looked at it, there was nothing to say, and they signed one after another.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction and asked Qianji sisters to take back the contract.

Then he whispered in everyone's ears: "the banquet cost more than 30 million yuan in total. I have the invoice, and I'll give you reimbursement. Ha, I've calculated it for you. A family's contribution is less than 10 million yuan. It's not a big deal for you!"

Luo Qinghe and others tightly clenched their fists, hoping to kill Lin Feng with a fist.

It's really Zhou shaopi, which is exploited to the bone and flesh one by one! More than 30 million yuan has been cut off from a party, which is killing people!

I knew I wouldn't provoke this Yama. It's too difficult. I don't know when I'll have to pay for my underpants.

But now the arrow is on the line and has to be launched.Either choose obedience, blindly obedient, or choose to resist, kill Lin Feng.

Obviously, the former is bottomless, the latter is the solution, so they are glad to choose the latter.

At this time, Lin Feng was smiling. His eyes swept over the faces of the four people and said in a loud voice, "it's time for the party to officially begin! Please enjoy today's feast

Although this is a simple banquet, the significance is that Lin Feng wants to show everyone his relationship with the major forces in public.

He was paving the way step by step to find the blood jade, because it was already warm spring in April, and Jiangzhou city was already full of Orioles and grasses. After this, he would go back to uncover the secret of blood jade.

Soon the service staff brought up the food and wine. Although all the celebrities came to the banquet, they were also shocked by the luxury of the banquet.

A table of dishes, can not see any lobster abalone, if so, can only be said to be the daily menu of these celebrities.

It is found that there are world famous dishes on this table.

For example: white truffle and gold pizza.

At one time, the official price of this dish reached 151 dishes.

This is a piece of pizza. The ingredients used in this kind of pizza are all the top and most expensive in the world, such as the most expensive truffle, buffalo cheese and so on. What's more, it uses 24K edible gold foil to bake.

Even if the person with more insight saw this dish, he was also surprised to open his mouth.

Next to the white truffle gold pizza, there is a seafood treasure curry. The official price is more than 20000 yuan.

As for the reason why a curry is so expensive, there are such ingredients as beluga caviar, abalone, white truffle, quail eggs, Devonshire crab, gold foil, etc. these ingredients are mixed together to make a Tianzhu flavor curry, which tastes fantastic. The soup alone will never be eaten by the poor.

As for the more than 2000 yuan a plate of Buddha jump wall and so on, are all the dishes here.

The wine, red wine and white wine are all aged at home and abroad, and are the best years. Lafite is 82 years old, and the price of this bottle is more than 6 figures.

This is the biggest banquet ever.

These so-called celebrities and nobles all looked silly. The Qinglong Club invited them to enjoy such a luxurious meal, and their impression of Qinglong club and Lin Feng was greatly improved.

The name of the green dragon club also started all at once.

But looking at the table full of famous dishes, Luo Qing and the four people did not have any appetite. They now understand why Lin Feng cut off more than 30 million yuan from a banquet.

Each person paid less than 10 million yuan, which is really small money for them.

But, this kind of flower method lets them heartache, especially has spent the money, the result benefit all fished on Lin Feng body.

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