The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1061

However, Xia Tiao stopped Xu Shilong and said, "don't be angry. It's Xu Youming who beat people first. We don't need to use force to solve this problem, otherwise it will become the handle of others."

With that, he looked up diagonally.

There's a camera there.

Xu Shilong bit his teeth and asked his beater to return. If it wasn't Xia Tiao's reminder, he would have been really impulsive.

There are probes everywhere. It's not very good to abet people to fight in groups.

Xu Shilong took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. However, he said coldly: "Lin Feng, you beat my cousin. Sooner or later, I will settle with you. From today on, the Lin family will be removed from the Qinglong Association, and all the resources given to the Lin family by the green dragon Association will be recovered. Moreover, the Lin family will make compensation for the representative Lin Feng's beating! And make compensation for the support given by Qinglong for so many years! "

"How to compensate, I'll hear it!" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"Half of the Lin family's property should be owned by the Qinglong club. As compensation for the Qinglong club, the Lin family will invest 100 million yuan to compensate my cousin!" Xu Shilong Road.

"It's unreasonable." Lin Feng shook his head and chuckled.

This condition given by Xu Shilong is simply too far fetched. If we want to cut off half of the Lin family's property and compensate Xu Youming with 100 million yuan, isn't it funny?

Seeing that Lin Feng and Lin's family had no intention of compensation, Xu Shilong fiercely threatened to say, "you must agree to the conditions I mentioned today. If you don't agree, you should also agree!"

"You are such a bully Lin Feng said, "what if I don't agree?"

"If you don't agree, you and the Lin family will be like purgatory in the next days!" "I'm not joking with you. If you don't believe me, you'll know it!" Xu said

At this time, Lin Junlong's face was also a little difficult to hang. He knew that Xu Shilong really had great strength. If he really started a war, his Lin family had little chance of winning.

However, just when he wanted to stand up and say a few words, he heard Lin Feng say: "president Xu, since you say so, I really can't promise. I want to see who's life will be like purgatory!"

Xu Shilong and Lin Feng fought each other for ten seconds. Xu Shilong snorted coldly and took out the phone. It seemed that he had called a big man in Kyoto. He said, "brother, I'd like to trouble you today. Ask your people to check the territory of the Lin family for me. I'm in trouble with the Lin family. I'm going to seal his Lin family's assets!"

Xu Shilong said to the phone word by word, and then the more he said, the louder the voice, as if to let everyone hear the same.

"Yes, for whatever reason, all of them will be sealed up!" Xu Shilong said aloud.

Xia Tiao and others are very happy when they listen to them.

At this time, I don't know who sent the news to the meeting hall. Many members of the chamber of commerce also came here to see the excitement. Shangguanyun was also in the crowd. They had never seen Xu Shilong get so angry, and they directly said on the phone that they would seal up the Lin family.

This blatant operation is very frightening. Many members shiver and say that they should offend Lord Yan. Don't offend Xu Shilong. Even the Lin family dare to seal up this phone call. How strong is the strength behind it!

Lin Junlong and Lin Zhengwu's faces were white and red. The situation in front of them was completely out of control!

However, Lin Feng has been sitting on the sofa, calm, without a trace of expression on his face.

Just now, when Xu Shilong called, Lin Feng also took out his mobile phone, but he just sent a message.

After sending the message, Lin Feng has been sitting there, watching Xu Shilong call.

After a meal of operation, Xu Shilong hung up the phone and sat on the sofa.

Xia sulfur hastens to serve tea and pour water, persuading Xu Shilong to eliminate Qi.

Xu Shilong said to the people next to him: "take my cousin to the hospital first!"

But Xu Youming covered his stomach and said, "cousin, don't worry! I'm going to watch them die today. "

Xu Shilong turned his head and looked at Lin Junlong, and said with a high look: "Lin Junlong, you can't blame me. It's you who pretend to be too forced!"

Before Lin Junlong could speak, his mobile phone rang first.

Lin Junlong answered the phone and listened to the other end of the line: "Chairman, many entertainment places of our group have suddenly come to a lot of supervision, and the situation is not right!"

Lin Junlong's telephone voice is very loud. After hearing the voice inside, Xu Shilong looks arrogant with a cold smile. He looks like a general who won a great battle in the battlefield.

However, the next second, Lin Feng stood up and did not wait for Lin Junlong to say anything. He took Lin Junlong's mobile phone and said to it, "you tell those people that the Lin family won't check them easily and let them go as soon as possible, otherwise, they will have a lot to eat!"

As soon as he said this, the other end of the phone was startled. He asked, "who are you... Who are you?"

It's not Lin Junlong's voice.

Lin Feng said: "I am Lin Feng, you should do as I say!"Lin Junlong looked at the firm expression of Lin Feng's face, and he said to the mobile phone, "do as Lin Feng says!"

"Yes, chairman!" Then he hung up.

Lin took a deep breath. He felt that he was in a dilemma.

Although the Lin family is not afraid of investigation, but if the cause is bigger, there will always be such mistakes in some places. If the other party intends to seize you, finding any reason is enough to destroy you, so not letting the investigation be the most direct means of resistance.

However, the Lin family is just a business family, how can they have the right not to be investigated by the relevant departments?

He didn't understand what chess Lin Feng was playing, but now he had no way out. The situation had developed beyond his control.

Xu Shilong was laughing: "if you don't let me check, people won't check it? Is that ridiculous? Are you three years old? I'm afraid that the more we don't allow the investigation, the more strange it will be. The more fierce the investigation will be, right? Ha ha ha

Xia sulfur and others also laughed with the sound, and said that the Lin family was flustered!

However, at this time, Xu Shilong's phone rang.

As soon as Xu Shilong looked at the caller ID, he immediately picked up the phone and said, "elder brother, you are really efficient. I admire you...

but when it comes to this, Xu Shilong's face suddenly changes, and he frowns tightly into the phone and asks," ah? what? What's going on? "


At this time, Lin Junlong's phone also rang, Lin Junlong took the phone, the other end said: "Chairman, all the people who came to check have evacuated! At first, they heard that Lin Feng refused to let Cha, but after a few minutes, they were honest after receiving a phone call, and asked me to convey my apologies to Lin Feng and the Lin family! Then they all went away in dismay

"What? And that kind of thing? " Lin Junlong was holding the phone with a confused face.

However, he just glanced at Lin Feng. He found that Lin Feng was as carefree as if he had nothing to do with his legs up and singing songs.

In a flash, Lin Junlong seems to understand what! , the fastest update of the webnovel!