The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1087

Qinglong hotel.

After sending away the two sisters, Lin Feng went to the window and lit a cigarette.

Picking up the mobile phone, Lin Feng dialed Lao Hu's phone: "Hello, Lao Hu, has it been two months? What does that mean? "

Lao Hu said: "I was about to tell you about it. I saw you duel with Ouyang family. I didn't want to disturb you. Now it's OK. I'm going to find you. Your brother can come back again. You can choose a good man. I'll go through the formalities for him and enter the country."

Lin Feng nodded: "it's almost the same!"

After opening Rubik's cube app, I found that I haven't seen it for a long time, and many unread messages are still chatting happily.

Lin Feng looked up at the historical records and found that King Kong was very active in the group because he had returned to Longguo. People often asked him how he felt when he came back to Longguo, whether the snacks on the street were the same or not, and whether the iced sugar gourd from Kyoto could be delivered by Express...

Lin Feng looked at it and felt more and more sad.

His brothers are homesick.

Maybe everyone is afraid that Lin Feng will be sad for them, so when we talk about it, we don't talk about it. Red scorpion also asks how Lin Feng has been recently?

King Kong sent several recent photos of Lin Feng in the group.

After everyone looked at it, they were silent.

Red scorpion first said: "the boss is thin!"

The demon said: "but still so handsome, boss temperament and edge, others will never have!"


looking at everyone's chat, Lin Feng's eyes are a little moist.

All the people in the group were brothers who lived and died with themselves. The brothers thought about him day and night, so he didn't.

Therefore, once there is a chance, Lin Feng would like to recall all of his side.

It's just that sometimes he can't help himself. The state-owned Legalists have family rules. Lin Feng is not the kind of person who can do what he wants. He knows the rules and has the same temper.

Let the brothers return home one after another, it is not touching his bottom line. At least everyone can come back for a period of time, and then make peace with the government, which is also a face for Lao Hu.

But if his brothers were not allowed to come back, Lin Feng would blow up his hair. At that time, the king of heaven was not easy to use.

Lin Feng said to Lao Hu, "how many places are there this time?"

"One!" said old Hutton

Lin Feng frowned and took a deep breath. His mood gradually eased. He thought, it's good to come back one in more than two months. At least within two years, reliable brothers will be able to come to his side.

Lin Feng said to Lao Hu, "when will the gate be opened?"

Lao Hu said, "at any time, as long as you say it, you can enter the country at any time."

Lin Feng nodded: "tomorrow, tomorrow entry!"


Lao Hu hung up the phone, and Lin Feng sent a message in the magic cube app: "the next brother can go back home. Please make sure to select one person and contact me immediately. Start today, and I'll pick him up at the airport tomorrow!"

This sudden good news, let all people in the group were unprepared.

Everyone cheered, not only for this quota, but they all saw the hope.

Some people have come back to China one after another, which shows that this matter is very stable. We can go back sooner or later, and we are not in a hurry for a while.

Everyone in the group was chatting, only two people did not speak, one is a pharmacist, the other is a red scorpion.

"What are you doing?" Lin Feng asked? Carry out the task? "

Next to the Banshee said: "boss, she is OK, just miss you, these days depressed!"

"Well, not so?" Lin Feng said, "why didn't she think of me like that before?"

The genie made a strange smile and said, "boss, she didn't see you before, but now she has seen the photos. Suddenly, the feeling of missing you can't be restrained!"

"There's another reason!" "The wolf said:" she saw every time King Kong Hair photos, you have different women around you, she was anxious ah, ha ha ha ha! "

"Shut up, can you die without talking?" The red scorpion suddenly appeared, and met the wolf directly.

"Oh, I can't tell the truth these days. It's a crime to tell the truth!" The wolf joked.

"Roll away!" Said the red scorpion.

The man wolf was not angry, and said with a smile, "boss, we are not in a hurry for this moment, or you can see, let Hong Jie go back first, she really miss you!"

Red scorpion immediately changed face, said: "wolf brother is considerate elder sister, come back elder sister to make dumplings for you!"

"Get it!" Man is a wolf.

Other people also said in succession: "or this quota will be given to the red scorpion first!"

Lin Feng replied: "you decide on it."

As soon as the red scorpion saw the situation settled down, he suddenly pinched it: "Oh, just one quota. How can I be good at it? To tell you the truth, I was also the first group to follow the boss, so I should go back at the latest! "Everyone was stunned. How did the red scorpion suddenly change his mind?

However, after a few seconds, the red scorpion sent a message: "but, you are so enthusiastic, I can't ignore you, can't I?"? Everyone asked me to go back. If I didn't, I would not give face to the big guy. So I couldn't bear it in my heart. But after thinking about it, I couldn't spoil the fun of my brothers. Do you think so? "

Looking at the red scorpion in the group prattle, Lin Feng smiles and shakes his head, this scorpion, really got his true biography, the critical moment, the skin is thicker than the mobile phone.

"It's settled, boss. I'll go back!" Said the red scorpion.

"OK, Xiaohong, now pack up and buy air tickets to return home. I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow." Lin Feng said.

"OK!" Red scorpion happy way.

Then, she added: "boss, don't call me Xiaohong in front of so many people!"

"Why?" Asked Lin Feng.

"It's a little rustic!" Red scorpion road.

"Ha ha ha, OK, I know Xiao Hong!" Lin Feng said.

"Boss -" the red scorpion gave out a cry.


you know, the red scorpion will be displayed in front of Lin Feng. She is a ruthless killer and will not have any pity for any enemy.

People who don't know red scorpion can only see the cold appearance of red scorpion, and even some people will naturally fear when they see her.

But when the red scorpion in front of Lin Feng, but it seems to be changed into another person: love nagging, jealous, but also particularly coquettish, always want to act coquettish in front of Lin Feng.

Perhaps, she is in front of Lin Feng, is the real temperament, only Lin Feng can let her relax vigilance, take off all masks.

A few minutes later, Lin Feng saw the red scorpion's flight on his mobile phone, and his face showed a knowing smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!