The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1078

Then, Lin Feng turned to the field and said, "don't be afraid. You see, she's restrained by me. Come back and sit down. Don't make a fuss about it and run away. They're all people with status. Are they disgraced?"

People are dissatisfied, the heart said that you said good, it is a matter of life, not running can do it?

However, this is also put in the stomach, no one will say it, because indeed Lin Feng restrained the woman.

At this time, Ouyang Zhenhua's face was extremely ugly. Looking at Lin Feng holding Qianji Youzi on the stage, he felt that this scene was beating his face vividly.

Ouyang's killers are being held by Lin Feng. Are you angry?

But Qianji Youzi didn't have his name. She suddenly called out a command in her mouth. With her voice falling, Lin Feng felt a cold wind behind her.

Suddenly, the shadow of Qianji Youzi appears again, waving a knife towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng let go of Qianji Youzi, dodged, and picked up the brick on the ground, said: "sister, don't make a mystery. Your flaws are all in my eyes. Your poor body method, old-fashioned moves and slow movements are your fatal problems. If you don't improve, there will be problems in the future."

Where could Chiji Youzi listen to these words at this time? She has already red eyes, and the dragon people let her feel a deep shame.

She said a few Yingzhou words to Ying Fenshen. Then, they both waved their swords and looked at Lin Feng together.

In an instant, the sword shadow was heavy and cold.

It is true that Tang Zhen's words, a person's ability, because the shadow is separated, completely doubled.

At this time, when you look at Qianji Youzi, you can kill the opportunity and shoot, and your ability is also brought into full play.

Those practitioners off the field looked at it, and who sighed secretly that if they were in the field, they would not even be able to stand for a few seconds.

For Qian Ji You Zi's performance, Ouyang Zhenhua finally showed a little satisfied look.

However, what is even more surprising is that Lin Feng still advances and retreats orderly under such a fierce attack. He picks up the bricks on the ground and is inseparable from the two women in the field.

For a time, the audience can not tell the upper and lower, but Lin Feng's strength, but began to recognize.

"No wonder Lin Feng was able to retreat after Ouyang's trouble. It seems that this guy is very powerful."

"It's not just strong, don't you notice? From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng didn't make any moves, so he didn't use all his strength! "

"You say that as if Oh, Lin Feng has always been smiling, as if the duel in his place like a play!"


some people who have a good understanding of martial arts began to discuss it.

Lin Feng still jokingly said: "sister, I give you face today, I have played with you for a long time, do you have this ability? Don't hide it

"That's enough to kill you!" Qianji Youzi displays "Baihua chop". She and Yingfen throw darts at Lin Feng at the same time. There are so many darts that they look like gorgeous flowers all over the sky under the light.

At the same time, Chiji Youzi and Ying Fenshen also deceived him, expanding all the offensive to the maximum at this moment.

This can't help but let the people under the stage see the blood spurt, all over the sky of hidden weapons, with real people and shadow body attack together, this kind of attack, who can escape?

Moreover, the speed of Chiji Youzi is absolutely amazing. After the concealed weapon is thrown out, she and Yingfen can attack Lin Feng closely. You should know that the speed of the concealed weapon is so fast, but her attack speed does not fall behind. All of them come to Lin Feng's eyes in an instant.

However, a scene that surprised everyone else happened.

But see Lin Feng suddenly burst drink, a head into the darts in the sky.

"Keng Keng..."

a burst of metal percussion sound came, and Lin Feng was like a pangolin. He used his body to pass through those darts and suddenly appeared in front of Qianji Youzi. Before Qianji Youzi stabbed him, he first reached out and pinched Qianji Youzi's neck, and with the other hand, he grasped the neck of Yingfen.

"I told you long ago that you are too slow!" Lin Feng said, will two people directly to the air, and then a push to the back, throw out.

The scene made everyone look silly.

First of all, Lin Feng used his body to resist those darts. His defensive ability was amazing.

Lin Feng gathers his energy on the surface of his body to form a protective shield, so he can use his body to block the darts.

It can be seen from this that Lin Feng's vigour is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Secondly, before Qianji Youzi started with Lin Feng, she was pinched by Lin Feng and thrown out. It can be seen that Lin Feng's speed is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the end, people are surprised to see whether there is any entity in the shadow body? Lin Feng could even hold the neck of the shadow body, but also threw it out. When the shadow body fell to the ground, there was sound. What's the matter?At this time, Lin Feng said: "Qianji Youzi, nicknamed shuangyingren, is the 80th God of death in the death alliance. Yingzhou is a stranger. I'm lucky to fight with you today. I'm glad to meet you!"

"What? Death alliance? "

There was a sudden noise under the stage.

"Isn't that woman from Ouyang family? How are they from Yingzhou? "

"Didn't you listen to Lin Feng? Her name is Qianji Youzi, not Ouyang Qianji. So if what Lin Feng said is true, this woman is actually the foreign aid invited by Ouyang family! "

Qianji Youzi sees that her identity has been exposed, so she no longer conceals it. Originally, concealing her identity is not her job. Her job is to kill people.

Just, she was curious how Lin Feng knew her?

"Why do you know it's me? There are so many different people in Yingzhou. I'm not the only one? Even on the death list, there are more than a dozen strangers. Why do you guess it's me Chiji asked.

"Don't worry, I'll answer your question later!" Lin Feng said: "it's your problem. You've always refused to face it. You say that your body method has flaws, and your movements are conservative and slow. You just don't listen to it. Do you want me to slap face one by one before you admit it?"

"This..." thousand Ji You Zi recalled, is Lin Feng intentionally telling himself these questions?

Before Lin Feng can easily grasp her wrist, and from the back of her two wrists, effortless, which is enough to show that her body method has flaws, otherwise how can let Lin Feng close?

Then when he summoned Ying Fen to come out, they both made a move together, but they couldn't attack for a long time. She felt that she had one move in one form, which was clearly seen by Lin Feng. Before she started, Lin Feng had already taken precautions against it. This shows that her move is really old-fashioned and has been seen through by others.

In the end, her "hundred flower chop" was released to half and was broken by Lin Feng. Even when she and Yingfen were caught off guard, she was choked by the throat. Lin Feng said that she was slow, and there was nothing wrong with it. Compared with Lin Feng's speed just now, her action was like a snail.

What's more, his dart concealed weapon has no effect on Lin Feng. Lin Feng protects his body with strength and can resist the past directly. So it seems that Lin Feng used that piece of black thing to block the dart before, which is completely hiding his strength.

With the more intense fighting, the more things Lin fenglock shows. Qianji Youzi doesn't even know how much Lin Feng is hiding?

All of a sudden, Chiji Youzi, such as the top, in front of this man, is really a master. , the fastest update of the webnovel!