The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1068

"Ranking 10 high means that the ability and level are much higher, and "Ouyang Shuo said:" we have studied the Ninjas in Yingzhou in private. We call them Yingzhou aliens. Their lower level is to practice different skills. When they reach a certain level, they begin to practice similar to those of the Dragon kingdom. They also have a clear division of cultivation levels. If the cultivation level of Qianji Youzi is classified according to the level of the cultivators of the Dragon Kingdom, she has already It's the peak of the chemical state, and it's still hitting a higher level! "

"The peak of Huaqi state..." Tang Zhen's eyes flashed a wonderful look.

The peak of Huaqi state is already very powerful in Longguo. When Lin Feng and Ouyang's family fought each other, he was just a practitioner of huagujing.

Later, the Ouyang family inquired carefully and found that Lin Feng was pretending to be a pig eating a tiger. His real strength should have reached the level of chemical gas. Therefore, the Ouyang family felt cheated by Lin Feng. This time, we must invite a strong enough person to deal with him.

Among the three realms of cultivation, Huaqi state is the highest and the peak of Huaqi state is the existence of the top.

Chiji Youzi has reached the peak of Huaqi state, which shows that she has enough strength to deal with Lin Feng.

As far as the peak of Huaqi state is concerned, the cultivation is as daunting as purgatory in the world, so they also believe that Lin Feng is no more powerful than the peak of Huaqi state.

This is their worst plan. Even Ouyang Shuo thinks that Lin Feng has just arrived at the chemical gas state.

In addition, Lin Feng has never cultivated any martial arts secret script, so his strength is not so terrible, but Ouyang family underestimated the enemy before.

In this way, Ouyang's family seems to be quite sure this time.

After listening, they all nodded with satisfaction, indicating that the money was not wasted.

"Oh, by the way, the duel will be held tomorrow. Should Qianji Youzi be here already?" Tang Zhen said: "or let's have a look at this strange person's demeanor first?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for that. Now Qianji Youzi is staying in a five-star hotel in Kyoto. Tomorrow's duel will be there. As for today, she will not show up!" Ouyang Shuo added: "even we haven't seen her, she is very cold and proud!"

"Oh, that's cool!" Tang Zhen said.

Ouyang Shuo said with a smile: "Qianji Youzi is a cold, arrogant and stubborn person. She only succumbs to the strong. Unless you are stronger than her, you can command her, otherwise, you have to be obedient."

"It's very Yingzhou style." Luo Qinghe said with a smile: "no matter she is cold or arrogant, as long as the strength is good!"

Then he turned to Ouyang Zhenhua and said, "this time, Ouyang's family has done a good job. After that, he Lianhe society will allocate more resources to Ouyang family to reward Ouyang family."

"Oh, thank you so much for president Luo!" Ouyang Zhenhua said with a happy smile, and then said: "come on, today I let my family prepare a banquet. Let's have a drink to celebrate the coming victory."



Qinglong commercial building.

Qinglong commercial building is established by the members of Qinglong club. It is a commercial building integrating shopping mall, entertainment and office.

The first to sixth floors of Qinglong commercial building are all large shopping malls, which contain daily necessities, services, accessories and some luxury accessories. Above the sixth floor, there are hotels and offices.

The office staff of the Qinglong chamber of commerce are all here. In addition to some of the hotels here are for external use, the rest are specially for some leaders and members of the Qinglong Association.

Jin Fenghuang lives in the hotel of Qinglong commercial building. At this time, she has become the first chair of Qinglong chamber of Commerce. Many staff members of the chamber of Commerce have also changed into their confidants, and the handover is smooth.

But the focus of Jin Fenghuang's work has not shifted. He still focuses on the development of the order of the Phoenix. Lin Feng and the Lin family help to take care of the green dragon club. Most of the time, she just makes a scene.

At this time, Jin Fenghuang was staying in the hotel of Qinglong chamber of Commerce. That night, she wanted to make an appointment with Lin Feng. Because of the change of Qinglong Association, she had been trying to calm down and have a good chat with Lin Feng.

Tomorrow is the day when Lin Feng and Ouyang's family duel. Jin Fenghuang is very worried. So today, he specially asked his subordinates to buy red wine and send them to his room. He plans to have a drink with Lin Feng in the evening and have a chat.

At night, after finishing the work, Jin Fenghuang went down to the hotel.

At this time, the room was full of fragrance. On the table beside the hotel bed, there were several bottles of corona and a bottle of good dry red wine.

There is also a plate of snacks, a plate of fruit and a plate of Western salami.

Another surprise of Golden Phoenix is that there is a candlestick on the table. Two red candles on the candlestick are very bright, and there is a big red rose beside the candlestick.

She didn't expect that manager Mu knew so much about romance and arranged so many things for her in advance.

However, she didn't seem to tell manager Mu that she was looking for Lin Feng to come over for a drink and chat?After seeing the romantic atmosphere in this room, the Golden Phoenix doesn't think about other things. Isn't that good?

She called manager Mu: "Hello, manager mu, thank you for your careful preparation."

Manager Mu said gently on the other end of the phone: "president, you're welcome. It's all for you. You're happy."

Jin Fenghuang suddenly felt that manager Mu's tone was strange. Manager Mu was an old employee of the Qinglong Association. He was responsible for the management of the grassroots staff of the Qinglong club. He had not made any mistakes in recent years, and he was conscientious.

Although he is an old employee, he is still in his early 30s. He is still unmarried. Jin Fenghuang thinks that he is honest and willing to work, so he doesn't change him.

What's more, he is very attentive to what the Golden Phoenix tells him, and this time is no exception.

It's just not the same as the old manager's voice!

"President, you are also very hard for the sake of the green dragon Association. I also made you health tea. Women should be nice to themselves. The health tea is in the cup on your table. Drink it if you are thirsty." Manager Mu said.

"Oh, how thoughtful you are The Golden Phoenix praised.

"President, you are polite to me again!" Manager Mu said.

"Oh, no, no, you work hard, I'll have a rest first!" Golden Phoenix finish saying, then hang up the phone.

She found that there was a small silver teapot on the table. She took it up and poured a cup of tea. After drinking it, it tasted good!

She called Lin Feng again. Lin Feng didn't answer. She sent a message to urge him. Then she sat on the sofa and drank tea while watching the news.

Just then, however, there was a knock at the door.

Jin Fenghuang walks over to see from cat's eye that it is manager mu.

When she opened the door, manager Mu glanced around, sneaked into the room like a thief and closed the door.

It's too late to stop Jin Fenghuang. She said angrily, "manager mu, what are you doing? It's so late. What's up? "

"Nothing, just miss you!" Manager Mu changed his old honest manner, and his eyes were full of obscenity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!