The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1084

At this time, Luo Qinghe and Ouyang Zhenhua and other people don't mention how bitter they are.

Lin Feng is really good at playing. He has done all the good people on the surface, and forced them to bear the bitter fruit.

Lin Feng became a good man and a good man in front of everyone. Besides, the green dragon club also invited everyone to attend the banquet free of charge. Obviously, he took the opportunity to advertise himself.

However, under this banquet, they are forced to sign a contract, sincerely apologize and pay all the expenses required for the banquet.

I don't know how the tune of the banquet is. If you pay a lot of money to invite some stars, they will be miserable.

"That's the end of the day!" Lin Feng picked up the bricks on the ground and put them into his backpack. He said, "I still have to go back to sleep. Goodbye to everyone."

Said, Lin Feng first step out of the door.

Sophia also followed out, followed by the Golden Phoenix and night north.

The crowd sighed and sighed. As soon as Lin Feng left, the three beauties immediately followed him out. How charming it is!

However, these people did not talk to Lin Feng much after they went out. Lin Feng just asked Jin Fenghuang to arrange Sophia's trip in Kyoto and take good care of Sophia. After a few words with yebeili, he went back to the hotel.

However, when Lin Feng was about to open the door of the room, he heard a woman's voice behind him.

"Mr. Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng picked up his eyebrows and laughed, but he didn't look back. He said, "how? Not enough? Do you want another one? "

"Mr. Lin Feng misunderstood me. My sister and I have come to visit you specially!"

While speaking, the woman behind came forward.

They are two women in Yingzhou costumes. It is Qianji Youzi and her sister Qianji meihui.

"Visit? What can I call on? " When Lin Feng opened the door, he didn't repel them. He pointed to the house and said, "if you don't mind, come in and sit down."

"Oh... It's a pleasure!" Qianji Youzi changed his arrogant attitude. Although his face was still cold, his words were full of awe.

Two people with Lin Feng into the hotel suite, closed the door, Lin Feng asked: "you two this mission failure, is to be reduced ranking?"

"Yes Chiji said.

Lin Feng went into the tea room and washed the tea set: "tea or coffee?"

"White water will do!" Qianji Youzi seems a little stiff, pretty delicate face, still hang a touch of red.

sister as like as two peas, the elder sister is very similar. Her elder sister is reserved, and she is also cautious.

"Your sister doesn't speak Longguo dialect, does she?" Lin Feng came out with two glasses of water and put them on the table.

"Yes, my sister can only speak Yingzhou dialect!" "But I can be her interpreter," said Chiji Yuko

Lin Feng said, "let's get to the point. What are you two doing here? What is the meaning of this visit? "

Qianji Youzi pursed her lips, moved her body on the sofa, looked a little shy, she blushed and said, "we want to follow you!"

"Follow me?" Lin Feng was dumbfounded: "what kind of operation is this? What does it mean to follow me

"We want to learn martial arts from you. We were too blind and arrogant before. After meeting you, we only knew what was low-key and what was a master. My sister and I admired the ability you showed. We want to respect you as a teacher."

"Sorry, I don't accept students!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. We can do everything for you. Then you can give us some advice on martial arts cultivation." "We want to become more powerful, please enlighten Mr. Lin Feng," said Chiji

"You two are already very strong. How strong do you want to be?" Lin Feng said, "if it wasn't for me today, I would have been torn apart by you for another person."

This is the truth, the strength of Qianji sister flower, Lin Feng see in the eyes, any person present today, seems not to be the opponent of Qianji sister flower.

"Our pursuit of power is endless." Chiji Youzi stood up and said respectfully: "as long as you are willing to teach us, we can pay anything, you can tell me!"

Finish saying, solemnly to Lin Feng bowed, and the head has been low do not lift up, that looks like to say: "if you do not agree, I will always bow in front of you!"

Lin Feng thinks it's funny. Things are changeable. One hour before, he still wants his own life. The next hour, he has to learn from his teacher.

Lin Feng said, "I have no ability. I just make a blind comparison. Moreover, I don't need to tell others to do things? What's more, you are still two delicate women. What can I tell you to do? "

With that, Lin Feng sat down on the bed and took out the cigarette under the pillow.

However, in the eyes of Qianji Youzi, it has become a hint.

A man, he said, what can I command of your delicate women?Then, on the bed.

Isn't that obvious?

Qianji Youzi pursed her lips and gave her a wink. Her face turned red, but she nodded.

They jumped into bed directly, taking off their clothes and pressing towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took out a cigarette and took one in his mouth. He looked back and was startled.

I saw two white bodies pressing towards me, and a smell of fragrance came.

"What are you two doing?" The smoke in Lin Feng's mouth fell out: "want to belittle me?"

Qianji Youzi is riding on Lin Feng's leg. Qianji meihui is trying to take off Lin Feng's clothes.

Qianji meihui said: "Mr. Lin Feng, we understand what you mean. Since we intend to follow you, we are ready to pay everything. Therefore, you are welcome!"

Lin Feng looked at the sisters of the two young giant rabbits, but a trace of fun flashed in his eyes.

"I said," are you all so open-minded in Yingzhou? " Lin Feng asked.

"It's not openness, it's enthusiasm." Chiji Youzi Dao.

"You're very eloquent Lin Feng said: "then you are willing to give your body to a strange man in order to become stronger. Isn't it open?"

"There are men and women in this world, and the affairs of men and women are normal physiological instinctive reactions. We don't feel so embarrassed and shameful, but you people of Longguo are very insincere

"Oh, you have a lot of sense in your lewdness. Go and get down from me!" Lin Feng said.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Lin Feng. My sister and I really want to learn from you." Chiji Youzi said: "we failed this mission and will be expelled from the list of the gods of death by the alliance of the gods of death. We don't want to go back to the Alliance for the time being, because my sister and I want to be the most powerful woman in the world. Now we finally see the teacher who makes us bright. So, please don't be modest any more. We will certainly follow you and study hard ! After that, we will be your people. Please give me your orders

While saying that, Qian Ji You Zi nods again, very ceremonial.

Lin Feng can't help feeling funny, but since this sister flower is so sincere, it's not a matter to always drive people out. Moreover, Lin Feng carefully considered it. It seems that there are no Yingzhou women in his younger brother and tenant. These two fill the gap!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng pretended to frown. He waved his hand and said, "Oh, I'm really tired today. If only someone would give me a full body massage!"

"Mr. Lin Feng, please lie down and relax. Let's go!" Chiji said.

Then, she and Qianji meihui give Lin Feng a massage. It looks very professional.

Lin Feng was comfortable in the clouds, but his mouth still said: "Oh, you don't want to be like this. I'm a very serious person. Men and women don't accept each other. Oh, roar, left, right, and left..."

"Oh, roar, it's very comfortable!"

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