The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1080

Then, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and grasped it out of thin air.

It was as if he had grasped some substance, and then he pulled it hard.

Suddenly, some fragments appeared in Lin Feng's hand, while a woman appeared in the scene.

that woman is as like as two peas.

This time, immediately let the whole audience boiling.

"Hi tech fabric!" Lin Feng, holding the pieces of clothes, suddenly pointed to the chandelier on his finger and said: "this kind of fabric, combined with today's lighting, can completely make the contestants become transparent people!"

It's a kind of high-tech fabric. It's like some special props clothes used when people make movies. Under the mapping of some light, it can realize the invisibility and color change freely.

In addition, Qianji Youzi enveloped the smoke in the field. For a time, it was difficult for us to distinguish the true from the false. They all thought that it was Chiu Ji Youzi who really called out the shadow.

This time, everyone understood that the facts were in front of them. Lin Feng found out the living people. What else can be said.

The Lin family and the green dragon Association immediately raised their eyebrows. Lin Zhengwu said, "now, what else do you have to say? How about your face when you expose your deception in public

Luo Qinghe's face is black, in front of so many people's face, this is severely hit his face.

Don't talk about him. Ouyang Zhenhua and Tang Zhen were both severely beaten in the face. Just now, they said that others slandered them. As a result, Lin Feng saw through their tricks at a glance.

After being exposed, Qianji Youzi felt a deep humiliation. She gritted her teeth and said coldly, "Lin Feng, you are too much! I'll fight with you

Her twin sister see this, also made and Lin Feng desperate posture.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't try so hard. Your parents give you a life. You should learn to cherish it. If you want to learn how to separate yourself from others, I'll teach you and take good care of it!"

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, Qianji Youzi felt that someone had ordered her in the back.

She looked back in amazement and found that Lin Feng was standing behind her.

The one in front? In a moment, Chiu Kyi was in a mess.

She looked back at the front again, but Lin Feng disappeared.

Lin Feng left a shadow in front of Qianji Youzi at a very fast speed. At the same time, he came to the back of Qianji Youzi at a super fast speed and ordered Qianji Youzi.

This creates an illusion in an instant, that is, Lin Feng is in front of him, and Lin Feng is also in the back, which creates the feeling of two people.

But in the side of the thousand Ji You Zi's younger sister is really see the front and back have a Lin Feng.

It is caused by the shadow of a moment, human vision error.

But this scene, but let everybody be surprised.

This is the real shadow of the body ah, one person to create the feeling of two people, Lin Feng is worthy of the master ah!

The coldness from beginning to end on the face of Qianji Youzi melted in an instant.

Yes, today I finally met the master I dream of.

Just now Lin Feng's "Ying Fen Shen" is enough to defeat her.

Just imagine, if Lin Feng at the beginning of the shadow, in the back to her a move, she was absolutely defeated.

She now understand, originally Lin Feng said to accompany her to play for such a long time, is to accompany her to play.

In a flash, Chiji Youzi's impression of Lin Feng changed greatly.

Lin Feng is a master of deep hiding, until now, Chiji Youzi doesn't know how much Lin Feng still hides.

Therefore, she had a strong interest in Lin Feng, and, on that hand, "Ying Fen Shen", also poked her heart.

"Lin Feng, I lost!"

Thousand Ji by son kneels down on one knee, bow head sincerely admit defeat.

Her sister also came forward, like her sister, kneeling on one knee, bowing her head to admit defeat.

In some rituals, Yingzhou people are very disciplined, especially in the face of strong strength, they willingly admit defeat.

This scene left Luo Qinghe and others speechless.

They all admit defeat directly, how do you come to an end?

Ouyang Zhenhua was so angry that he broke the cup on the table and shook his sleeve to leave.

However, Lin Feng said, "do you want to leave?"

After hearing this, Ouyang Zhenhua turned and asked, "what do you want me to do? If I lose, I'll give up. I'll write off the gratitude and resentment between you and my Ouyang family! Isn't that enough? "

The original bet was that if Lin Feng lost, he would let Ouyang's family handle it. If Lin Feng won, he would make a big fuss about Ouyang Yiyun's wedding and cancel it.

So Ouyang Zhenhua lost, only lost face, the others did not lose.

But Lin Feng said, "Ouyang Zhenhua, if it's just a duel, I won't bother you. But if you hire people from the alliance of the dead to kill me, is that too much?"

"You don't want to be bloody!" Ouyang Zhenhua cheered."I'm bloody? Ha ha Lin Feng sneered and suddenly turned to ask Luo Qinghe: "president Luo, do I have bloody words?"

Then, he asked Tang Zhen: "Tang hall leader, do I have a bloody mouth?"

Tang Zhenqi's teeth itch. He thought Lin Feng would die miserably, but Lin Feng won, which made his anger hard to eliminate. Especially, Lin Feng asked him with a cheap smile, which made him more unable to hold on to his anger.

He said, "why don't you talk so much? A duel is a duel. Even if Ouyang's family employs foreign aid, it's also to win the duel. Why do you slander others to kill you

"Ha ha ha, you are really interesting!" Lin Feng burst out laughing.

But after an instant, Lin Feng's smiling face disappeared. Instead, it was an extremely cold and gloomy face. His eyes were like two sharp knives, and he looked straight at Tang Zhen: "do you think I don't know about your business?"

"You Tang Zhen embezzled the money from the white tiger hall to support Ouyang family to deal with me. Is it true?" Lin Feng asked.

"You have nothing to say. Don't wrong people!" Tang Zhen was fierce, but he was a coward.

"Is it? I don't know what to say, do I? " Lin Feng Chao asked Luo Qinghe, "president Luo, when hall leader Tang and you supported Ouyang family to kill me, you should also be there? Come out and make a certificate

"Lin Feng, what do you mean?" Luo Qinghe is flustered in the heart, but pretends to be very angry on the surface.

"What do I mean?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "you, the associated press and the white tiger hall, have funded to support Ouyang family. You have hired the most powerful killer to deal with me. You want to kill me in this duel. Isn't this your ultimate goal? Why, I dare not admit it now? "

After listening to these words, many people present were immediately angered.

I didn't expect such a seemingly fair duel behind, unexpectedly hidden so deep mystery.

However, Lin Feng is now also empty mouth, no evidence, people have not expressed their own views and opinions.

After a brief panic, Luo Qinghe also calmed down in his heart. He thought that Lin Feng must have no evidence. They were all conspiracy and no outsiders were present. Moreover, Ouyang Shuo was the one who hired the killer. Did Ouyang Shuo have an affair with Lin Feng?

It's impossible!

So Luo Qinghe suddenly came to the confidence, said to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you don't think things so bad, no one wants to kill you, you so incite everyone's emotions to slander us, is your wrong ha!"

Luo Qinghe's words don't look sharp, but in fact they are hidden needles, which means that Lin Feng is here to slander others and be mischievous.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "yes, I slander you, right? I don't think you can see the coffin or shed tears

With that, he snapped his finger.


A shot came, a valiant woman came out of the corner. , the fastest update of the webnovel!